Ch. 33 The Love Potion

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As the next morning's Central meeting came to a close, Torrey glanced at the lone clock in the room. Plenty of time for breakfast. He made a quick dash through the door.

            "Kohai! Where you headed?" asked Rindo, catching up to him in the hallway.

            "Figured I'd make something to eat before class," said Torrey.

            "And you weren't going to offer me any?"

            "I mean...sure. What are you in the mood for?"

            "Yes! This is what I love about you. I'm thinking...whoa, what's that?" Torrey noticed it too; a delightful aroma wafting down the hall. It tickled his nose, and left him giddy with excitement. Both Torrey and Rindo were captivated, and they proceeded to follow the scent without exchanging another word.

            After taking a few turns, they came across a small room hidden in the back of the building. Clouds of pink smoke were rising from underneath the door, and the smell was even more potent here. A cackling voice could be heard on the other side.

            "Muahahaha! The perfect concoction is nearly complete! All that's left is..."

            "Sounds like Nao," said Torrey. He'd recognize that cackle anywhere.

            "Sadatsuka?" asked Rindo.

            "The one and only."

            "Let's see what she's up to. That girl's a riot!"

            "You asked for it...Hey, Nao. It's me Torrey," he said, gently knocking on the door.

            "Come in, come in! Just in time for the grand finale!"

            Upon entering the room, Torrey saw exactly what he expected to. Nao Sadatsuka, garbed in a hooded black robe, standing over a smoking cauldron. He pretended not to notice the wall covered with Hisako pictures.

            "Smells great! Whatcha got in there?" asked Rindo.

            "I suppose there's no harm in's my super-secret love potion!"

            "Oh no. Don't tell me that you're planning to..." Torrey started.

            "Present this to my Mistress? No, that would be far too obvious. That's why I need your help, partner! It must have been fate that brought you to my door just now."

            "..." Torrey was speechless.

            "A love potion, huh? I've heard about those, but never thought to try one myself. What exactly is it?" asked Rindo.

            "It's a secret recipe that combines some of the most sensual ingredients- cinnamon, cacao, damiana, shatavari, vanilla, brandy, and a hint of honey. Oh, and most importantly, a strand of my hair!" Doesn't sound like much of a secret, thought Torrey.

            "That's an interesting combo!" said Rindo.

            "Rindo-Senpai, please don't encourage her. What's shatavari, though?"

            "It literally translates to "she who has 100 husbands" in Ayurvedic. It's a powdered herb that supports the reproductive system by balancing hormones," said Rindo.

            "Watch this!" said Nao, as she plucked a strand of dark hair and dropped it into the pot. The liquid instantly blackened, along with the smoke.

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