Chapter 5 "Love at First Sight?"

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*Brendon's POV*

As I was packing, I realized my car is in the shop, so I have to take the stupid bus with the screaming children and a whole bunch of people...ugh.

I was waiting at the bus stop when a bunch of girls walked past me. I didn't say anything but they all stopped next to me and began screaming and clawing at me.

I forgot who I was. Of course they would scream, they are wearing Panic! merch and were yelling my songs when they were going down the street. I didn't even have time to think. I just grabbed all my bags and took off running back to my place. Hopefully Dallon or Spencer was still there. I turned down the street and got in the house before the girls could see where I went. I leaned against the inside of the door out of breath until Dallon saw me.

"Hey dude. Uh, did you forget you don't have a car right now?" he asked.

"Yeah. I did. Where's Spence?" I asked.

"He left. He wasn't feeling good so he just went home."

"Oh," I said, "Well then, do you think you could drive me?"

"Yeah sure. Let's go." he said and we started to walk to his car making sure no one saw us. Especially those girls.

The whole ride to the airport was really quiet. Usually when Dallon and I are in a car together, we jam out to whatever is on the radio but he didn't even want it on.

When we got to the airport, I had to ask him.

"Hey Dall, are you okay?"

"Yeah," he answered, "its just that Breezy and I broke up this morning when I was leaving for our practice. She said I was too involved in the band and I didn't really care about her anymore. And next week, I was even gonna propose but I guess n-not anymore."

He started to tear up when he said the last part. I just pulled him in for a hug. I couldnt bear to see him like this. He never cried in front of me before so I really didn't know how to react.

"Dall, do you maybe wanna come with me? Y'know, to get your mind off all of this?" I asked.

"What? Really? Yes Bren! Thank you so much! I love you!... but uh not like that uh...yeah sorry dude." he said.

"Its okay. And I love you too, just not like that. You're basically my brother." I exclaimed.

We both went inside to purchase our tickets. Dallon said he had enough money to buy extra clothes and stuff there so we could leave as soon as possible.

*Lilah's POV*

I woke up in a strange place. I was in a hospital. But why? Then I remembered when I looked down at my wrists and saw that they were wrapped in bandages. I looked over to the chair next to my bed and saw my mom. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was 1 in the afternoon and I was starving.

"Hey sweetie! Good that you are awake. You must be starving." said a nurse who walked in.

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I exclaimed and woke my mom up. The nurse laughed and went to get food for me.

"Oh Lilah! I'm so glad you're awake!" my mom yelled.

"Hey mom," I said, where's dad and Hayley?"

"They went to grab lunch." she said.

"Oh Okay." I said, kind of upset because I just wanted to see them right now and hug them.

"And we have a surprise for you..." said my mom. Her voice went really high when she said that.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, I can't tell you because then it wouldn't be a surprise." she said.

"Oh." I said and turned over to try to go back to sleep until I saw the nurse with food.

*Dallon's POV*

I heard one of the flight attendants tell another passenger we were about five minutes away so I decided to wake up Brendon, who was sleeping on my shoulder. I shook him a little and told him about five more minutes. He nodded his head and slowly sat up.

~~10 minutes later~~

We were finally out of the airport!

I waved for a taxi while Brendon was fumbling with his bag strap. I could tell he was really nervous.

We got into the taxi and gave the driver the address. A few minutes later we were at the hospital and Brendon decided to pay the taxi driver. We then walked inside.

"How can I help you?" a snotty woman at the front desk asked, without even looking up.

"Can you tell me what room Lilah Smith is in?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah sure. Give me a minute." she answered and finally looked up.

"Oh hi!" she said. It was so obvious she was really attracted to Brendon.

"Um. She's in room 8675309. Oops wait sorry, that's actually my number. Maybe you should call it sometime." She asked Brendon.

"Uh no thanks. I'm married." he said as he showed her the ring rudely. She gave me the dirtiest look ever and rolled her eyes at both of us.

"She's in 69A. Down the hall, first door on your left." she said monotone. "This was gonna be fun." I sarcastically thought to myself.

We walked down to the room with Brendon's bags.

We peaked in and I saw the most beautiful girl soundlessly sleeping with an empty plate on her lap. I never believed in love at first sight, but I think I do now...


Aww Dallon(=^_^=)

What would Dallon and Lilah's ship name be??


eh idek(=^・^=)

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