0.2 - Gunshots

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I sit at my desk, looking down at the piles of paperwork.

" Jeez, Al. You've really done us in for paperwork, haven't you? " I grab a pen but stop when Zeke runs in.

He's pale. He's covered in a thin layer of sweat. His eyes have dark circles around them. It's so late at night. Almost 11:00. Max should've sent him home by now. In fact, I remember walking him to his car

" Zeke? What are you doing here? You should've been home hours ago. " I say.

His hands are shaking.

" There was a shooting. " He says, quiet enough that I almost don't hear him.

I stand.

" Where? " I ask.

He stays quiet. He won't talk, but I know that he wants to say something.

" Where, Zeke? I need to know. You're freaking me out right now. " I say.

His dark eyes fix on me. I reach for my jacket.

" Tris. " He whispers. " Tris was shot. " He says.

I can feel the world slow down. Tris is my Ex-girlfriend. A 20-year-old college student who had just returned home for summer break.

" What? What do you mean? " I ask, hoping that shock is mixing things in his mind.

It isn't.

" Tris was at home with her Mother and brother. She was shot in the chest. The shooter also attacked her on the ground. Her brain retained swelling. She's in surgery now. " He says.

I run past him.

" Four, wait! " He exclaims.

My feet carry me to the exit. I loved Tris. I still do. The thought of her being attacked... It kills me. I speed to the hospital. I dial the number of the Hospital.

"Chicago Hospital, this is Laurie how can I help you?"
"My name is Detective Eaton. A girl was shot earlier and was sent to the hospital. I need to see her."
"Officer, I'm gonna need you to be a little more specific. This is a Chicago Hospital."
"Beatrice Prior. Her name is Beatrice Prior."
"Let me see... Ah, here she is. She was admitted an hour ago. Her brother and mother came in with her.
" I'll need to talk to you and the other nurse staff once I arrive at the Hospital. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

I hang up and turn on my police lights and siren, gunning it through the traffic.

" Sorry, guys. My girl needs me. " I whisper.

I speed to the hospital, pulling into a parking space. I stop the sirens and lights. I run inside and feel eyes burning on me.

" Tobias? " A faint voice calls

I turn my head. Natalie Prior, Tris' mother. My father's only work acquaintance's wife.

" Natalie. " I say.

I turn, walking to her.

" Oh, Tobias. I don't know what to do. Andrew will be so disappointed. " She says, wiping her cheek.

I shake my head.

" No, he wouldn't. You had no control over this. You can't blame yourself. " I say.

She wraps her arms around me. I wrap mine around her. We both are in pain. She is in pain for her children. I am in pain for her.

" Where's Caleb? " I ask.

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