Family dinner's and forgiving

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Skylar was so mad at Japan for lying to him, talking about him being the only one he felt this way for when he had a girlfriend.

He kept flicking through channels even National geographic didn’t interest him now, a big part of him wanted to punch Japan in the face, he got up to go and punch Japan when the front door opened letting in Japan’s mom who was carrying shopping bags

Skylar went to help her carry them to the kitchen. “ Thank you Sky, how are you? “ asked Lee putting the groceries in their places. “ I’m okay Mrs Drift, “ said Skylar Japan’s mom laughed “ Lee or mom please, why do you always want me to tell you that huh? “ Skylar blushed “ and apologized

“ Where’s Tokyo and Japan? “ still pacing around the kitchen “ Japan is in his room and Tokyo is out as usual “ Lee chuckled and said something about Tokyo being so much like her.

“ I can help you with dinner if you like... “ said Skylar feeling a little bit shy and Lee chirped “I'd love that none of the boys ever help me including their dad “ Skylar laughed and started making dinner while chatting.

Skylar always enjoyed Lee's chattering she was such a chilled mom and a small part of him wished his was as chilled .

When they were almost done Japan came down the stairs and Skylar avoided his gaze.
“ Hi mom” said Japan his voice cracking  “ Jay how are you? Are you feeling well? You look horrible “

Skylar felt guilty but Japan tried to convince his mother he was fine of which was a very difficult task considering she’s a doctor, she insisted he took allergy meds and went back to bed.

But Japan being the stubborn person he was offered to set the table while his mother shower. Japan kept glancing at Skylar who was standing awkwardly at the kitchen entry way.

“ so you’re not talking to me? “ asked Japan who was now standing in front of his friend “ I didn’t say that, I just have nothing to say to you” Skylar moved to the kitchen and started bringing the food to the dinning room table “ you can’t even look at me for a second, are you disgusted by me? “

Skylar let out a humourless chuckle but didn’t answer Japan instead he went back to the kitchen and Japan followed him back “Say something Sky “ Japan’s voice was giving his pain away. 

“ Can we not do this now, please “ just before Japan could reply back the front door opened letting in his father and brother. “ boys “ said Japan’s father, they both nodded their heads.

“ ah great, you’re both in time for dinner, even my long lost son” said Lee as she descended the stairs, Tokyo rolled his eyes at her and his father smacked the back of his head

“ ouch!Dad why did you do that? “  said Tokyo rubbing were his father just hit him “ I’ve always told you not to roll eyes at your mother “

everyone laughed and took seats at the table. After they said grace they had dinner filled with stories mostly told by Tokyo, he was in very good mood Japan picked that up and wondered if Jason was the reason for his joyful mood.

After dinner Tokyo and his father volunteered to do the dishes but everyone hung around, they were joking around, teasing each other mostly Tokyo and for that brief time Skylar had forgot how upset he was.

it was the most fun he’s had with his clothes on in a long time. Skylar was the first to wish everyone good night, he thought about using the guest room just for tonight but he didn’t want anyone to notice the tension between him and Japan.

He stripped off his clothes and took one of Japan’s tank tops and put it on with his boxers, pathetic he thought to himself. Before he could get under the covers Japan walked in  a goofy grin when he saw Skylar in his tank top “ wiped that stupid grin off  your face” said Skylar blushing, he didn’t  know why he was blushing, Japan laughed and said “ I can’t help it, it looks so good on you” 

Skylar felt himself blush even more “ Ain’t you the cheesiest “ Japan walked up to him and stood behind him “ who are you calling cheesy? “ whispered Japan in Skylar’s ear, sending shivers down his spine

“You” answered Skylar his voice a breathy mess and Japan already knew the kind of effect he was having on him.

“ Is this cheesy Sky” he whispered again running his tongue on Skylar’s ear loop and Skylar inhaled sharply. “ Yeah “ Skylar’s voice was barely audible, Japan moved his lips to the nape of Skylar’s neck while his right hand moved meticulously on his torso.

“ what about this, is this cheesy? “ asked Japan in his husky baritone and Skylar felt his boxers getting tighter, he wanted to say no but he couldn’t find his voice, he was trying so hard to breath and stand at the same time which seemed so hard at the time.

Japan’s hand dipped into his boxers wrapping his fingers around his length and he let out a breathy moan, he felt Japan’s equally bulgy manhood press against him.

Japan continued his sweet assault on Sky, moving his hand up and down Skylar’s length, Skylar found himself wondering how they moved from not talking to having each other reeling at the edge in just few minutes.

Skylar pushed his boxers down while Japan did the same, And the next thing he knew they were on top of each other on the bed.

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