"Megumi." When she turned to face him, Torrey was staring deeply into her eyes.
"Thank you."
"W-what for?"
"For getting me to class on time. This is a first for me!"
"Oh! Right...haha. It was nuthin'." EEEP! Her eyes became monstrous white orbs, as if she'd seen a ghost. She covered her mouth, but was unable to contain her embarrassment.
"Hey! I didn't know you had an accent."
"Nope...I don't know what yer talkin bout'. Oh gosh!" Torrey gave a good chuckle.
"There it is again! Sorry, I didn't mean to poke fun. It just surprised me, is all."
"R-really? You mean it? You ain't teasin'?"
"Of course! Why would I make fun of your accent? It's actually adorable." The butterflies that were already in her chest now fluttered boldly about.
"Y-y-ya think so?" The nervous stuttering formed a deadly duo with the country twang. Torrey could barely handle it.
"If you don't stop, I might start pinching your cheeks and talking wike dis in a wittle cutesy voice." EEEP! Her cheeks were now pinker than a periwinkle, and she had to turn away.
"Hehe, sorry I guess I couldn't help teasing a little. But I am curious- why do you try to hide it? That must be hard."
"It's really embarrassing for me." As the accent faded away, her cheeks assumed their usual color. "I grew up in a little fishing village, but everyone here seems to be from big cities and wealthy families. I don't want them to think I'm just some country bumpkin...it doesn't help that I scored last..." she trailed off.
"Scored last...?" Torrey repeated, but Megumi was lost in her own world of failed exams and botched assignments. She was trying to cook again without any real utensils or ingredients.
"Hey, Megumi." It was useless, her focus was entirely on the "dish".
"ME-GU-MI." Remembering how Ryoko handled this at lunch, Torrey took Megumi's hands and placed them back on the table. She finally looked up; was the spell broken? Torrey felt bad when she blushed again. He touched my hands! Oh goodness, I can't even... Her nervous state reached a new height. The cooking motions had seemed somewhat natural, but now she just flailed her hands around with her eyes closed.
"Whoa! Hey I know...you said you were embarrassed about your accent right? What if I told you something that I'm embarrassed about...like my real name?"
"Y-you mean...Torrey's not your real name?"
"Well not exactly..." Ring Ring Ring. The instructor stood up from her desk as the second bell cut off Torrey's spiel.
"Welcome class! I see we have a new face in here today. Could this be our new transfer student, Tormund Waldenpond?" Torrey gave Megumi a grin, which cheered her up at once.
"Yes, that's me." Every student in the class was struggling to hold back laughter, even Megumi. Unfortunately for her, because of Torrey's intro, the instructor was focused on the pair.
"Miss Tadokoro! That is no way to introduce a new student to our class! I might have expected this from the others, but not from you." She shook her head, and now Megumi was the only one who WASN'T laughing.

Waifu Wars: A Food Wars Fanfic
FanficWhen a new transfer student arrives at Totsuki, he has all of the ladies falling head over heels! Er, head over non-slip, kitchen-safe footwear? Armed with charm, an American accent, and a laid-back attitude, does he have what it takes to survive th...