Chapter 17 "I Need Her"

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(WARNING: This chapter is mostly about self if you're sensitive to that...don't read this...)


*Spencer's POV*

"I think we should now..." Talia said. She began to worry me.

"About what? Is everything okay? W-What happened? I stuttered.

"Don't get mad...but at the party last night, Dallon was really drunk. I don't know why, and he may have kissed someone, other than Lilah..." She said and showed me a picture on her phone.

"WHAT?!" I stood up and began putting on my shoes.

"Where are you going?!" Talia asked.

"To find Dallon! He can't do this to Lilah and get away with it. She is like my little sister and I want to protect her!" I yelled.

"What's with all the yelling?" Brendon asked and stepped into the room.

"DALLON KISSED SOMEONE ELSE!" I yelled and decided to wait until Dallon came home to kill him.

"What?... Really...oh..." Brendon said.

I waited downstairs for them to come home and Talia said she would take Lilah somewhere as long as I promise to let Dallon explain first.

Brendon was with me. He looked pale as a ghost.

"I just can't believe one of my best friends would do this to my sister..." Brendon admitted. He stood there with a blank face until he heard a car pull into the driveway.

"Spencer. Remember what you promised me!" Talia yelled as she ran outside to Lilah.

Dallon soon walked through the door.

"Hey. So Talia and Lilah are going somewhere and-" I cut him off.

"Shut up." I said. His facial expression became very surprised.

"What?" He whispered.

"Just explain to me...WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! I yelled and held up the picture.

He became pale and fell to the floor. Brendon ran into the kitchen and grabbed some water. He threw it in his face and he jolted up almost immediately. At this point I had calmed down a little. He walked into the living room and took a seat. Brendon and I stood before him with our arms crossed.

"Dall. I'm gonna listen to your explanation, but please tell me this is an accident." Pleaded Brendon.

Dallon began to tear up. "It was. Breezy send me this..." He said and held up his phone, showing us a text.

"So I got drunk...because I'm stupid... and while I was drunk I went to kiss Lilah, but realized it wasn't her. Then Bree send a text saying she was joking and all my guilt rushed to my head."

Now he was really crying. I've never seen him cry like this before. It scared me and I felt as if it was my fault.

"Dallon...calm down. I believe you..." I said and he perked up a little. "Bren?"

"I believe you... and forgive you...and I'm glad you're not gonna be a dad to be honest." He said. We all hugged until Dallon stopped crying.

I decided it was time to go home. But we didn't know what was happening with the girls in the meantime.

*Lilah's POV*

"Lilah...I-I can't keep this from you anymore...don't kill him but..." Talia said as she showed me a picture on her phone. I was so confused.

"Aw. You and Mark look adorable! Is that Dallon in the backgrou..." I stopped dead in my tracks and broke down in tears.

"He was drunk Lilah...I just didn't want to keep this from you." She said.

"NO! HE'S AN ASSHOLE!" I screamed.

"Lilah! Shut up and calm down! I needed to tell you! I couldn't keep this from-" I cut her off.

"Why are you supporting him about this?! You know what he did was horrible and you're still siding with him?! You're the worst!" I said and took off running. I went to the only place I felt safe...

...Spencer's house.

I ran. I just kept going. I had been there a few times before and knew the address. So I typed it into my GPS and soon came across the house.

What if he's home? I don't want him to see me right now. I went to the backyard and saw a slightly opened window. It was the bathroom window.

I slowly lifted up the edge and popped out the screen. I was a lot louder than I thought it would be. I squeezed through and ended up face first on the floor.

I crawled into the tub and sobbed. I can't believe my musical idol would do this to me. The one person I loved. My best friend...

Between all my sobbing, I managed to get up and almost not thinking, started to look for something in the drawers.

"Found it..."

I sat on the floor, and with one of Spencer's razors, and made a small incision on my wrist. I let out all my anger into my cuts. I couldn't stop. But I didn't want to...

Within only a minute of the cuts, I slipped into unconsciousness.

*Spencer's POV*

After talking to Dallon, I felt really bad. I yelled at him and was ready to kill him before he explained. But I went home. And now I'm just watching TV. I sat watching reruns of old cartoons when I heard a thud. I thought nothing of it until I heard rummaging coming from my bathroom. Someone must have broken in...

I looked around for a weapon to use on the trespasser. I heard another thud and slowly tip toed to the bathroom. The door was unlocked and I immediately began to cry when I saw who was in there.

"NO! NO! LILAH! LILAH PLEASE!" I yelled loud enough for people across the world to hear.

"Please be okay. Please be okay. Please! Lilah!" I screamed. I dialed 911 and told them what I had found. I need to call Brendon but instead, I got a call from Talia.

"Spencer! Lilah's gone! I don't know where she went. I told her about Dallon and she ran and I-" I cut her off.

"I found her! She's in my house. She cut herself and fainted! I'm gonna call Bren. Meet me at the hospital." I said and hung up without listening for her answer. I could hear sirens sound in the near distance as I dialed Brendon.

"Hello?" He said.

"Bren! Meet me at the hospital! I found Lilah in my house passed out a-and she c-cut a-and I called an ambulance! Meet me th-there as soon as you can please!" I said between sobs. I didn't hear Brendon answer, but I couldn't wait.

"Don't die on me Lilah! I need you! I need my sister! I need my best friend! Please!"

Those were my last thoughts before the paramedics barged through my front door and took Lilah onto the ambulance. Thank god they let me on too. I sat in the back of the ambulance and my crying still hadn't stopped.

"Lilah...I need you. Please be okay..."


Whoa! That suspence tho! Sorry for the long wait chapter will be up soon!

Let me know what ya think!


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