Over reactions and love

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Skylar still on his phone the door opened and Japan’s blond hair came into view, he gave Skylar a mischievous grin and locked the door and slowly made his way to Skylar who was now looking at his boyfriend with fear

“why are you grinning like that? “ asked Skylar but Japan spoke no word instead he tackled Skylar falling on the bed and tickled him

Skylar laughed until his laugh had no sound he apologized to Japan who was pinning him to the bed, Japan stopped tickling him and looked at him, his eyes full of affection and love for the blue eyed boy

"now you’ll have to fix this mess you’ve caused here” said Japan his voice low and breathy, Skylar looked were Japan was pointing and saw a proud bulge in his sweatpants and said horn dog while dodging his eyes

“ what did you call me? “ asked Japan playfully moving his fingers towards Skylar’s ribs, and Skylar just started laughing before he even touched him, Japan tickled him anyway

“ I’m sorry Jay” said Skylar in between feet’s of laughter

“you have to say something sweeter than that “

Skylar tried to speak but he kept chocking on laughs, he finally chocked something out

“ I’m.-ha-ha- sorry-ha – baby” Japan stopped and let him breath

“say that again,” Skylar looked at him in the eye “I said I’m sorry baby”

Japan smiled and blushed at the same time “ sweet enough? “ asked Skylar, Japan didn’t answer instead he kissed him, slowly and gently his lips tasted the other boy's  he broke the kiss and said 

“the sweetest” and claimed Skylar’s scarlet lips in his own,, he could hear his lovers heart beat loud,  he wondered if it was the kiss or the tickling that made it beat so fast.

Skylar’s hands grabbed the other boy's hips bringing them closer to his own, Skylar felt Japan’s bulge press against his thigh, this fuelled him even more, the kiss moved from soft and gentle to passionate and rushed.

Skylar could feel the blood rush down his body, he let out a sound that sounded like Japan’s name but said in a moan and Japan introduced his tongue to the kiss, exploring, tasting and claiming all of Skylar.

Skylar was far gone when  suddenly Japan stopped the sweet assault and looked at Skylar still hovering over him

“ we need to get some sleep “ he got off of Skylar, for few seconds Skylar couldn’t move, he felt as though he was nailed to the bed, he turned his head and saw Japan disappearing into the bathroom and frowned.

He looked at the bulge that had formed between his legs and sighed, he got off bed and changed the clothes he was wearing for more comfortable one’s and climbed back to bed, he couldn’t understand why Japan had suddenly stopped while he was the one who initiated it, he wondered if he did anything wrong or maybe Japan was tired of foreplay he wanted more.

The thought caused Skylar’s heart to beat faster, Skylar had never thought about it until now the idea of making love with Japan, it terrified him, if Japan was thinking about it than why didn’t he just ask him, these questions started frustrating Sky, he heard Japan’s foot steps as he entered the room.

He pretended to be sleeping, he heard him going into the closet and when he came out “ Sky are you asleep? “ but Skylar dared say a word, he didn’t even move, Japan turned off the lights and got in bed, Skylar felt him scouting closer to him but still didn’t move

“ you’re not asleep are you? “

silence, Japan chuckled “ you’re not good at this Sky” instead of opening his eyes Skylar made a sleepy noise as if he was trying to speak in his sleep 

“Are you mad at me? “ Still no word came out of Skylar’s mouth and Japan was starting to believe he was asleep even though he knew Skylar wasn’t a fast sleeper but thought about their adventurous day and considered that possibility of Skylar falling asleep early.

“You want sex don’t you? “
asked Skylar in a sad low voice, Japan was taken off guard by Skylar’s question

“ what? What makes you think I do? “asked Japan puzzled by Skylar's out if the blue question.

“why did you just stop? “ He asked again with his back still facing Japan.

“ Sky, this is what all of this is about, because I stopped our make out session? “ Skylar was quiet not a single word from him.

Japan took that as a yes “ I stopped because ever since we started being together, we’ve been all over each other and I just want us to cuddle and talk and annoy the hell out of each other "

"So  you thought just get off of me to shower was a smart move? do you know how unattractive I feel right now ? “ Skylar turned finally finding the courage to face Japan.

Japan felt his heart break, he was completely unaware that Sky felt that way, he placed his hand on the other boys' cheek and looked him in the eye, a small smile threatening to break free in his face and in a gentle tone said to Sky “ baby, you’re the most attractive and irresistable guy I know, you know I can’t get enough of you and we haven’t even made love yet, I am so sorry I made you feel that way... “ he kissed his temple

“look at me baby, I am an idiot you know that but I love you so much it’s insane, please don't be mad at me” Skylar felt himself blush, just the way he called him made Skylar blush even more, he kissed his boyfriends' soft lips he was still too embarrassed to say anything

“About sex, we’re in no rush Sky, we know each other as friends, I want us to try and know each other as a couple and just let everything flow, yeah? “ Skylar smile and nod his head, he still couldn’t believe they went from best friends to lovers not to mention they are both guys.

“i like you calling me baby, it rolls off your tongue nicely, I can really get used to it “

Japan chuckled “ hold it tiger, baby steps” they both laughed.

“were going back to school in three days " said Japan kissing Skylar's temple who had his head on his boyfriend's buffy chest that was heaving steadily back and forth due to his breathing.

"I'm not looking forward to that especially if I get a re-exam" said Skylar looking up to meet Japan’s grey eyes

"You're not going to re-exam but I might, crop production killed me " he laughed more to himself, Japan was an Agricultural economics student, he never had any interest in agriculture growing up but towards his last high school year he fell in love with agricultural economics so often his family made fun of his career path but he was in love with it.

"You're the smartest person I know Japan plus you work hard, what more can life want from you? " said Skylar looking at Japan lovingly.

" besides I have something exciting coming up" continued Skylar suddenly sitting up.

Japan looked at him with an inquisitive brow " what's that? "
Skylar rolled his eyes " my birthday dummy "

Japan's eyes lit up with excitement and some mischief Skylar didn't understand.

"I almost forgot about it, my baby is growing " finished Japan in a sing song voice.
Skylar laughed and slumped back to bed.

"And I hope it rains all day long "

Skylar looked at Japan not understanding why he was hoping for rain on his birthday.

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