Chapter 13

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Six weeks later, at twenty-two weeks gone, she was finally at her next appointment, ready to find out the sex of the baby; having taken a day off with Jane and making it another long weekend, he had accompanied Lisbon to the clinic. By letting Cho run the unit out in the field, and with Jane keeping to his promise most of the time, her blood pressure had remained stable and she hadn't experienced anymore problems; lying on the bed, Jane held her hand tightly as the doctor ran the ultrasound probe over her rounded bump.

"So far, everything looks good; doesn't seem to be any problems from the drugs. Would you like to know the sex?"

"I think I would"

"Okay, looks like you're having a girl; any problems, don't hesitate to contact us. Otherwise, we'll see you in around six weeks"

Wiping the gel off her bump, she tucked her shirt back into her pants and pulled on her jacket; after collecting the sonogram pictures from the front desk, her and Jane left the building and began walking towards the car, hand in hand.

"So...a mini Teresa Lisbon running around..."

"What do I even know about baby girls?! My brothers were already way out of the baby stage when I raised them; I know plenty about cars and army men and boys" she vented, needing to let out her thoughts.

"You're forgetting one thing"

"And what's that then?" She asked, stopping as they reached the car.

"You are Teresa Lisbon; you can do anything you put your mind to. Hell, you put up with a lot of my crap so a little baby girl shouldn't be a problem"

"But I don't know what I'm doing"

"Then we will figure it out...together" he replied, kissing her softly before holding the keys out for her to drive.

Stopping at a local diner a short drive away, they placed their orders before sitting in a booth; taking her hands across the table, she looked up at him.

"It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl Lisbon; the important thing is she will know she is loved and wanted and have everything she could ever wished for. So do you, for that matter"

"What do you mean? So do I?"

"I know you don't really talk about it but I want you to have everything you didn't growing up; the look on your face when I got that pony. It was like all your Christmases and birthdays had come at once; I get you're scared and nervous but you're not alone in this"

"I know; I can't help how I feel though" she said, taking a sip of her iced water.

"I'll change how you feel before this baby is born; all you have to do is stay positive and look after yourself"

Nodding, she thanked the waiter as he placed their food in front of them; with food consumed, Jane had insisted on driving to an unknown location to her. Having dozed off in the passenger seat, she only awoke when the car stopped; getting out the car, she turned and seen where Jane had brought her.

"What are we doing here?" She asked as he took her hand and left her towards the entrance.

"Shopping of course" he answered, grabbing a cart.

"Can't we just go home? I'm tired Jane"

"Just a quick look, if you don't see anything, we'll go home" he promised.

Seeing him so excited, she sighed and nodded; despite her reluctance, she did manage to find a lovely crib set (which would be delivered the following week) and some other useful items. She hadn't allowed herself to get too excited or buy anything in case things went wrong but knowing the time was getting shorter and shorter until the baby would be there, she took the plunge. By the time they'd arrived back at her apartment, Jane unloaded the car whilst Lisbon went and laid on her bed; her arms wrapped around the bear he'd brought her the first time they'd gone away together as she rested her tired body. As much as she tried, she couldn't get to sleep; after tossing and turning for the tenth time in thirty minutes, she sighed and sat against the headboard as she rested her hand on her bump, soothing her daughter's kicks.

"Mommy's okay; just a little tired. You'll have to bear with me; i dont know much about raising little girls."

Holding back another yawn, Lisbon laid back down and closed her eyes; feeling Jane rubbing her back, she allowed herself to finally sleep.

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