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Sebastian's POV

" Darn!!!" I cursed under my breath as I looked at the senseless girl in front of me. I sighed and stood up. Moved away from her to call the doctor. I called the headquarter to send the medical help immediately. I cut the call and opened her hands and legs.

" Darn!!! Who tied this tightly!!" I said in frustration. This could stop her blood circulation. I immediately opened them and rubbed her wrists and ankles cause they were seriously so cold and got marks on them. I tried to wake her up. But it didn't work.

I saw how her eyes showed the pure terror before they were closed like she was the innocent soul here who was captured by a monster like me.

Well, you are no better than that. Just think once and you will get a better idea about it. My brain mocked and I ran my fingers through my hair. My brain was right. I am worse than a monster I think. But damn!!! This girl is trying to make me weak and create sympathy for her which I never did.

She is no better either. I said to my brain.

Really!! How do you know that, Seb? You have no clear idea about this. My brain mocked again.

It's my duty and I have to fulfill it. I can't do anything with it. I said in my mind.

But what if she is really innocent?! My brain said.

I looked back at her who was really looking like an innocent angel in devil's territory. Her long brown hair was messy now, had cuts on her forehead and on the corner of her lower lips, marks on her cheeks which were too visible for her glowing Snow-white like skin and several cuts and scratches on her arms and legs still managed to look extremely beautiful and innocent while closing her beautiful hazel blue eyes. I shook my head.

Darn!!! Darn!!! Darn!!!! What am I doing?!! Why am I thinking like this!!! She is a criminal, Seb. Just keep that stupid heart of yours away from this place. It's your job. Don't think rubbish. You have to do what you need to do with her. You have to interrogate her. You need to do this. You can't back out. You have to do your duty. You can't back off.

May be she is acting innocent. After all it's a serious issue. May be they trained her to act innocent. There were too many cases where we have seen this. But why the hell it's seeming wrong to me!! Why the hell I am not able to do this!!! I need to concentrate. Need to calm down. But at first I need to go out of this place and take a break to pull myself out of this unknown soft feelings from my heart that was trying to save her from the tortures that was going to come to her if she keeps pretending being innocent here.

I heard the door opened and the medical team entered. The last person entered the room was Captain Damien Martinez who the senior doctor of Navy.

" Good to see you, Man." He said and we shook hand.

" I can say the same." I said chuckling.

" Back to work?" He asked me.

" Vacation never attracted me that much." I said to him.

" Yeah. It's seems like that." He said chuckling. " Saw Brielle upstairs. She might be searching for you." He said.

" Oh, she is back?" I asked him.

" I don't know. May be." He said. "What happened here? What's with the girl?" He said walking towards the girl. The medical team already started to work.

" Got senseless." I said looking at her.

" That much to take for her?" He asked. " Oh, of course, Sebastian Wittgenstein doesn't show any mercy to the suspects." He said.

" I haven't even started to interrogate her." I said to him.

" Got scared seeing you only?" He asked me.

" Linda was interrogating her before I came here." I said.

" God!!! Let me check first." He walked towards the girl.

" What's wrong?" I asked him.

" You don't know you were out these days. Linda has become so violent these days. She already killed 3 while interrogating. I am afraid this girl might be the 4th one. I think we should send Linda to mental asylum." He said and I looked at him weirdly. No one informed me.

" Keep her away from this matter. Or else she will kill this girl too." He said to me.

" Captain!!!" One of the doctors from the team called him.

" Yes?" He walked towards her.

" Severe dehydrated, blood pressure very low, internally wounded. I think we should transfer her to the hospital at once. Otherwise she might not be able to make it." He informed Damien and Damien looked at me. Then turned to his team. I tried to keep calm though I was shocked. They are highly trained. Aren't they!!! How can she be so weak?!

" Then what are you waiting for? Go arrange that." Damien said and I sighed.

" Keep an eye on her. I will be there in the evening. Just inform me if she is alive till then." I said. I know I was very rude but I was trying so hard to pull myself out of that feeling I shouldn't feel for her. I shouldn't show her any sympathy. Not an ounce.

" We will take care of her, Seb. We we only inform you when she gets well soon. But if she doesn't make it then we won't waste your time informing you." He said very rudely. I sighed. Thinking about her not making it up didn't make me feel good but I pushed it away forcefully.

" Alright." I said and came out of the basement. Officers around stopped and greeted me. I just nodded.

" Seb!!!" I heard a squeal. I turned and sighed as saw Brielle running towards me. Then she jumped on me. I sighed and hugged her back.

" How are you, Chimpanzee?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am good. When have you come?" She asked me.

" A few hours back. Heard that lady Wittgenstein is sick." She said. " So, came to irritate her more." She said and I chuckled. I know she will never admit but she was worried about her.

" Yes, but now she is fine." I said to her.

" Yeah, met her. Why is she scared? Doesn't she know that evils don't die early?" She said. I sighed.

" Where were you till now?" I asked her.

" Was irritating the old man." She said about grandpa.

" He scolded you?" I asked her.

" A bit. But I too know all his Secrets. If I open them he will be doomed." She said and I shook my head.

This girl is still childish. I wonder how can she be like this all the time!!! Can't help it. I have a crazy cousin. I ruffled her hair. She slapped my hand away glaring at me.

" Have you met mom?" I asked her.

" No, was waiting for you. Let's go now." She tugged herself with me and pulled me with her. We came out of the headquarter. " By the way what were you doing?" She asked me.

" Was getting confused." I said to her remembering about the girl.

" What?!!" She asked me.

" Nothing. Let's go." I said to her.

It was really confusing what was happening to me. I sighed. I think I need a break.

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