In addition to her role as the 3rd seat on the Student Council, Momo Akanegakubo is Totsuki's finest patisserie, as well as its resident spokeswoman for all things cute. Which makes it almost hard to believe that she has a mean streak. A real mean streak. Torrey, who'd been fortunate enough to remain in her good graces during his time at the school, now found himself on the wrong end of this mean streak.It had taken Erina quite some time to recover from the water throwing incident (which will henceforth be referred to as 'Watergate'), and after some discussion with Hisako and a long, awkward walk back to campus, she finally forgave Torrey.
By the time Torrey returned to class, it was midway through 4th period. In other words, it was midway through Momo's lecture.
As soon as he entered the room, Torrey could feel her cold, green eyes boring into him. She paused her speech, mid-sentence, creating unbearable tension for all of the students who were now sitting at the edge of their seats. They watched with bated breath to see what kind of punishment Momo would dish out to her former prized pupil.
Everyone knew that Torrey was her favorite, and they also knew that this would afford him no special privileges. Momo reminded the students each and every day that this was HER classroom.
Finally, one bold student managed to cut the tension with a fit of laughter.
"Bwahahaha! You're in for it now, Kohai!"
Momo turned, focusing her vengeful aura towards Rindo, which was enough to silence her. Then she began slowly walking towards Torrey.
"Tor-myan...I'm disappointed in you," said Momo, shaking her head. "You're smarter than this. You DO know what happens to students who show up late to my class, don't you?"
"...Yes," said Torrey, trying to remember the faces of the last students who did so. They were rather insignificant to his story, but it was still sad to think about them. Suffice to say, they wouldn't be baking anything in the near future.
"Great, then I don't need to waste time explaining. Just take a seat for now, and listen closely while I finish up the lecture," said Momo, flashing a wide smile. Torrey had never been more afraid in his life.
She's either toying with me, or stalling until she can think of a good punishment.
The instructions had been to 'listen closely', but such a task was impossible for someone facing the unknown. As Momo continued to walk the class through her process, Torrey's mind ran through terrible possibility after terrible possibility of all the things Momo could do to make his life a living hell.
When he noticed movement around the room, he realized that she'd already dismissed everyone to their stations to begin the assignment.
Torrey jumped when he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.
"Easy there, Kohai. I'll do what I can to protect you, but even I have limits. If Momo's out for your blood, she'll get it," said Rindo.
"T-thanks, Rindo-Senpai," said Torrey, feeling a mix of relief and even more terror.
"Don't worry, this assignment's super easy. Just a basic blueberries n' cream roll cake. Leave it to me!" said Rindo, baring a bicep.
Torrey turned around slowly to find Momo standing just behind their station.

Waifu Wars: A Food Wars Fanfic
FanfictionWhen a new transfer student arrives at Totsuki, he has all of the ladies falling head over heels! Er, head over non-slip, kitchen-safe footwear? Armed with charm, an American accent, and a laid-back attitude, does he have what it takes to survive th...