Dinner date

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There's something exciting about doing things in hiding, even though every night when all the noise and excitement had died down and the only thing too loud was the beating of his heart,

his subconscious would put him in a court stand with a gavel on its hand and judge what society would define as insubordination but Skylar's heart and soul stood at the side-lines and cheer on top of their lungs, for once he was happy as scary as everything was, he was truly happy.

Before he drifted off to sweet slumber,  he'd let himself visit the events of the day, cloudy grey eyes boring into his ocean blue ones, encaged in the comfortable arms of his best friend... That word alone scared him more than the idea of going to hell that his Father so often preached about on Sundays, he pushed all the scary thoughts at the back of his mind, now was not the time to worry, he told himself as he again let himself revisit everything that had happened that day.

From the peppermint breath fanning his lips, to the supple fingers that had caressed his body sending beautiful shivers down his spine. Japan was with no doubt good at everything he did, Skylar closed his eyes as a picture of Japan's plumbed lips moved in perfect sync with his, savouring every taste they could find. He tasted like cotton candy, soft, sweet and delicious all at once, never had he ever imagined kissing a boy would feel like eating five pocket of cotton candy, Of course at the end of it he had cursed his best friend to hell and back and walked away pretending disgust.
The next morning Skylar peered the bed cover off of him and stretched himself to rid any sleep that was still left in his limbs. Today Japan was coming over for dinner, Skylars parents adored Japan and had invited him over,  hes a good boy who loves the lord his mother had said. Japan was a good boy, pious at that but for some reasons he found himself attracted to boys... One boy in particular, Skylar. Skylar found himself smiling at the idea of being the boy Japan felt this way towards but as quickly as his smile had come he wiped it off of his face. Skylar walked into his bathroom ridding himself off every garments on his body, stepping in the shower.  The water was warm and relaxing especially for an unpredictable day like today.

He was excited to spend time with his best friend but frightened given the situation.

Drying himself off, Skylar wore a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt, walking into the kitchen his mother was preparing breakfast for him and his father  was nowhere in sight.

Good morning Sky, how did you sleep? his mother asked, she was a happy soul and he knew without doubt that his mother loved him dearly but would she still do if he started dating boys, the topic of dating was the one not to tread on with his parents, it wasnt expected of Skylar to fall in love, at least not at such a young age, he was twenty years but still believed to be very young. I slept well mom, thanks he replied avoiding to meet his mothers eyes, guilty, he felt guilty for having been kissed by Japan the previous day, nobody knows his subconscious told him but still.

The day went by faster than Skylar had hoped. At exactly Six oclock the bell rang, Skylar reluctantly dragged himself to the door. Japan stood with a backpack slung over his left shoulder, his biceps prominent in his navy t-shirt, he made caring a backpack look cool, sexy even.

Their eyes met for a brief moment and Skylar let his linger on Japans luscious lips for a good ten seconds before letting the boy in.
Japan greeted Mr and Mrs Miller, he had brought chocolate for Skylars mom of which made Mrs Miller love the blonde haired boy even more.

After the table was set everyone took places on their respected seats with Skylar seated opposite the blonde haired boy, with everybodys heads bowed down Mr Miller recited the social grace. Skylar peered his eyes to steal a glace at Japan only to be met with cloudy grey eyes, a ghost of a smile played on the boys lips making Skylars cheeks turn a light shade of red. Lord I pray for all the gays and lesbians, help them find the way, in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit amen

Skylar found himself fighting the edge to roll his eyes at the words of his fathers prayer. At the end of the prayer food was served, while his parents and Japan discussed the book of St Luke, Skylars mind was reeling with questions, his heart thrumming hard against his rib cage as if threatening to come out, he tried to act unaffected by his friend who occasionally bite his lower lip with his eyes sizing him seductively. Skylar twirled around the spaghetti bolognaise with a fork, all appetite lost. what do you think Sky? he hadnt heard the question, his heart loud in his ears, it was not the question that had his heart racing but the voice that had spoke the words, he replied with a simple I dont know trying to sound as nonchalant as he can, suddenly finding the spaghetti on his plate more fascinating than fervour.

Mrs Miller had volunteered to do the dishes, perhaps she too felt the tension between her Son and his friend. Like they always did Skylar and Japan were to share a room, after they said their good nights to the parents they disappeared up stairs.

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