Meeting his family

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Lee had just finished preparing dinner, Skylar had offered to help her set the table.

Tom was watching TV with his boys, Tokyo was on his phone but look like he wasn't really doing anything except just starring at the screen, Japan on the other hand was starring blankly at the TV, his mind miles away.

The door bell rang and Tokyo sprinted to get it, he had been waiting for Jason for what felt like ages.

Jason was wearing black jeans with a white shirt and Tokyo thought he looked dashing in them.

Meeting his boyfriend at the door, Tokyo didn't know whether to hug him or just let him in with a quick 'welcome ' but Jason seemed to know what to do when he leaned in kissing Tokyo on the cheek of which caused Tokyo to blush furiously.

Jason had been in the Drift's resident before but there was something about it tonight, something that caused knots in his stomach, he thought perhaps it's the smell of a home cooked meal, or maybe the people who were starring at him, scanning him under their curious eyes.

"Mr&Mrs Drift thank you so much for having me for dinner " said Jason nervously extending his hand to greet the parents.

Tom nodded while Lee smiled and said "well now that you've arrived can we all sit and enjoy dinner " motioning for the table.

Tom sat at the head of the table, opposite his wife who was on the other end of it, Japan and Skylar sat next to one another opposite Tokyo and Jason.

They all held hands while Tom said grace, " Lord we thank you for the amazing meal we're about to have, bless the hands that made it and thank you for the family you've blessed us with, Amen. "

A small smile played on Skylar's lips, he allowed himself to look at the couple sitting opposite him, he could see how nervous they both were and how good they looked together.

Jason compliment Tokyo perfectly, while Tokyo had sandy blond hair, Jason had jet black hair, Jason was around 6'2 while Tokyo was 5'6 and both had grey eyes.

It was funny seeing Tokyo nervous for a change given he was the one always telling stories and making jokes on everyone in the house.

"So Jason tell us a little bit about yourself? " said Lee trying to make the table less threatening and silent.

Jason first cleared his throat something he did when he was uncomfortable, if anything Jason distaste talking about himself, Tokyo secretly squeezed his thigh under the table but Skylar caught it and smiled at them encouragingly.

"Uh... My last name is James, I am a Genetics student with a biochemistry major, I live with my parents and my younger sister who's ten"

Tokyo smiled at his boyfriend affectionately.

"What do your parents do? " asked Tom looking Jason dead in the eye and Jason suddenly felt small under his gaze.

"My father is a pharmacist and mom is a lab technician"

"How old are you? " asked Tom
"What are your plans for the future " asked Lee

Jason's eyes were wide suddenly overwhelmed by all the questions, he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by yet another question

"What are your intentions with our Son? Said Tom and Lee at the same time both keeping straight faces.

Tokyo was looking at both of them bewildered, Skylar and Japan were both holding a laugh.

"Uh... I... " stuttered Jason and the whole table except the couple broke into hysterics.

"Really guys? You almost killed him with a heart attack " said Tokyo chuckling along with the rest of the table.

Japan had been quiet and his mother was worried about him, he was the quiet one in the family but since this morning he seemed in his thoughts.

"It's nice meeting you Jason, I don't need to give you any don't hurt my son speech because I know Tokyo can handle his own" said Tom with a proud look in his eyes.

"Yes Sir he can, I've had a taste of it myself " said Jason smiling.

"You can't tell them that, and I apologized "

"Whatever it was we don't want to know " said Lee chuckling.

After dinner the parents decided it would be a good idea to play a game of 60 seconds.

Skylar and Japan were a team, Lee and Tom, Jason with Tokyo.

Lee and Tom were in the lead followed by Skylar and Japan.
"Mom and dad are cheating they can't possibly know everything " whined Tokyo who seemed to have gained his smart mouth attitude back.

It was now Japan's turn, he picked a card and started the timer.

"This one is for all of you" the minute Skylar heard those words he knew Japan was about to spill the beans.

He felt his palms sweat, suddenly the room felt hot and the air around it dry.
Everyone got excited at the chance of scoring extra points for their team.

"Okay... It's his birthday tomorrow "

"Skylar! " Tokyo shouted
Japan nodded.

"It's a four letter word, celebrated every second month of the year"

"Love" answered Tom
Japan nodded.

"A two letter word rhyming with memes"

"Me? " Answered Jason and Tokyo at the same time only Tokyo's voice was much louder than Jason's.

"Wait... Skylar loves you? " asked Lee with a confused look on her face

"Yes Mom... I'm gay too and in a relationship with Skylar. "

Both Tom and Lee looked at Skylar who had suddenly found his feet's far more interesting than they anything in the room.

"Uh... I think I should get going... " said Jason who felt a bit out of place.

"I'll walk you out " said Tokyo lacing his hand with Jason's

Both parents were still looking at the duet.

"I'm sorry I kept this from you but it's all new and we're both still trying to figure it out" said Japan

"How long has it been? " asked Lee

"A week and two days " answered Skylar his voice low

"Please don't tell my parents, I'd like to tell them myself " said Skylar with pleading eyes and they nodded.

"How did we miss it? " asked Tom more to himself than to anyone.

"So it was you Skylar that gave him a hickey? " asked Tom and Japan rolled his eyes.

"Dad give it a rest already " he said face palming himself.

"You both know this means you can't sleep in the same room anymore? " asked Lee

"Mom! No I need him next to me to sleep better" argued Japan, Skylar was a blushing mess next to him.

"No, you don't " fired back his mother.

"I'll sleep in the guest room " said Skylar feeling tenfold shy than he usually is.

The door opened and Tokyo walked back in.

"Since now that we know we need to talk to you boys, sit down Tokyo" said Tom and Tokyo awkwardly sat next to his twin.

" we appreciate that you told us, we understand coming out is not easy, we want you to know we still love you the same but let's get this straight it doesn't mean you won't get diseases and STIs... "

"Dad! " said the twins at the same time

"No dad please let's not do this, we know almost everything so no sex talk please " said Tokyo as if saying the lines alone pained him.

Tom put his hand in mock surrender.

"So... Uh... Tomorrow I'm taking Skylar to a lodge out of town to celebrate his birthday and we'll return the following day "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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