Ch. 90 If Looks Could Kill (Miyoko Hojo)

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After entering his old room for the first time in months, Torrey found it mostly empty. There were two things that Erina had left behind, however. One- the super comfy, upgraded bed. Yesss! Two- the complete Sailor Moon manga collection. There was also a note attached to the bookshelf.

To Whom It May Concern,

I've decided to leave my bed, since the old one was absolutely dreadful. You're welcome. Also, feel free to read the manga volumes if you get bored. Be sure to take good care of them, and try not to crease the corners. If you do end up reading them. But don't feel like you have to. It's not like I want you to or anything.


Erina Nakiri

"Bahaha!" Torrey can't help but laugh at the strange note. 

The rest of the weekend goes by far too quickly, and before Torrey knows it, it's Sunday evening. Neither he nor Soma seems to care about getting a good night's sleep, because at 1am they're still cooking away in the kitchen.

"Hey, we should have an official Shokugeki tomorrow!" says Soma.

"On the first day? Why don't we save it for Friday or something," Torrey suggests.

"Why Friday?"

"So people can spend the week getting hyped for it!"

"Oho! Not a bad idea. Don't tell me you're already missing the spotlight, though?"

"I'm not too worried about that. Once I beat the new First Seat in front of the whole school..."

Soma slams a metal mixing bowl down onto the countertop.

"If you keep talking like that, there's no way I'll be able to wait till Friday! How about we have an unofficial match, right now, just to hold us over?"

"You sound like a junkie. We've already had like 5 'unofficial matches', and I just got here yesterday!"

"Hey, there are way worse things you could be addicted to than friendly competition!"

"True. Unfortunately, we won't be able to find any judges. Everyone else went to bed hours ago."

"Whoa! I didn't even notice the time. I guess we should call it a night, too..." says Soma, glancing at the clock.

"What about the souffles we just put in the oven?"

"Okay, we wait for the souffles to finish. THEN we call it a night!"

About thirty minutes later, Torrey finally hits the light switch on his way out of the kitchen, with a belly full of decadent chocolate soufflé and crème anglaise.

Completely exhausted by the time he reaches his room, Torrey forgets to set his alarm. It feels like he's just beginning to drift off to sleep, when he hears a knock at his door.

"Umm...Torrey? We should probably get going if we want to make it on time..." says Megumi.

"Aaagh! I way overslept! Okay, I'll be ready in a minute!" says Torrey, flying out of bed and putting on his Totsuki uniform as quickly as possible. White shirt, red tie, blue pants, blue jacket...and no pin.

After Torrey steps outside the room, Megumi tilts her head, giving him a curious look.

"Tehe, here. Let me help," she says, taking a few steps closer to Torrey in order to adjust his shirt collar and straighten his tie. When she's done, she makes eye contact with him for a moment, before blushing and looking away in embarrassment.

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