Torrey arrives at his third period classroom and immediately starts scanning the sea of faces. The late bell will be ringing any moment; if SHE's not here by now, she's probably in a different class. At this point, it doesn't make much of a difference whether she's here or not. She's already in Torrey's head.
After the initial inspection turns up nothing, Torrey starts walking in between the tables to check underneath them. Some of the guys in class are giving him strange looks. The girls, however, are amused.
"H-hey Torrey..."
"Want some help?"
"Found me! Tehehe."
He pays them no attention, convinced that Miyoko Hojo is hiding somewhere in the room. She isn't under any of the tables, so Torrey moves to the cupboards in the back of the room. Still nothing. He opens the fridge. He rifles through the drawers. Nothing.
"Hmm..." he says, tapping his foot anxiously. The late bell rang a minute ago, and he didn't even notice.
"Uhh...are you looking for anything in particular?" says Ikumi Mito, turning around in her back row seat to look at Torrey with raised eyebrows. Her sharp green eyes regard him with concern.
"Oh, hey Ikumi. Didn't see you there," says Torrey, finally coming back to Earth.
"I called out to you a few times..." says Ikumi, frowning slightly.
This is one of those moments that reinforces her belief that Torrey doesn't pay as much attention to her as the other girls.
"So did I," says Soma, sitting next to her at the table.
"Sorry, I'm a little distracted right now. You haven't seen Hojo around, by any chance? I'll bet she's in here, hiding until I let my guard down. Just when I start to relax...WHAM! SLAM DUNK!" says Torrey.
"Wow, she's really getting to you, huh?" says Ikumi. Word travels fast around Totsuki, especially after the scene with Erina at lunch. Everyone knows about the new rivalry between Torrey and Hojo, and their match on Friday.
"That woman is the devil. Wait, don't tell her I said that. Since the devil is usually depicted as a man, she might take it as a weird compliment or a sign of progress for the women's movement or something."
"I don't even talk to Hojo," Ikumi points out.
"Oh, right. I got it! A succubus! She's not a devil, she's a succubus!"
"Don't they usually try to seduce men? That sounds like the opposite of Hojo," says Ikumi. There's no way that she's into Torrey. Is there? Ikumi wonders.
"You're right. Aargh! She's driving me crazy!"
Ikumi sighs, then proceeds to rise slowly from her seat. She casually strolls over to Torrey and slaps him across the face. KAPOW!
"Oww," he says, rubbing his cheek. "That really hurt."
"Snap out of it, dude! She's just another girl," says Ikumi.
"You're right...I guess I needed that. Thanks," says Torrey, now able to really look into her eyes. Fiery, and full of passion.
"W-what's gotten into you? G-geez, don't look at me like that," says Ikumi, suddenly red and unable to meet Torrey's gaze.

Waifu Wars: A Food Wars Fanfic
FanfictionWhen a new transfer student arrives at Totsuki, he has all of the ladies falling head over heels! Er, head over non-slip, kitchen-safe footwear? Armed with charm, an American accent, and a laid-back attitude, does he have what it takes to survive th...