Dad and hickeys

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when they got home Japan’s dad was watching TV with a big pocket of chips by his side. “ dad” said Japan claiming the seat opposite his father, Skylar muttered a quite hello and sat next to Japan on the couch.

“ hi boys, where were you? “ asked Tom with his eyes still glued on the TV, the boys shared a quick glance before Japan replied “ at the Aquarium and we grabbed dinner afterwards “

this was getting a bit too awkward for Japan “ where’s everyone? “ asked Skylar trying to change the topic

“ mom’s working and Tokyo...  I have no idea”

  “ Jay Ain’t you and Tokyo suppose to have this twin connection thingy, that enables you to know where he is”

both Tom And Skylar laughed “ ha-ha very funny Trevor  Noah “ not finding the joke funny at all.

“ what’s that on your neck? Asked Tom pointing at his son’s neck , Skylar looked were Tom was pointing and saw a bright big red hickey and almost chocked on oxygen.

“probably some skin irritation “ said Japan not meeting his father’s eyes, “ let me look at it”

“ no! dad,I'm not seven, It’s probably nothing don’t worry about it  “

“ just let me see it, I’m  a doctor remember? “ insisted Tom.

“uh... you know what guys I’m going to go to the kitchen and whip us something to eat real quick “ said Skylar awkwardly standing up he was not even hungry he just wanted to destruct Tom

“ Jay...  come help me”

“ why me, ask dad” said Japan clearly not seeing the rescue mission his boyfriend was pulling up for him.

Skylar had to literally drag him to the kitchen “stupid “ muttered Skylar under his breath.

“When did you give me this? “ said Japan in a hush voice, pointing at the hickey, Skylar blushed and shrugged his shoulders

“ we’ll discuss this up stairs “ Skylar wanted to laugh at how serious Japan sounded over a hickey discussion.

They made pasta and mice which was ready in a few minutes. They sat on the table and had their second dinner with dad, who was constantly nagging Japan about the hickey, half way through their dinner the door handle turned, opening the door letting in a grinning Tokyo.

“ Family “ he chipped  walking over to the table

“ oh look it’s my long lost son “ mocked his father.

“don’t worry dad I’m back, everything will be fine “

Tom eyed him and said “ oh don’t get it twisted I was not worried “

Skylar and Japan laughed, Tokyo took a seat next to his father grabbing a plate and helped himself to the pasta

“Tokyo! Not you too! “

Tokyo puzzled looked at his dad while Japan and Skylar looked at him

“ what? “ asked Tokyo with a confused look on his face

clueless to what was his father was talking about

“ the red thing on your neck “ Japan stood up and started to clear the table, 

“ probably some skin irritation or something... Wait why did you say that who else has it?  “ 

“ don’t change the topic Tokyo “ said Tom

“dad I don’t know what it is” Tokyo turned his attention back to the food

“ Are your girlfriends dominant or something “

“more like boyfriends “ muttered Japan under his breath, Skylar gave him a look.

Tokyo laughed it away and changed the topic, telling them about his day.

After doing the dishes Skylar and Japan joined Tokyo and Tom who were watching some random show on TV, “Are we really watching this shit? “ asked Tokyo his father gave him a glare

“ dad no, don’t glare at me,  I’m 19, I’ll be moving out of your house soon, we all know I am a man”

Tom laughed “ if you still leave in my house, eating my food getting my allowance and calling me dad than boy you’re never a man”

Tokyo looked at him, than to his twin brother than back to his father

“ okay first the dad part is for life so it’s irrelevant and secondly Japan please tell the man”

he said dramatically, Skylar ached his brow and looked at Japan

“ I can’t wait to hear what he’s going to say”

Japan playfully punched him and said “ sadly dad for once I agree with him,  we’re grown ass man, it’s a shame were still even living with you and as for the language when were not around you we say all kinds of swear words so what’s the point”

“ Mm yet you go to church every Sunday”

said Skylar Japan looked at his boyfriend and rolled his eyes

“ Skylar who’s side are you on anyway huh? "

  “ my mother told me to never meddle in other peoples family affairs but if I were to speak... “

Tokyo threw his hands in the air and let them fall and opened his mouth to speak but Skylar spoke first

“ I understand where your dad is coming from like... His sons both have hickeys...I mean really? “

Japan punched him hard on the arm before he could finish his sentence

“ okay first that is off topic and dude which side are you on? I don’t know Jay, but I feel like since he’s your friend he should be on our side but there he goes going completely off topic, like what’s wrong with you dude”

Tom laughed and said “ Maybe Skylar you can tell me about the hickeys since neither of them want to and I don’t know... you’re all close....”

Skylar could feel his cheeks getting hot he took that as a sign for him to leave “ I don’t know Mr Drift... I don’t want to snitch”

said Skylar getting up, going up the stairs he heard Tom say Mr, he almost slapped himself in the face for bringing the hickey topic up, but he couldn’t help himself but wonder where  Tokyo got his, he has never heard him say anything about a girl or a guy except Jason the friend they went with to the mall.

He went over to the charger where he had left his phone charging and saw a missed call from his mom and noticed she had left him a message he listened to the voice message

hi, honey I was checking up on you since you don’t reply to any of my messages on Facebook, say hi to everyone for me and good night “ and there was a beep at the end.

Skylar couldn’t help but laugh, his mother had Facebook he doesn’t even like social media why would she text her there, he thought to himself, for a second he was scared that his mom would ask about what she saw the last time he was home.

He knew she wouldn't ask anytime soon but was afraid that day will come. He had no idea how he'll break the news to her, let alone his father who was as homophobic as they come. He let these terrifying thoughts sit at the back of his mind.

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