1.7 - Flashbacks

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[Tris Prior]

I stand in the shower, letting the warm water rinse over me. I run my hands through my hair, dragging them down my face and neck.

What are you doing?

First, we set the stage.


Let go of me! Let me go!

You're lucky I didn't kill you too while I was at it. Get up, now. Or I'll make sure you never get up again.

I lean against the back wall of the shower, gasping for air. I need to calm down or I'm gonna go crazy.

Why was he here?

I don't know, Eric.

I asked you a question, Tris. And I want an answer. Why was he here?

I told you I didn't know. He's investigating the case. He came to visit me.

I'm hyperventilating. I can't breathe. I'm choking on my own air.

You know how I feel about him, Tris. You know my past with him. Did you know?

Know what?

That he was investigating this. Did. You. Know?

Eric, answer me this-- How in the Hell was I supposed to know? If you didn't notice, I've been in a coma for a month.

What did you say to me? Did you forget who you're talking to? You're talking to me. Your owner. Don't act like someone you're not. Because in the end, you're still the same pathetic Stiff I found when she needed me.

Without knowing it, I scrunched up into the corner of the shower. I'm sobbing into my hands, practically screaming.

" Tris? " Tobias asks.

I don't even care if he sees me when I'm naked. I need him right now. I sob out again. I can't form words and I can't form sentences. The door opens, and he walks in. He averts his eyes to give me privacy, but I honestly don't care. He opens the door, turning off the water. He steps out, grabbing a towel. He takes off his socks and his shirt, exposing his tattoo on his side. He enters the shower, crouching down in front of me. He wraps the towel around me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms.

" What happened? Are you okay? " He asks.

I lean forward, wrapping my arms around him, sobbing into him. He pulls me close to him, closing the gap between us.

" Shh... I've got you. It's okay. You're okay. Just breathe. " He says.

I inhale his scent, shaking with sobs. It's crazy just how much comfort I get when I hug him. I calm down and we sit in the shower together just wrapped in each other's arms.

" Now tell me. What happened? " He asks.

I shake my head.

" I'm terrified, Tobias. I don't want him threatening my family. I can't lose them because of my crappy taste in guys. " I say.

He cocks an eyebrow, brushing a strand of my soaking wet hair behind my ear.

" Are all of your Ex's crappy guys? " He asks.

I shake my head, smiling, pressing my hand to his chest.

" There's this one guy I don't regret dating. His name was Derek-- " I joke.

His dark eyes scan over me.

" No, I don't regret dating you. In all seriousness, I wish we never even broke up. I was at the lowest point in my life and that's when I started dating Eric. He was by far the worst guy I've ever dated. " I say.

Tobias sighs, nodding.

" I fought my demons alone, too. Turns out you're the only thing that keeps them away. " He says.

I smile, looking up at him.

" I've missed you... So damn much. " He says.

Our lips touch and we close the gap between us. He pulls away, smiling at me.

" I've missed you too, Tobias. " I say.

His lips touch to mine again, just grazing against one another.

" You can take the bed tonight. I'll take the couch. " He says.

I shake my head.

" No, I can't. That's your bed. You deserve to sleep in it. " I say.

He rolls his eyes.

" The couch is fine. It's only for a couple of nights. " He says.

I smile, nodding.

" Thank you. " I say.

He smiles, nodding. He stands, pulling me up with him, wrapping the towel around me quickly.

" Anything for you, Tris. " He says " I'm not losing you again. "

I smile. He takes my hand, walking me out of the bathroom. An old sweater of his and a pair of black shorts sit on the bed.

" Sorry. It's the best I could do on such short notice. " He says. " Tomorrow, I'll take you shopping to buy whatever you need. "

I nod. I grab the clothes, walking into the bathroom, rather than making him leave. I walk out, wrapped in the warm fabric of his sweater. He's sitting on the bed, watching the tv screen. He's biting his thumbnail and chewing his lip. His brows are furrowed and the light blue patch in his left eye shines brighter in this angle.

Detective Tobias Eaton, head of the case of the attack on the prior family, helped talk a man holding his girlfriend over a ledge from dropping her. After defusing the situation, he was able to get the hostage out of harm's way and get the attacker to drop his weapon. More on this later tonight.

" They're talking about me. And about Eric. And about you. " He says.

I cock an eyebrow.

" What are they saying? " I ask, approaching him.

I sit next to him, spotting an image on the screen of Eric holding a gun to my head. And Tobias reaching out to try and calm him down.

" They were talking about your relationship with him. They're also talking about what our relationship is. " He says.

I nod. It's strange knowing that all of Chicago could be watching this right now. It's also strange to think that my parents or brother may be watching this too.

" How are you holding up? " He asks.

I shake my head, sighing.

" Just stressed out. Tired. Ready for this all to just be over already. " I say.

He smiles, squeezing my hand.

" Sleep, " He says. " I'll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you. "

I smile, cocking my eyebrow.

" With what? " I ask.

He smiles, shrugging.

" My bare hands, obviously. " He says.

I chuckle.

" I'm gonna stay in here for longer to watch the news. " He says.

I nod. He leans over, kissing me goodnight before I close my eyes until morning.

Seeing you on that ledge caused something within me to snap.
Wait, what?
You know how much I hate heights.
Yeah, but--
I'm just glad you're here with me right now.
I am too. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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