Pizzas and other things

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They both went and got themselves cleaned up, when Skylar walked back in Japan’s bedroom he found the other boy getting dressed he stopped mid step, he didn’t know whether to enter or give him privacy

“ Starring is not polite Sky” said Japan teasingly “uh...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to stare” Japan let out a laugh somehow it seemed he enjoyed messing with his friend...

Friend that’s something they needed to discuss, Japan thought, he knew that now they were anything but just friends, to him it felt like they were more than that, he wanted them to be more. 

He sat on the bed and watched Skylar  look for something to wear” You can wear some of my stuff if you like, I don’t mind, I have these basketball shorts that would look good on you “

The thought of wearing Japan’s clothes excited Skylar, he went to the closet and put on the shorts and an over size tank top he found there, he liked oversize shirts, it smelled good, like Japan, he didn’t know when he decided but Japan’s scent was now his favourite.

He smelled like peppermint, spice and cotton candy, sweet yet manly. “ they do look good on you “ said Japan as Skylar sat next to him on the bed. Skylar suddenly found his fingers fascinating

" You want to talk about it? “ asked Japan 

"talk about what? " answered Sky. 

“ whatever is on your mind “

“there’s a lot on my mind Jay” 

“Me? “
asked Japan chuckling.

Skylar couldn’t see his face but he heard the smile in his voice. He laughed and said “ You’re full of yourself you know that Japan? “

“ well I’ve been told “ Skylar rolled his eyes at him and Japan stuck out his tongue at him and Skylar laughed, how could one person be so beautiful, he found himself looking at how perfect Japan was, his grey Asian eyes, his pink lips, perfect smile how did this boy fall in love with him?

“ oh so you’re eye fucking me now? ”
Skylar gasped he was taken off guard by Japan’s
“ I was not eye fucking you, God!  How do you even say that
that? "

Skylar putting his hands over his face to hide his blush, blushing was something he did a lot around Japan.

“ then why were you Starring at me as if I’m something to eat? “
said Japan with his brow arched.

“ I wasn't starring at you like that,  I was just  looking at how perfect you are “

Skylar’s voice had shrunk down in seconds and now it was time for Japan to blush

“ I’m not perfect  Sky“
before they could both say anything else there was a knock on Japan’s bedroom door.

“Japan, honey are you home? “
Japan’s mom, Lee called
“ Yes mom, come in”
Skylar felt a bit out of place and he moved away from his friend.

“oh Skylar, how are you? It’s been a while”

Japan’s mom was an epitome of beauty, she was flawless, Skylar felt overwhelmed to be surrounded by such beautiful people, clearly Japan had taken after his mother.

“ I’m okay Mrs Drift, how are you? “

“ah same old, before I forget Jay, me and your father are going to a fundraiser tonight, so you boys can order in or got out but tomorrow I’ll cook  you nice food, please take your brother with you if you decide to go”

said Lee kissing the boys cheeks, after she left Japan turned to look at his friend

“ so what do you feel like, going out or staying in? “ Skylar thought for a while, if they go out it can be a date, he almost laughed at the idea of course not, not with Tokyo joining them.

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