Chapter 15 "Prom"

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*Lilah's POV*

One week Later...

Prom! Prom is today and I'm so stressed! Talia is coming over in a few minutes to get ready. She doesn't have a date, so Dallon is gonna drive her. We didn't get a limo because that's just something we wouldn't do.

"Ding dong..." I heard the doorbell and sprinted downstairs in one of Dallon's huge t-shirts and sweatpants.

"Hey!" I said as I opened the door.

"Hey!" Talia greeted and she walked in. We went up to my room.

"Okay, so we have an hour and a half before we need to leave, so we should do our hair, then makeup, then get dressed." She said.

"I'm just gonna straighten my hair, nothing too fancy." I said.

"Same." Talia said. We both straightened each other's hair and admired our work. We began to do our simple makeup. Just powder, eye liner, and mascara. We finished with a half hour to get dressed.

"Hey Tal, can you zip me up?" I asked, turning around.

"Yeah sure." She said and proceeded to do so. I turned back around and heard her gasp.

"You look so beautiful!" She said.

"Same to you." I returned her complement.

"Hey, so y'know how we were talking about not seeing each other as much after graduation? Well, I'm moving out of my current home and the house down the street is for I got it!"

"What?! That's great Talia! I'm so happy for you!" I said giving her a hug.

"Girls! C'mon!" We heard Brendon yell from downstairs.

We ran downstairs and heard gasps from all three guys.

"You look beautiful." Spence said as he hugged us.

"I can't believe it! You actually look like girls!" Brendon joked and Dallon still hadn't spoken yet.

"Wow." He whispered. It was all he was able to say.

"Thanks guys!" Talia and I both said.

"Picture time!" Brendon yelled. We took pictures for a few minutes and it was time to get going. In about 10 minutes, we arrived at the school gym. It looked beautiful. All the decorations and flowers and lights. It was stunning and this was gonna be the best night ever!

They let us in and time seemed to fly by. We danced and danced for what seemed like forever. Dallon had gone to get something to drink and Talia and I were left alone at the table when we were aproched by one of Talia's friends, Mark.

"Hey! Talia who's your friend?" he asked.

"This is Lilah. Lilah, this is my buddy, Mark." She introduced us.

"Oh cool. You girls up for a party tomorrow night? Its at my place. And we could use some babes like you." He gestured at me.

"Um I would love to go, but I have a boyfriend and we are pretty serious." I said.

"Ok that's fine. But you should still come. All the seniors are coming. Its like a graduation party kinda. So just think about it, k?"

"Okay." Talia said. Mark soon left and Dallon had come back.

"Hey who was that?" He asked.

We explained about Mark and the party. Dallon said it was a good idea to go and he thought it would be fun.

"Its time to announce Prom King and Queen!" We heard the announcer say into the microphone.

"Your Prom King is.....Mark Jonson!" That was Talia's friend and the crowd roared with clapping and cheering.

"And Congratulations to your Prom Queen.....Talia DeFranco!"

Talia stood up and looked so surprised. She turned around and hugged me before running on the stage to receive her crown. She stood there with pure awe and was the happiest I had ever seen her.

"Now let's all join the King and Queen for their traditional slow dance!" The announcer said, before grabbing her own date and beginning to slow dance.

"Wanna dance?" Dall had asked me.

"Duh!" I said grabbing his hand. He led me out to the dance floor and I began to quietly sing along to the song.

"Woah. I didn't know you could sing like that." Dallon said.

"Oh. Well I guess there's still a lot you don't know about me then." I said.

"Yeah but I know enough about you to know that I love you." He said and leaned in for our first kiss of the night.

"I love you too. And I always will." I said. The rest of the night was filled with dancing and laughing until it was time to go home.

This really was the best night ever!


Heyyy! Guess who's really excited about this book now...ME! Its gonna get really exciting in the next chapter...I promise! So let me know what you think!


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