Ch.8 Humble Origins

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            As Erina entered the Nakiri's private viewing box with Hisako, she immediately noticed an elderly man seated inside. The rest of the plush chairs were empty.

"G-grandfather? I didn't expect to see you here..."

"Ah, Erina. Please join me." He gestured to the seat beside him. "Hisako, welcome, I trust that your studies are going well?"

"Yes, thank you for asking, Sir!" Hisako replied with an earnest bow, and both girls took their seats. Minor tension gripped the room, as the girls had not been expecting to share the room with the Dean of Totsuki. After a minute, he smiled and looked at his granddaughter.

"So, you've taken an interest in the new transfer student as well? Can't say that I'm surprised," he mused. Her face was flushed red.

"I-interest? I suppose that...wait, what do you mean?" The strangeness of the situation finally occurred to Erina; it wasn't like the Dean to take time out of his busy schedule for a Shokugeki. Today's matchup was intriguing enough...but surely he has better things to do?

"I'm sure you've questioned why THAT young man," he looked down at the stage, "has been accepted into our prestigious institution?" His ageless eyes sparkled with wisdom.

"I'd be lying if I said that the thought hadn't crossed my mind, however..."

"However, you've already had the privilege of tasting his cooking, haven't you? I can see it in your eyes, my dear granddaughter." Hisako's jaw dropped. What perception! This is the Gastric Godfather's hidden ability at work!

"Ah, you as well, Hisako?" He laughed. "I must confess, it wasn't chance that placed him in the same Cooking Theory class as you. I admitted him here, and even took the liberty of arranging his schedule."

"It was you? But how? I mean, why? I mean..." Erina fumbled her words.

"The paperwork was tedious of course, but it was a small price to pay, I think. As you know, I pride myself on finding rough stones and polishing them into diamonds. Its' the Totsuki modus operandi." Erina looked at Hisako. On their way to the luxury seats, Torrey's admittance to the institute had been the topic of discussion.

"How did he get in? What's his story?" Hisako had asked, believing that Erina knew more than she let on.

"It's beyond me. Perhaps his parents are alumni? Or well-connected in the world of cuisine?"

"I've never heard the name Waldenpond before..."

"Indeed, if they were major players, we'd already know of them."

"Haha!" The Dean pulled back a sleeve to read his watch. "Just in the nick of time. In my defense, I did say he was a rough stone." Hisako thought back to Erina's comments at the start of 2ndperiod. Any chef worth his weight in knives would show up at least ten minutes early...

"Wow, look at the new student go! He looks completely unfazed, even after the late entrance! He might actually have a shot at winning this thing..." Hisako shifted her focus to the stage. After several minutes of battling her thoughts, Erina finally gathered the courage to ask a question.

"So...uh...Grandfather. How exactly did you find this 'rough stone'?" Hisako noticed her blushing again. Miss Erina's too adorable when she's like this.

"Ah, yes. I'm sure you'd both be interested in hearing how this competitor here became your peer?" Erina and Hisako nodded simultaneously.

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