Ch. 21 Conferring with the Council

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             Storming through the halls of Totsuki, Erina Nakiri left her fellow students little choice but to dive out of harm's way. Had she been moving any faster, they wouldn't have had the chance to. She barreled into the council chambers, slamming the door wide open.

After entering the room, she finally stopped in front of the large wooden table that seated Totsuki's Council of Masters, hands on her hips, still clutching the slip of paper that had informed her of the meeting. Before speaking, she flipped her long, honey-blonde hair for dramatic effect.

"What is the meaning of this foolishness? My schedule is already booked for the day. Not one, but two restaurants have requested that I..."

"Just take a seat, Princess. This won't be long," said Etsuya Eizan (9th seat). His elbows were propped on the table, while his hands were supporting his chin. With eyes hidden behind glowing lenses, Eizan looked even more suspicious than usual. Erina scowled at him, looking very un-princess like.

"It better not be. I've got cupcakes in the oven," said Momo Akanegakubo (4th seat). She was clutching her favorite teddy, Butchy, and looking every bit as unhappy to be there as Erina.

"Two of which were promised to me, so I think it's in everyone's best interest that we wrap this thing up ASAP," said Rindo Kobayashi (2ndseat). Her feline grin always made it hard to tell if she was joking or not.

"Where's Kuga? Did someone forget to tell him about the meeting?" said Nene Kinokuni (6th seat). Her large glasses were glowing even brighter than Eizan's in the dimly lit chamber.

"Kuga's aware of the meeting, but once again he's chosen to ignore the summons," said Eizan.

"Motion to relieve him of his duties as a Student Council member. All in favor?" said Nene. She and Momo were the only ones raising their hands.

"There's no need to do anything so rash, I'm sure Kuga-Senpai has his reasons," said Satoshi Isshiki (7th seat). His friendly smile only increased the flame of Nene's anger.

"Of course you'd take his side," said Nene. "You two are the biggest slackers in the group."

"Please...everyone. Can't we just get along? The tension is making me queezy...I might not be able to cook tonight!" said Eishi Tsukasa (1st seat). Somehow the highest ranking member of the group was also the least imposing.

Each of the Council members had mastered their own style of cooking, but only a select few had mastered the art of getting along with their peers.

"Yes, let's. If for no other reason than to end this quickly," said Erina, growing increasingly impatient.

"Very well," said Eizan, rising from his seat at the head of the table. It belonged to Tsukasa, but he hated being at the center of attention. So he gave it to Eizan for today's meeting.

"By now I'm sure you're all familiar with the name Tormund Waldenpond? He's already defeated our little Momo here in an official Shokugeki, in front of nearly the entire student body."

"If you've got a point to make, spit it out already," said Momo, holding Butchy tightly. They each had matching veins on their foreheads that looked ready to pop.

"I should actually be thanking you, Momo. The odds against him were so great that I felt inclined to place a few wagers..." said Eizan.

"You bet AGAINST ME?!" said Momo.

"In all seriousness though, I find his success to be alarming. Especially considering that he also defeated the Princess here during the Baking Championships, in front of most of our students and a number of wealthy and influential guests. She didn't exactly save herself in that one, did she?"

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