Chapter 7 "Sparks"

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*Lilah's POV*

Finally! 3 days after I met Brendon and Dallon I am free! Thank God! I couldn't stand the hospital any longer. The snotty nurses, the rude patients, and other visitors. But now I am free!!!

I know for a fact the excitement definitely showed on my face because I snapped out of my phase when Brendon was snapping his fingers all up in my face.

"Hey! Are you deaf or something?" he asked, looking really confused.

"Oh sorry. I'm just excited to be leaving is all." I said, embarrassly looking at my feet.

"So what do ya think?" he asked me.


"What do you think about coming to stay with me for a few days?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Wha-?!" I said almost choking on nothing but excitement.

"You heard me! Come stay with me in Vegas for a week, or two, or however many! I'm just so happy I have a sister and I really want to get to know you!"

"Hell yeah Bren! I would love to go!! Do my parents know?" I asked worried that they would say no.

"They were cool with it," he said as we got into his rental car. It was only the two of us so i took the front seat. "They said someone has to always be with you. So if I have to go somewhere and you don't wanna come, you could always stay just with Dallon."

I got over my fangirling the second day they were here but when he said I'll stay with Dallon, my inner fangirl screamed. I still had the huge crush on him but no one knows.

"Yes!! So when do we leave?" I asked.

"Whenever you want." he answered.

"How about tomorrow morning. First thing. It gives me a chance to pack everything and say goodbye to everyone."

"Yeah sure!" he said as we pulled up to my front door. He came inside with me and talked to my parents about it. I'll be staying a week, and Brendon offered to handle all the money for the flight tickets.

After he said bye, to go back to the hotel where Dallon was, I sprinted up the stairs and started packing. I basically packed my whole room. All my band merch...duh...all my jeans, and the rest of my comfy clothes. Makeup, Hair products, and all my Fall Out Boy CDs and Panic! CDs. I was ready to go!!


*Brendon's POV*

Dallon and I pulled up to Lilah's house in our rental car and knocked on the door. Before we were even finished with the second knock, Lilah bursted through the door with A LOT of bags. She hugged us and put her things in her Dad's car since he was taking us to the airport. He even said he would return our rental car for us. We all waved bye and jammed into Lilah's Dad's car. The ride there, her dad was asking the kinds of things we were planning on having Lilah do with us. I told him we would mostly be eating pizza, watching TV, or be in the studio, and Lilah would not shut up about how excited she was. We finally got to the airport and boarded.

~~couple hours later~~

We are here!! I looked over to see Lilah asleep on Dallon's shoulder and him sprawled out all over his seat sleeping. I woke them both up and we went to baggage claim. After that, we found Spencer waiting to pick us up outside the door.

"Ahhh! Oh my god! Its Spencer!!!" Lilah screamed. She explained to me her 'fangirling' for Dallon and I is gone because we were with her for four days nonstop, but I forgot she never met Spencer. He got out of the car just as she threw herself at him into a hug.

"Hey doofus! When you're done hugging Spence, wanna get some pizza?" I asked Lilah.

"Is that even a question? Of course I do!" she yelled. We all got into Spencer's car and he drove us to the nearest pizza place because I was starving.

~~After Dinner, at Brendon's house~~

It was only 7pm, but Lilah was already really tired. I had forgotten about the time difference. Spencer went home and it was just Lilah, me, and Dallon.

"Hey guys!" I called to Lilah and Dall from the kitchen. They were sitting on the couch watching some weird movie. "You want pancakes? 'Cause I do and maybe you do too."

"Yaaaassss!!!" They both called from the other room at the same time. I was craving pancakes, I needed them! They are life in a little breakfast food!

I was ready to prepare pancakes for three, but there was only enough mix for two.

"Hey I'm going to go pick up some pancake mix from the store. I'll be back in like ten, k?"

"Okay byee!! Stop interrupting the movie y'dingus!!" Lilah yelled. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

*Dallon's POV*

Oh. My. God. I'm alone with Lilah! Aww, she's so cute when she's tired.

I could tell she was drifting off because her breathing became very steady and her head practically smashed onto my shoulder. She woke up to the collision.

"I'm sorry I woke you up." I apologized. I hope she didn't realize my awkwardness.

"No I'm sorry. I'm the one where fell on your shoulder anyway." She said placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt sparks. I was so scared. I haven't been nervous around a girl since middle school. What's wrong with me!?

I playfully pushed her hand off of me, but I HAD to. We were just staring into each other's eyes. They were a beautiful brown. Next thing I knew, I leaned in.

And we kissed.

The weird thing is, I think she kissed back.

*Lilah's POV*

Dallon Weekes just FREAKIN kissed me?!?!  I think my inner fangirl is back!

He pulled away and had a nervous look on his face.

"I-I'm so s-sorry. I j-just--" I cut him off with another kiss.

I could feel his tongue begging for entrance, which I didn't not deny. The kiss deepened and he lightly pushed me onto my back on the couch.

He hovered over me, beginning to grind his crotch against mine. I let out a soft moan before I could feel one of his hands begin to lift my shirt and roughly grab my waist. I could tell this kiss could turn into something different really soon.

I heard the weirdest noise come out of his mouth but I ignored it. It happened again but this time his mouth was closed and he was getting off of me...what was that's noise? It was like a ringing but I didn't realise what it was until Dallon answered the door. "It was the doorbell, stupid." I mentally scolded myself.

All I heard next was someone rush upstairs and Brendon walk in the door with a box of pancake mix. I hope he didn't see what just happened.

"Hey Lilah!" He greeted. "Why did Dallon run upstairs like that?" I don't think he knows. And I don't plan on telling him.

"I don't know actually." I said, playing it off like nothing happened.

"Oh well give me ten minutes and I should have some pancakes ready."


~~10 minutes later~~

Brendon called me to the kitchen and had three plates set out. He went to get Dallon, but he came back and said Dallon wasn't feeling good, So we could have his pancakes. I don't mind, but what's wrong with Dallon?

We devoured our pancakes, and Dallon's. I still don't think Brendon knows about what happened earlier.

We said our goodnights and I decided to sleep on the couch and finish the movie. I couldn't focus on it though. I just kept thinking about one thing.

The kiss.


So far, this was my favorite chapter to write!

Let me know what you think!!! (=^_^=)

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