After school let out, Torrey rushed back to Polaris to pack his things. It wasn't that he was excited to go; the opposite, in fact. He simply wanted to avoid the awkward good-byes. When he arrived, he noticed the sleek black car parked outside. A man in a suit, shades, and a cap sat in the driver's seat.
Since he hadn't brought much with him when he moved to Japan, it didn't take Torrey long to gather his things. Two suitcases, a backpack, a box for books, and a box for other misc. items.
He'd already loaded most of this into the car, when Torrey saw a familiar flash of fuchsia from the corner of his eye. He looked up and met the gaze of Ryoko Sakaki. She offered him a bittersweet smile.
"You sure don't waste any time," she said.
"Last night was as good of a send-off as I could have hoped for. I'm not big on good-byes..."
"That's understandable. Like you said, it's not as if you're leaving Totsuki anyways."
"Right. I'll probably see you at...wait, you're never with the rest of the gang at lunch, are you?"
"Asking a lady to reveal her secrets? I didn't figure you for the 'poor etiquette' type..."
"Woah! Sorry, I didn't mean..."
"I'm only teasing. If you'd like, maybe you can join me for lunch tomorrow."
"Sounds great. It's a date! Err, not like a date date, just..."
"Just what? Is the idea of going on a date with me that revolting?" As she averted her eyes, Ryoko was tapping her feet nervously.
"I didn't...uh, that's not...of course it wouldn't..."
"It's so easy to get you flustered!" she said, breaking into another smile. "I'm going to miss having you around the dorm. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow." She leaned in and kissed Torrey on the cheek, before disappearing into the building. He reached up with his hand and felt the spot where her lips had touched.
Torrey climbed into the car and thanked the driver. He was informed that it would only be a short drive to the apartment complex, which was located just outside the main campus entrance. He watched the familiar sights fly by from the back seat, with a much different perspective.
The one-bedroom apartment was brand new, with marbled countertops and freshly polished hardwood flooring. State of the art cooking appliances already lined the lavish kitchen, and the pantry and fridge were well-stocked with various ingredients. A plush sofa sat in the common area, facing a wall-mounted LED plasma screen TV. Wow, leave it to wonder there aren't many students at Polaris.
After helping him unload his things, the driver handed Torrey a business card. It read: Daisuke Sasaki: CGO Utility-man, and included a number.
"Every apartment comes equipped with the bare essentials. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call. Azami goes above and beyond to ensure that all of his most promising students are taken care of." Only the most promising, eh?
"Thanks, I'm sure this will be enough to get me started."
When the suit left, Torrey checked out his master bedroom. It was nearly twice the size of his room at Polaris, and the bed looked twice as comfy. There was more closet space than he could ever possibly need, and the bathroom had a full spa AND a shower. By comparison, there was one bathroom on each FLOOR of Polaris, and guys and girls had to share with designated bathing times for each.

Waifu Wars: A Food Wars Fanfic
FanfictionWhen a new transfer student arrives at Totsuki, he has all of the ladies falling head over heels! Er, head over non-slip, kitchen-safe footwear? Armed with charm, an American accent, and a laid-back attitude, does he have what it takes to survive th...