What would you do?

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Their school vacation was coming to an end and Skylar's birthday the following day.

Japan had everything planned out for his boyfriend, he found it funny how excited he was about the day even though it wasn't his birthday.

Skylar had no idea of what Japan had planned for him, he made sure to keep everything to himself and ask for Tokyo's help here and there.

Tokyo had became a pain in the ass to his twin brother, he was suspicious about Japan and Skylar's 'friendship' but Japan dared to say a word about it.

They were all sitting in the breakfast table having a nicely prepared breakfast by the lady of the house, Lee was not a chef but she was good in the kitchen and she knew it.

Tokyo was sitting opposite his dad while Japan sat next to Skylar with one of his hand on Skylar's thigh, Skylar was trying so hard to ignore the way his lovers hand moved tauntingly up and down reaching further up were his finger would graze his manhood that was clad in sweatpants and tight boxer briefs.

He'd control his breathing and made sure all his attention was to his food but how could he when Japan dangerously teasing him.

When Japan used two fingers to brush against his now hard length Skylar let out a strangled moan of which he quickly turned to him clearing his throat.

Japan was very pleased when he saw how flushed Skylar looked, a small wolfish smirk making it way to his face.

To Skylar's relief no one was paying attention to him as Tom was busy telling them how he and Lee saved a tumor patient of which they both sounded very pleased with themselves.

Lee had now claimed her seat  next her husband when Tokyo started asking his parents random questions of 'what would you do'. 

"No seriously dad what would you do if a man, total stranger made a move on you? "

"I'd kill that man that's what I know " said Lee and they all laughed

"I don't know I'd politely tell him I'm married and walk away" answered Tom looking at his wife and leaning in kissing her cheek.

" Okay, guys please not on the breakfast table " said Japan
Skylar found himself blushing at how in love Japan's parents were.

"Here's a last one" said Tokyo
"Oh thank Jesus! We just want to eat our breakfast in peace" said Tom looking at the ceiling as if he was praying and the whole table broke into laughter.

"What would you do if I brought a guy home"


Skylar nervously looked at Tom and Lee who were both looking at each other dumb founded.

Japan was glaring daggers at his twin who had a sickening smile on his face.

"On what terms would you be bringing that guy? " asked Tom who seemed to have gained his composure.

"As my boyfriend dad, what else? "

Another silence

But this one didn't stretch too far because Japan spoke up " I'd enjoying bullying him, poor guy I feel sorry for him already " trying to make a joke of the situation but Tokyo looked dead serious and Japan gulped, there was a knot in his chest.

They all laughed but somehow their laughs were strangled, tense.

"I'd have a talk with that guy, ask him his intentions with you and give him a hell of a father speech" said Tom with a friendly smile on his face. Lee smiled at him affectionately.

"I hope your speech is ready than dad because I'm bringing a boy home tonight "

Dead Silence

Grave silence

Cricket noise silence

" So you're coming out now? "
Asked Japan his voice a mixture of anger and hurt.

" I am"

Skylar felt small as though he had shrunk to the size of a mouse, he doesn't belong here, he thought. This is a family thing.

He turned his face and saw how angry Japan looked but he didn't understand why so he slipped his hand under the table and took Japan’s in his.

Squeezing gently, Japan looked at him and he saw his anger melt away slowly. Skylar started making small circles in the palm of Japan’s hand. Japan felt all his rage melt away.

"Okay thank you Tokyo for telling us, even though I would have appreciated to know about it days earlier "
Said Lee who seemed chilled about the whole thing, Tokyo smiled at his mother.

Everyone was okay with Tokyo coming out except his brother.

"Be honest with me Tokyo, the hickey, it was from him wasn't it? " asked Tom trying to diffuse the awkward silence that was slowly blanketing the room.

"Dad! "

"Don't dad me, I want to know " insisted Tom

"It wasn't a hickey dad"

"Remember the be honest part" said Tom his eyes daring

"Yes it was... From him"
Answered Tokyo who's voice was barely a whisper.

"Thank You " said Tom and continued drinking his coffee.
Breakfast went on but Japan had stopped eating and looked as though his mind was anywhere but the kitchen table.
Skylar had stopped making the calming circles in his palm.

He felt conflicted for a person who kept to himself he didn't like keeping secrets from his parents, he envied his brother for being bold and coming out.

He now felt obliged to come out about Sky but was scared, what if Skylar isn't ready? What if he doesn't want anyone to know? What if he hated him afterwards?

All these questions were frustrating to him, he needed space, he needed to breath. He abruptly stood up and went to his room leaving everyone at the table  confused.

Skylar nervously stood up "uh I'll go see if he's alright " leaving Tokyo and his parents still confused.

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