Chapter 1 "Just Me"

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*Lilah's POV*

"Hey mom?" I yelled down the stairs out of my room.

"Yes Lilah?"

"I am I adopted?" I joked. Typical me. That was who I was. I always asked the stupidest of questions that I already knew the answers to, but I mean that was literally the only fun I ever had. I didn't have many friends, actually like no friends and only one younger sister named Hayley who got all my parents attention. I was 17 and about to start my senior year of highschool, which I was kinda dreading.

"You already know what I am going to say and that joke is getting pretty old." she bluntly stated.

Yeah I guess I already knew what she was gonna say but I don't think I have ever actually heard her say the words "No, you are not adopted." and that kinda bothered me. She only ever said that we look alike or that she was never gonna answer that.


I decided it was time to go to sleep which to me means listening to music for hours until I drift off.

"Crap." I muttered to myself. I had realized I left my CDs downstairs. As if on cue, my mother knocked on my door and before I could answer she was already inside.

" Lilah," she started, " you left your music downstairs." she said handing me "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" and "Vices and Virtues" then leaving the room. Thank god I didn't have to go get them myself. I'm too lazy, and it was my favorite band, Panic! At The Disco. Man, I just loved them, all of them. I missed Ryan and Jon but I'm obsessed with Dallon. Brendon is adorable and Spencer too but Dallon...ugh he is just a dream come true.

I was about to play the music when I heard whispers outside my door. They were from my parents.

"I think we should tell her." my father whispered.

"Not yet. She is gonna be crushed."

"But she needs to know eventually. Better now than never."

"Okay. Fine."

The whispering stopped and I heard them walking towards my door. I sprinted to my bed and leaped for it landing face down in my pillow and pretending to be asleep.

"Lilah, I know your not asleep."

I sat up. "How did you know?"

"Your music isn't playing..."

"Oh..." I said.

"Your father and I need to talk to you about something." she stated.

"O-Ok" I hesitantly said after she paused for awhile. I wish she would just spit it out already.

She sat down on my bed and took my hand. My father did the same on the other side of me. There was an awkward silence before I spoke up.

"Mom, Dad, you don't have to tell me now if its this hard. It can wait til tomorrow morning." Which was not true. I couldn't wait. I was nervous and I wouldn't be able to get any sleep. But how bad could this news be anyway?

"No. We should tell you now." My father said looking at my mother.

"Yes sweetie. Y'know how you always jokingly ask if you are adopted." She said waiting for me to answer.

"Y-yeah w-why?"

"Well," she hesitantly began, "We love you but we thought you needed to know that..." she drifted off and started tearing up before she began again.

"You are adopted."


Mah first chapter of mah first story!!!1!!!!!

Let me know what you think!

M'kay. Byeee!

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