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Gently closing the door, Japan’s eyes found his best friend getting ready for a shower, his skin looked delicate and soft, he felt his hand itch to touch the other boy, he closed his eyes briefly as if to rid the thought when they opened again the boy was not in sight and he heard the shower going off.

Japan hated the tension that was so thick around them one could even cut it with a knife. He missed his friend but since the previous day he knew things will never be the same again. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself sliding open the shower door.

Skylar settled by Japan getting in the shower had jumped mid-air, he watched as the grey eyed boy took a wash cloth squeezing a shower gel on it.

“uh... What are you doing? “his voice sounded like something got stuck in his throat, “water conservation” answered Japan with his baritone, Sky felt himself getting hot.

He turned with his back facing the intruder and adjusted the water. He couldn’t breath he didn’t know if it was the steam suffocating him or Japan’s presence, probably the later.

He stood frozen while the water cascaded down his shaking frame. He felt a hand on his back and his knees almost gave in.

“let me help you” said Japan with his voice hoarse, his breathe fanning the nape of Skylar’s neck.

Meticulously his hands moved on Skylar’s back, making their way to the front, Skylar wanted to stop him but his whole body was frozen, hypnotized by his touch, And soon it wasn’t the wash cloth touching Skylar’s body but the other boy’s lips instead, from the back of his neck, to the side and before he could do anything he found himself curling his arms around the other boy’s neck, his fingers burying themselves in his hair, their lips met, slowly waltzing around each other, as quickly as they had found each other, their rhythm changed, it wasn’t slow and guarded anymore , it was urgent and rushed, hungry and devouring, ravenous.

Skylar found himself moaning the other boy’s name, his body insatiable. He felt Japan’s tongue asking permission to taste him before he could let him, Japan stopped, slowly backing away from Skylar.

While Skylar tried to breath holding on to the shower's railing, the shower door closed and he was left all by himself.

Slowly he let his body slide down to the floor where he stayed for minutes, an hour even. Going back to his room, he found his friend sitting by the window, gazing outside, he went into the closet and dressed himself in his striped pyjamas. Even when he got under the covers Japan was still silent next to the window, Skylar wondered what was going on in that mind of his, he missed how simple things used to be, with no emotions involved.

He wondered if kissing and feeling all those things for Japan made him gay? The thought terrified him.
He stared at the ceiling for what felt like eternity, he found himself wishing the other boy would get in bed with him and make him feel all those throes of pleasure he knew was capable of.

He wanted them to talk, and not sit like strangers on a bus bothered by the events of their day. As if Japan had read his mind, he moved to sit next to him, taking a sharp breath of air, running his fingers on his hair, an act of nervousness.

Skylar kept his eyes in the ceiling. “I’m sorry Sky... “he trailed off playing with a stray strand on the cover, Skylar’s eyes moved from the ceiling and met his friend’s.

His heart skipped several beats. “I’m so confused by these feelings I have towards you, I’ve never felt anything like this before, the desire to be with you, touch you is too much, it’s as if I don’t I will be consumed “, before Sky could say anything back, Japan moved to the sleeping bag on the floor.

Sky couldn’t help the frown that formed in his face. In his own twisted mind, he wanted them to share the bed, he moved in the bed so that now he was facing downwards, looking at Japan as he slept on the sleeping bag.

” Come sleep with me” before he could stop himself the words were already out, Japan propped himself up and looked at the boy as though he had grown a third eye, then a small smile played on his lips, Skylar felt the butterflies on his stomach flutter, Japan got up from the floor and got in bed next to the boy who had his world burling.

As chaotic as everything inside him was, he felt at peace next to Skylar.
The next morning when Skylar opened his eyes, he felt a heavy arm draped over his chest he tried to move but couldn’t, he really needed to go to the bathroom and when he turned his face his eyes met the cloudy grey ones and he gasped, he hadn’t expected Japan to be up, especially not with the heavy arm over his chest.

Japan smiled sheepishly and murmured a quick sorry, Skylar couldn’t help himself but smile back.

Japan let his eyes travel down to Skylar’s red lips, he felt himself bite his own, he wanted to kiss him, God! he wanted to devour him, taste every inch of him, before he knew it his hand had made its way to the back of Skylar’s neck, his eyes moving frantically with his, he kissed him, at a patient pace, their heart in perfect sync and then he found himself on top of the other boy pinning him down on the bed, Skylar’s hands buried deep in his hair, their breathes violent, he took off Skylar’s shirt and started kissing him from the neck, sucking on it, making his way down to his abdomen, ”Japan” Skylar moaned his name with pleasure, the sweetest he’s ever heard it .

Crash! Japan and Skylar both jacked their heads to the door, and found a shocked Mrs Miller on the door with her jaw slack and two broken cereal bowls on the floor.

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