Kissing boys and malls

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Tokyo came home before nine, a bit drunk and knocked on Japans door, Skylar was passed out on the bed next to Japan who was on his phone scrolling down Instagram pictures.

I need to talk to you bro said Tokyo dragging every word in the sentence Youre drunk? Why are you drunk? You drove home drunk Tokyo thats not like you for a brief second Tokyo looked remorseful

Well Yeah Ive been doing a lot of things that are not like me lately kissing other boys and not even regretting it Japan felt the air being knocked out of his lungs, they cant both be bisexual, is he even? hows that possible?

dude what are you talking about? What boys did you kiss Japan tried to act nonchalant and used air quote for boys did I say boys?  You know what Jay forget I said anything, its probably my drunk mouth talking

no! no I know its not, we dont tell each other things now?  When did that happen? Tokyo rolled his eyes at his twin brother   Drama much? Dont try to guilt trip me Jay, you know I tell you everything... Well almost

just tell me already Japan face palmed himself he needed to know okay, gosh!  since when did you become so interested in my life?

ah since you invaded my space and shared a womb with me Tokyo laughed so theres this guy from my Biochemistry class, Jason weve had this thing going on for a while I didnt know what it was really but he made me nervous all the time he talked to me and the way he looks at me, he is so fucking perfect and so this one time I invited him in one of the parties I go to and we got drunk and kissed, that was the first time, we did again today

Tokyo looked at his twin nervously, his eyes didnt look drunken anymore,  Japan stood up and went to stand next to his brother who was now sitting at his study desk, so what?  you like this Jason guy Tokyo let out a humourless chuckle Jay I dont like him, he drivers me insane, I want to touch him all the time, be with him and the crazy part he reminds me so much of you Japan laughed thats some crazy gay shit dude, how long? 

Tokyo looked at his hands as if counting his fingers three weeks

what! And all this time you didnt bother to tell me? Wow! Japan threw his hands in the air I didnt know how to tell you, dude how do you tell your twin brother youre gay Japan scoffed youre not gay Tokyo said Japan more to himself than to his twin.

well if you go around kissing other boys, youre gay Tokyo got up from the sit Jay please dont tell mom or dad about this, Im still trying to figure it out myself   since when do we tell them anything? dont worry, I wont Tokyo smiled

I know was just making sure by the way I saw your girlfriend Raine, said youve been ignoring her Japan almost chocked on his own saliva She's not my girlfriend! Ill call her now get out of my room, its late

its late or you have a guest? You're friendship I'll never understand He shock his head and walked out of his brothers room.

Japan turned to look at his friend who was still fast sleep on the bed, Japan stripped off his clothes leaving only his boxers on and got in bed and texted Raine apologizing for being quite for so long and blamed it on school.

In the morning when he woke up Skylar was not sleeping next to him, disappointment tugged on him, he was hoping the first face he sees in the morning would be him, he went to shower and went down stairs where he found both his friend and his brother having breakfast.

oh look who finally decided to wake up said Tokyo  but Japan shrugged him off and went to stand next to Skylar who had his eyes fixed on his plate of bacon, eggs, beef bangers and toast.

Skylar, youre good?
yeah, you? he didnt spare him a single glance Japan wanted to lift his head to look him in the eye so bad but he couldnt because of his brothers presence, not that he was hiding this he was just not ready to share that information with him yet.

So boys what are we doing today? said Tokyo clapping his hands together as if he was some criminal mastermind. I wanted to go to the mall and buy some things so if youre game we can go, Well grab a bite while were there said Skylar as he got up and placed his plate on the sink.

Japan was hurt that he didnt tell him anything about this, but convinced himself Skylar was a grown man who could do anything he wanted. we can go, can I bring a friend?  since youre bringing your friend Skylar   said Tokyo referring to Japan and eyeing them both suspiciously.

Japan gave Tokyo a knowing look and said Yeah dude you can bring a friend, its about time I meet one of your friends, this one must be special huh? a small shade of pink blanked Tokyo's cheeks oh fuck off Jay! Skylar looked from Japan who was laughing to the blushing Tokyo who was twirling around his bacon on the plate.

uh did I miss something, am I missing something? No! shouted Tokyo I mean no youre not missing anything he got off his Chair and went upstairs, I was just teasing him, bring him Tokyo Japan called after him.

Skylar took it to himself to do the dishes and didnt bother waiting for Japan who was still having his breakfast. Did I do something wrong Sky? Japan felt like Skylar was giving him a cold shoulder No, did you do something wrong Japan? for a brief moment they locked eyes not that I know off,  why are you giving me this weird vibe?

Skylar scoffed  and continued washing dishes. Okay so Jason will be here in ten minutes will go with his car said  Tokyo his voice giving his excitement away Whos Jason?
the friend Im bringing to the mall Skylar nodded Japan was sitting on the kitchen counter he was still convinced that Skylar was mad at him for something but he couldnt think what that might be.

Minutes later Jason arrived, he was a tall well built guy with grey eyes and striking features . Tokyo made the introductions and they set course to the mall.

The car ride wasnt awkward in fact it was the opposite of what Tokyo thought it might be his brother didnt give Jason a hard time and Skylar made him feel comfortable except for the obvious tension between Japan and Skylar everything was alright.

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