4.7 - Breathe

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[Tobias Eaton]

I approach Tris, standing by her head.

"Love, I'm sorry."

Her eyes are filled with tears.

" What are you sorry about? " I ask. " You have nothing to be sorry about. "

She nods, biting her lip.

" I know. But if we lose the baby, it's my fault. " She says.

I shake my head.

" We're not gonna lose the baby. " I say. " The baby will be okay. "

I can hear the monitors beeping. I can hear the doctors talking. I can hear everything.

'Is everything going alright?'
'This is bad. She's bleeding too much.'
'As soon as the baby is out, I'm gonna need you to call the blood bank. Get two bags of O- down here.'
'Yes, Doctor.'

The nurse grabs the phone off of the wall. I approach her.

" What's happening? Is she going to be okay? " I ask.

She shakes her head.

" Sir, I'm going to need you to get back up to your spot by her head. " She says.

I turn my head, spotting all of the blood coming out of her. The blood covers the doctor's hands and arms. The blood drenches the cloth and table. It's a lot of blood. I can feel the color drain from my face.

" Is she...? " I ask.

She sighs.

" We're trying our best. Please, just return to your spot. " She says.

I nod. I return to Tris.

" Is everything okay? " She asks, weakly.

I grab her hand.

" I'm not sure. But we're gonna pull through, okay? " I say.

She nods. A doctor walks over with an oxygen tube.

" Now, Beatrice, your Oxygen levels are lower than we'd like so we're gonna put you on an oxygen tube. " He says.

She nods. He pulls an oxygen tube around her nose and ears to secure it. They continue working, trying to save Tris and the baby.

'Here you go'
'Scissors too?'
'Set them aside, we'll need them for cutting the umbilical cord'
'Of course'

"How's it looking down there?" Tris asks.

The doctor shakes her head a little.

" You're in pretty rough shape, honey. But we're gonna fix you up. " She says.

'Is that the baby?'
'It's slipped out of the uterus.'
'Uterine rupture?'
'I'll grab a suture kit.'

I look down at Tris, smiling at her. She doesn't smile back. She looks worried. The most worried I've ever seen her.

" Do you two have any names picked out? " The doctor asks, trying to distract Tris.

Tris shakes her head.

" We never learned what gender the baby was. I was supposed to go in for my ultrasound next week. " She says.

The doctor nods.

" Well, and hopes for a specific gender? " She asks.

Tris chuckles.

" I think it's a little boy. My husband, however, thinks it's a little girl. " Tris says.

The doctor nods.

" Well, I'm with Mom here. I think it's gonna be a little boy. " She says.

Tris laughs weakly. The nurse approaches the doctor, helping her.

'She's gonna be here for a while.'
'Expected time?'
'2 or 3 hours.'

I squeeze Tris' hand.

" How do you feel, love? " I ask.

She shrugs.

" I'm tired. And really dizzy. " Tris says.

The doctor nods.

" You're losing a little more blood than we'd like. But you're gonna be okay. This baby is almost outta here. " She says.

Tris nods.

" Ready to meet them? " The doctor asks.

Tris chuckles slowly.

" Yes, please. " Tris says.

The doctor moves her arm and all of a sudden, there's a baby in her arms.

" Here we go. " She says.

Her eyes narrow and she rushes the baby to the carrier.

" Call Collin in. We need a crash cart. " She says to her nurse.

The nurse nods.

'Collin, this is Harper. We need a crash cart in Delivery room 7.'

They both surround the baby, cleaning it off.

" Come on baby. " Harper says.

Tris lifts her eyes to me, looking at me.

" What's going on? Is the baby okay? " Tris asks.

" Breathe. Come on, honey. " Harper says.

I shake my head.

" I don't know, baby. " I say.

'Cassie, this baby isn't waking up.'
'It's gonna be okay. We're gonna wake 'em up.'

She grabs a cloth, wiping the baby's face.

" Come on, little one. Mommy and Daddy want to meet you. " She says.

Tris' eyes are filled with horror.

" What's wrong with the baby? " She asks. " Is the baby okay? " She asks.

I can't answer. All I see is the doctors huddled around the baby. The door opens and a man huddles around the baby. He pulls a cart with him.

Collin, the man with the crash cart.

He stops, looking down at the baby.

" Come on, baby. " He says.

All of a sudden, a monitor next to Tris starts to beep rapidly. Her eyelids grow heavy and she closes them.

"Tris? " I shout. "Honey?"

She let's go of my hand and goes limp. I shake my head.

" No... " I whimper, tears draining off of my cheeks. " No, no. Please, no. "

The nurse walks over, looking me dead in the eye.

" I'm gonna need you to leave. We'll have you wait in the waiting room down the hall. " She says.

She shoves me out of the delivery room before I can protest. She closes the door behind her, locking it. I look into the room through the small glass pane in the side. Multiple doctors surround Tris, all trying to help her.

What if I lose her?
You're not gonna.
But what if I do?
Trust me. It's gonna be okay.
What if I lose them both?
Four, you need to breathe.

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