Chapter 21 "Happiness Again"

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*Lilah's POV*

I kept running. I couldn't stop. But I don't know why. I'm not scared of Dallon. What's wrong with me. I still love him. Why the hell am I running!? Yeah he kissed someone else but, I saw him really depressed and the guys told me he was drunk. Its like I'm punishing him or something...I should be with him and he should be here with me. Ugh what the hell?!

I finally made it to the house and calmed down. I need to see him. He needs to come here so we can talk. I need to talk!

I heard a loud knock on the door and opened it before I could see who it was. It could have been a murderer and I wouldn't know. Thank god it wasn't a murderer. It was Dallon! And I guess he was running after me because he was out of breath and panting.

"Look. I need to talk to you. I don't know what's wrong with me or why I'm doing this to you but its my fault that you're all depressed and I needed to see you again because I realized how much I still-" He cut me off with his lips colliding with mine. Oh god did I miss this!

"I-I still love you..." I finished causing him to smile. I could feel my eyes welling up and I felt tears slowly spill down my cheeks. I missed him too much and I so glad I have him back.

"I love you too Lilah. Please forgive me for my dumbass move of getting drunk. I honestly thought the girl I kissed was you. I would never cheat on you or abandon you. I love you too much to do that and I don't wanna mess this up again." he said beginning to tear up.

"I don't want to mess with this up either. Promise me that we'll always be together?" I asked hugging him as tight as i could. No answer...

"Dallon?" I asked as I saw him fall to his knee in tears and feel around in his pocket.

"Trust me. I promise. Forever and always. Please Lilah listen to me..." He began I knelt down next to him crying happy tears this time.

"Lilah, I've wanted to do this for a while now. But when you're ready, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest person on the planet by marrying me?"

"Oh...god...Dallon of course!" I could barely finish my answer because of all the tears. We both sat up, he put the ring on my finger and we hugged each other so tight. I felt like I could stay like that forever in his arms. But I heard the front door open. I didn't move though.

"Congrats Lil." I heard someone whisper in my ear.  It must've been Spencer and I felt Brendon's arms wrap around my waist. I finally let go of Dallon to hug my brother and I saw Spencer and Dallon hug. It was a hugging fest! We all exchanged hugs and the boys said their congradulations.

Dallon and I went upstairs. No, not to do anything nasty, you perv...

We laid down on my bed and Dal wrapped his arms around me protectively. I turned to face him and just stared at his face. His eyes were closed but I knew he was still awake. I played with his hair a little, causing him tosmile weakly. I pecked his lips one final time for the night. I flipped back over and closed my eyes.

I heard Dallon very quietly say, "I love you Lilah..." And with that, I contemptly fell asleep.


Hey Heyy! Long time no see guys! Sorry this update took so long...but whatever!! Hope you have a good day!! I'm about to get pizza! Byyyeee!!!


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