His daddy

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When Skylar walked in their bedroom Japan was laying on the bed with his headsets on starring at the ceiling. Japan had a habit of listening to music when he was upset, it helped him calm down.

Skylar climbed up next to him and nestled his head on his defined chest, he heard his heart beating steadily and smiled.

"Which one is mine? " Skylar spoke up

Japan ached a questioning brow.

"Heart beat, which one is beating for me"

Japan smiled and kissed him on the forehead

"Every one of them baby "

Skylar felt his heart swell, it was not the answer he expected and yet he loved it.

"What's wrong Jay? "
Japan took the headsets out and turned to look at his handsome boy.

"You're so beautiful, you know that? " said Japan kissing his temple again.

Skylar blushed furiously.
"I take after daddy " answered Skylar pecking Japan on the lips.

A wolfish smirk spread across Japan's lips.

"Daddy's pretty boy" kissed Japan back only his kiss wasn't a peck, it was his famous cotton candy kind of kiss, the addictive one.

Skylar moaned into it, brushing his tongue on Japan's lower lip and a small groan escaped his lips.

He pulled back, his eyes roaming over Skylar's beautiful features. His eyes a darker shade of grey.

"Daddy wants his pretty boy so bad" he pecked him again, first on the lips, then his cheek, he moved to the neck and Skylar was already a panting mess, he could feel cum leaking out of him.

Japan lifted off his shirt and sucked his nipple, Skylar's breathing was loud, his eyes rolling to the back of his head because of the pleasure.

Japan's hand cupped Skylar's  bulge that was throbbing and wet with pre-cum. "You're so ready for daddy, ain't you baby? "

Skylar couldn’t open his mouth let alone form words so he moaned his response instead.

Japan slid the slightly wet sweatpants and boxers down exposing his baby's hard cock.

He felt his own twitching in his boxers. He kissed Skylar's  inner thigh and felt him shudder beneath him.

"Please daddy" cried Skylar feeling the urgency to have his length inside his daddy's mouth.

Japan smiled and decided to tease Skylar a bit more.

"Please what baby? "
Skylar could hear the smirk on Japan's words.

"Please... "Skylar chocked, speaking was hard enough for him but having to beg was another story.

"Tell daddy what you want baby boy"
Instead of hearing words Japan felt a hand push his head down to the twitching cock.

Without words Japan ran his tongue along Skylar's beautiful length. And Skylar let out a satisfying moan.

Japan took him in, his grip tightening around the pulsing member.

"Japan, honey are you okay? "
The door knob turning but luckily Skylar had locked the it when he came in.

Both settled Skylar jumped off bed taking his clothes on the floor and rushing to the bathroom.

"I'm coming mom" Japan cleared his throat,  walking to the door while trying to hide his erection.

He opened the door for his mom who didn't come in but stood by the door.

"Are You alright? I know Skylar came to check up on you but I'm worried, you never act out"
Said Lee starring straight into her son's eyes.

"Uh... I'm fine mom, I just needed some air"

Japan wasn't telling the truth, he was not fine, he was upset angry at Tokyo for just coming out like that without giving him a heads up  but he knew he was being unfair to his brother, in all honesty he envied him than anything.

"Okay but honey talk to your brother, he needs you more than he does us" said Lee putting a comforting hand on Japan's shoulder.

"I will"
Lee walked away and Japan closed the door, leaning on it gulping some air and breathing it out.

"You're okay? "
Skylar settled Japan, he hadn't heard him come out the bathroom.

He walked over to the bed where Skylar was sitting cross legged.

He kissed his temple and sat next to him, mimicking him.
"I'm okay... I feel overwhelmed "
Skylar looked at him not quit understanding him.

"I don't like sharing my private life with family but now that Tokyo came out I feel like I should too... I sort  of envy him "
Said Japan putting his head on his hands to hide his slight blush.
Skylar chuckled.

"You're so cute right now "
Japan smiled and blushed

"Don't tease daddy, pretty boy "
Skylar blushed profusely
"Can we get back to the point "
Japan laughed and said " I'm serious Sky, how would you feel if I came out to my family about us? "

Skylar was terrified by the idea only because he didn't want the news to reach his parents ears but he certainly did want Japan to come out but only if he was ready.

"I'm not ready for my parents to find out yet if your family can promise me that than I don't mind"

"Alright, I'll tell them tonight. They won't disown me right? They would have Tokyo... "
Japan had started mumbling to himself, something he did when he was nervous.

"Babe... babe look at me" called Skylar and Japan paid him attention.

"You'll be fine, we'll be fine, don't worry okay? "

Japan nodded and managed a small smile.

"I... Uh... I need to go talk to Tokyo" he stuttered still looking nervous. Skylar kissed him, taking him by surprise.

"I'll be in the living room if you need me"

They both left the room, Japan went and knocked on Tokyo's door which was two doors away from his, he heard Tokyo call him in.

Tokyo was on his phone texting and didn't expect his spitting image to be the one standing in his room, he didn't look quite like himself.

Tokyo's brow furrowed, this was unusual, Japan was the type who always had things under control.

"Come sit with me " called Tokyo and Japan shuffled his way to the couch by the window.

"I... I want to apologize for behaving oddly after you came out this morning "

Tokyo smiled "it's okay Jay, I should have told you first, I'm sorry "

Japan looked at him "I have something to tell you but if you dare start saying weird shit or try to be smug about it I'll strangle you "

Tokyo laughed and nodded
"I envied your boldness, you did something I thought I couldn't do "

A wide grin spread on his face and Japan glared at him and he quickly wiped it off his face.

"I swear Tokyo if you dare"
Tokyo put his hands in surrender

"Me and Skylar... Are together "
"I knew it! Shit! Wow! " Tokyo couldn't contain his excitement.

"I'm going to tell them tonight "
Said Japan feeling awkward

"Well I never thought... " before Tokyo could finish Japan glared at him and he stopped.

"Thank You for telling me and I can't wait to give Skylar a hard time about this" he laughed

"Dare and I'll kill you "

"Oh defensive much"
Japan punched him on the side and he yelped and quickly apologized.

"When is Jason coming? "

"Six, I'm nervous as hell"
Japan laughed well you should be, I'm nervous for both of you. "

Japan stood up and left his brother's room.

Skylar's Japan Where stories live. Discover now