3.8 - Sick

165 7 10

[Beatrice Prior]

I stand in the kitchen, pouring water for tea. I've been sick the last couple of days so I had to call out today. Tobias approaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist. My back is pressed to his chest.

" You're so gorgeous. " He states.

I smile over my shoulder at him, cocking one eyebrow.

" Wait till you see me on our wedding day. Then I'll be gorgeous. " I state.

He presses his lips to my neck, then my shoulder.

" You're already beautiful. " He states.

I laugh, shaking my head.

" And you're a horrible liar. " I state.

He laughs, spinning me around to face him.

" I've seen you at your worst Tris and I still thought you were gorgeous. " He states.

I smile, sighing.

" And what is my worst? " I ask.

He shrugs.

" When Eric abducted you from the hospital? You were pasty white, were covered in blood, your hair was a mess... Sorry, that may sound harsh. " He says.

I smile. He places his hand on my cheek. I kiss his hand, leaning against him.

" To think. 3 weeks from now, we'll be married. You'll be an Eaton and we'll be able to finally start our own family. " He says.

I smile, nodding.

" I can't wait to see our future. " He says.

I smile, running my hand through his hair.

" I can't either. " I say.

He presses his lips to mine. He kisses me harder, pressing my back to the counter behind me. He pulls away, signing.

" Shit, " He states. " I'm gonna be late for work. Feel better, okay? "

I nod, kissing him one last time.

" I love you. " He says.

I smile, squeezing his hand.

" I love you too. " I say.

He walks away, leaving for work. I go back to making my tea. I open a tea bag and a wave of nausea rushes over me. I can't stop it. I run to the bathroom off of the kitchen, barely making it in time. I haven't been able to keep anything down, but yet, I still throw up full force. I try to steady myself, gripping the toilet seat with white knuckles. As soon as all that's within my stomach exits my body, I feel fine again. I stand, flushing the toilet. I wash my hands, then my face, sighing. I return to the kitchen. I pour out the water, knowing I won't be able to drink anytime soon. A knock sounds at the door.

"Tris, it's Christina! Open the door!"

I walk to the door, opening it. She stands in front of me holding a plastic bag from the pharmacy.

" I came to take care of you. " She says.

I chuckle, letting her in. I walk to the living room, dropping down onto the couch. Another wave of nausea flushes over me.

" I'll be right back. " I state.

I run to the bathroom again, emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl, even though there's nothing in my stomach. I stand, flushing the toilet, washing my hands, then my face. I brush my teeth, returning to the living room.

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