Insecurities and possessiveness

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In the car Skylar connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker, and played songs

I’ve been amazed of your touch of these feelings

sang Skylar perfectly on tune “if you wanna kiss the boy then you gotta kiss the boy right now

Japan looked at Skylar singing he didn’t know he could sing “you sing? “ asked Japan

Skylar looked outside the window suddenly feeling shy, singing was something he didn’t pride himself in and only his family knew he could sing but even them didn’t know to what extant.

“ yeah I sing.. “ he said more to the window than to Japan. “ why are you shy about it Sky, singing is a great talent “

Japan did not understand why Skylar felt shy with his singing 

“ it’s typical, a pastor’s kid always knows  how to sing and I just don’t want to be typical “

Japan looked at him. Astonished “Sky you’re anything but typical trust me if you were typical we wouldn’t be in this car going on our first date.”

A small smile made it way to Skylar’s lips and he muttered a quite thank you. They drove with nothing except the songs playing on the speaker which Skylar found himself humming to ever so often.

Fifteen minutes later they arrived to their destination, Skylar felt like a kid in a candy store and Japan like a responsible father.

They bought their entrance tickets that would give them access to the aquarium, the pool’s and slides, Japan was a little scared of heights but right now the only thing that matted was giving Skylar the time of his life.

“ so where to first? “ asked Japan “ I was thinking the aquarium first than the slides after we can watch the dolphin show “ Skylar’s smile was reaching his eyes

“ dol... Dolphin show? Are we not a little bit too old for that? “
Japan might have wanted to give Skylar the time of his life but a dolphin show was way out.
“you’re never old for a dolphin show “ 

Japan definitely didn’t want to go to the dolphin show “oh... Okay “ he decided to let it go, how bad can a dolphin show be? Skylar looked at him and laughed.

“God!  You should have seen your face” he said in between feet’s of laughter

“ I’m playing with you, let’s go to the  aquarium, then the slides and we’ll see what we do afterwards “

Japan smiled “ I’ll get you for this Miller” Skylar laughed “oh I’m Miller now? What happened to baby? Uh? “ 

“well that name belongs to my sweet and shy Skylar not this teasing and playful Skylar”. 

Skylar rolled his eyes and led the way into the aquarium.
Japan’s eyes just couldn’t leave Skylar’s face, he was going on and on about  the different kinds of species of fishes and their names but Japan wasn’t listening to any of it.

His eyes were spellbound by Skylar’s beauty, his sky blue eyes, to his long eyelashes fanning his cheeks, to his pink lips, he was more than what Japan had prayed for when he asked for a lover, his hand itched to touch him, hold the other boys' delicate hands, look into his eyes and tell him just how beautiful he truly was, but he couldn’t, not in an aquarium full of children and definitely not while he was raving about the different species of fishes.

They stayed longer than they were suppose to because of Skylar’s interest in marine life. When they left the aquarium it had started to rain and they couldn’t go for a swim, so they went to a restaurant instead.

Skylar noticed how quiet  Japan had been for the past minutes.

“ Jay... Are you okay? “ Japan smiled and told Skylar he was okay, just a bit tired.

The truth was, Japan was not tired he was scared, for the first time with Skylar he felt scared, scared he might hurt Skylar, or maybe not be able to make him happy the way Skylar deserved or even worse, not be able to appreciate him enough but he was certainly not going to tell him, at least not while he was still on his zoology high.

Japan liked how passionate Skylar was about zoology and he hoped one day he’ll be that much passionate about him too.

“ what would you like to have Jay?” asked Skylar looking at the menu the pretty waitress had brought to them.

“ I feel like a beef potpie with French fries “ he smiled “Great choice I’ll have the same “ said Skylar raising his hand for the waitress to come.

The waitress came and took their order Japan saw how interested she was on Skylar he tried to brush it off but she kept insisting on getting Skylar something more.

Japan gently put his hand over Skylar’s which was on top of the table and said “Kate... Is it? Like my boyfriend said, that will be all” she looked from Skylar to Japan and apologized quickly leaving them to be.

“ Why did that just turn me on? You’re hot when you’re being possessive ” said Skylar, Japan laughed, kissing his knuckles and said “ well I don’t like sharing and the way she was looking at you made me sick”

Skylar smiled and squeezed Japan’s hand for comfort. “You don’t need to be insecure about me Jay, I’m yours “ Japan couldn’t help the smile that creped in on his face

“ You’re mine, I like the sound of that, I want to kiss you so bad right now”

Skylar found himself blushing his eyes met Japan’s and he bite his lip “ then kiss me”

Japan didn’t waste a second he leaned in and passionately kissed his boyfriend, claiming Skylar’s lips on his, he wanted to deepen the kiss, taste the inside of his mouth but they heard someone  clear their throat and broke the kiss.

Both still gasping for air, Skylar’s cheek felt like they were on fire, he was too shy to lift up his eyes 

“ uh... sorry to disturb but here’s your drinks, please enjoy” she stuttered and left.

“ you’re so cute when you blush” said Japan a smile playing on his lips

“ oh Jay stop it! ” said Skylar still blushing and they both smiling lovingly.

The potpie was the most delicious meal they both have had in a long time, it was accompanied by random conversation. After both fighting over who was going to pay the bill of which Japan won they left driving back home.

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