Malls and... Girls

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When they arrived at the mall it was not packed, Tokyo was surprised how the four of them got along, maybe it was a sign he thought to him self.

Skylar bought  the things he needed which turned out to be clothing items, they all ended up buying things and Jason insisted on paying for Tokyo and Tokyo was not the one to refuse chivalry.

They all decided to eat at Mug n Bean, they found a table and ordered, Japan and Jason ordered burgers while Tokyo and Skylar had Peninis, the three had beer while Skylar had soda.

In between their meal a group of girls entered the restaurant and Japan chocked on his drink, Skylar gave him a look, one of the girls walked straight to them, a brunette with blue eyes, she was beautiful, Skylar felt a pang of jealous.

“ Boys, how are you? “ said the beautiful brunette leaning in way too close for Skylar’s liking, he felt his appetite disappear.

“Raine, I’m good, yourself? “ Japan struggled to meet her eyes because his kept glancing at Skylar who had a pained expression on his face but tried to keep his voice nonchalant.

“ I’m great, just missing you “ now it was Skylar’s turn to choke on air. Japan didn’t know whether to scream or cry. “uh can we talk some other time Raine, I'll call you later? “ he just wanted her go away so they can finish here and go.

“ yeah sure... Later “ Said Raine giving Japan a peck on the cheek. Skylar looked at him, his eyes never leaving them. “And I’m his best friend yet I didn’t know the guy had a girlfriend wow Jay” said Skylar his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Tokyo laughed awkwardly “ that was so awkward “ and suddenly the air felt so thick around them. after  splitting the bill, they left.

The ride back was mixture of awkwardness, sarcasm and jokes a deadly combination.
When they arrived Skylar suggested they all watch a football game of which all agreed on except Japan who just wanted to talk to Skylar who apparently wanted nothing to do with him at the moment.

The game was accompanied by conversation about politics, school and music, Skylar learnt that Jason was studying genetics with Biochemistry major in the same school with them, while Tokyo  was doing Biochemistry with a genetics major which was almost the same thing as Jason.

There was something between Jason and Tokyo, he’d pick it in the way they looked at each other, the way they laughed at each others jokes and how interested they were in each other’s conversation.

He knew this behaviour all too well because it’s exactly how it was with him and Japan. Japan, Skylar almost laughed thinking about him, he was sitting on the couch pretending to be watching the game but Skylar knew very well he wasn’t, he saw how he’d glance at him every now and then.

Skylar wasn’t angry about Japan having a girlfriend, he was hurt and disappointment that he lied to him and kept this from him. What does that make him, the guy he cheated with, when he saw the text Raine sent him this morning he convinced himself it was nothing big but after that encounter at the mall, he knew he’d been fooled and that hurt him more than anything.

He didn’t expect Japan to be perfect but he certainly didn’t expect all of this. It’s a good thing no one knew about them except his mom who still wasn’t sure about what she saw.

“ Uh boys me and Jason are leaving but I’ll be back before dinner , if mom gets back cover for me, Jay” said Tokyo

“ it was nice meeting you both, you’re cool dudes”said Jason, him and Tokyo left.

Skylar got up to go upstairs but Japan grabbed  his arm, Skylar looked at him and yanked it off. And disappeared upstairs Japan followed him in. “Sky can I explain?  “  said Japan putting a hand in Skylar’s shoulder who had his back against him.

“ I’m sure you can but I don’t want to hear it” Skylar’s voice was dripping with Venom. “ I was going to stop sleeping with her, I don’t love her Sky, we're not together ” said Japan trying to make Skylar understand “ oh is that why you didn’t tell me?, you cheated on her with me Japan! Do you understand that! do you?  “

Skylar’s voice was distinct with disappointment “ I didn’t tell you because she doesn’t matter “ Skylar  laughed a humourless laugh, “ you know what Japan forget it because clearly you don’t get it! Did you really like me or maybe you were horny and wanted someone to jerk you off? “ 

“What! No!  I did like you, God!  I still do how can you even say that Skylar?  “ Japan was shocked by Skylar’s words.

“funny you ask me that “Skylar got up and sat by the window  “Skylar i'm sorry, Raine was just an experiment, I wanted to know if I was gay or straight... “  “Oh wow! this just keeps getting worse, you use people now Japan? I don't think i know you anymore “ 

“am I some kind of an experiment too? You know what don’t answer that I already know the answer“ said Skylar walking out the room leaving a sad looking Japan on the bedroom floor with his head in his hands.

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