Chapter 9 "That was Close"

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*Brendon's POV*

Dallon and Lilah went out for lunch and I was home alone. I've noticed the past few days, that Lilah and Dallon have became extremely close friends. Its nice to see them getting along but soon that will end. Lilah only has two days with us in Vegas and then she'll be going back to Pennsylvania to start her senior year of highschool. She said she doesn't have any friends at home and all of her friends like Spencer and Pete and Patrick are here. I just wish she could stay longer. I decided to make a call.


Lilah and I have been secretly together since three days ago. I feel bad not telling Brendon. We are best friends and I feel like he should know I'm dating his sister. He thinks we are just really close friends and Lilah will be leaving in two days and the next time she'll come back will be for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I can't wait that long. I love her. I've never fallen in love with someone so fast before.

"Hey Dall, what's wrong?" Lilah asked.

"Oh sorry I just zoned out. I don't want you to leave. I wish you could stay."

"Me too. I wish I could stay, but I need to finish senior year." She said.

"Why can't you finish it here and move in with us? Please?"

"I don't know Dall. What if my parents say no?" She said. I didn't bother to answer. We finished lunch and I paid, of course. We headed back to Brendon's place.

*Brendon's POV*

I can't believe what I am about to do. I dialed the number into my phone and waited for an answer.


"Hi, Mrs. Smith. This is Brendon." I said.

"Oh hi sweetie! How's Lilah?" she asked.

"Well she's great but I was wondering....if maybe Lilah could live with me...permanently? And before you say no, just hear me out. She said she has no friends back home, but here, she made so many friends in a week! She can go to school here, and make more friends and she-" I was cut off.

"Brendon, Lilah's father and I were thinking almost the same thing. We've been calling her and texting her all week and she said that same thing as you. I think it will be best for her." she said.

"What!? Really?! Oh thanks so much! I can't wait to tell her! Thanks. Bye!!" And with that, I hung up the phone and waited for Lilah and Dallon to come home to deliver the great news.

~~10 minutes later~~

I heard Lilah and Dallon laughing behind the closed door and the knob jiggle and the sounds of keys unlocking the door. They opened the door and Dallon held it open for Lilah. When she walked in I yelled, "SURPRISE!"

"Whyyyy?" Lilah asked.

"Well I called your mom aaaaand...You get to move here with me!"


"Nope! And don't worry about school. You'll finish highschool here!

"AHHH! Oh my god Brendon! Thank you so much!" She ran up to me and gave me a quick hug. Then she ran to Dallon and gave him a really long hug. I felt awkward just standing there. So I loudly cleared my throat so they noticed I was here.

"Oh...I-I...uh sorry Dallon...I uh just got too excited." Lilah said as she harshly pushed herself off of him.

"Uh okay. Well Lilah, I'll go enroll you in school. I'm pretty sure it starts next week. And then tomorrow we can go shopping for clothes and stuff for you."

"Okay! Thanks Bren! I love you!" She said hugging me again, longer this time.

After our hug, I left to go enroll her. I'm so happy I made the decision to call and have her move here.

*Lilah's POV*

After Brendon gave me the great news and left to enroll me in school, I was left alone with Dallon. This is only the second time we've been left alone, except for lunch.

"Congrats!" Dallon said as he lifted me off the ground, spun me around, and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my legs around his waist, not stopping the kiss.

"Wait, what are we doing?" I asked.

"I'" Dallon said between pecks on my lips.

A/N The next part will be smut. Innocent people...I will tell you when you can read again.

He guided me to the guest room. We fell onto the bed, still not stopping our kissing. He began to run his hands up my shirt and feel my chest. I moaned every time he would squeeze my breasts. I began to unbutton his shirt and removed mine. He unclasped my bra and started to unbuckle his belt and undo his pants. I took of my jeans and all that was left was his boxers and my panties.

"Wait." I said. "Protection?" I asked him.

He got off of me and ran to the bathroom to grab a condom. Before he came back, I got under the covers and stripped off my panties. He returned and joined me under the covers. He removed his boxers and unraveled the protection. He leaned down to kiss me and then left a trail of kisses all the way down to my stomach. He warned me when he was going to start, and left me with one last kiss before starting. He started slowly but went faster when he heard me begging for more. I moved my hips to keep up with his speed of thrusts. I tear slid down my face as I moaned.

"Oh god. I so sorry Lil-" I cut him off.

"Just keep going!" I said as I almost reached my climax. Before I knew it, I orgasmed and was breathing really heavily. Though, I reached my climax, Dallon was still going strong.

"Oh god Lilah!"

Nevermind... After that he went to disposed of the protection.

A/N Innocent may read again.

He joined me under the covers again while we cuddled for only 5 minuted before I said, "Crap. Bren might be back any minute. If he finds out what just happened, He'll murder us both."

"Okay. Well, go shower I'll go downstairs, in case he comes home, then I'll shower. Just hurry." Dallon said as I ran to grab clothes to change into.

*Dallon's POV*

I waited on the couch casually, while Lilah showered. I can't even believe what just happened. But she needs to hurry. Its only been 5 minutes. She soon came downstairs with a towel on her hair. I ran upstairs and began to shower.

*Brendon's POV*

I unlocked the door and saw Lilah sitting on the couch by herself with wet hair.

"Hey where's Dall?" I asked.

"He's taking a shower." She nervously answered.


"Well...Uh...we were making spaghetti and we spilled the sauce all over us." she answered.

"Oh. So. Where's the spaghetti?" I asked because I was so hungry.

"We...uh...y' it out because it was gross."

"Oh, I was just hungry, that's why I asked." I said as Dallon casually walked down the stairs.

"Hey Dall, I heard about the spaghetti, that's funny dude."

"Oh...yeah...uh...sure okay..." He said, before Lilah cut him off.

"Bren? since you're so hungry, I'll make you some pancakes, and Dallon, you can go watch TV or something, k? “ She said.

"Ok!" Dallon and I said at the same time.

*Lilah's POV*

"Holy shit, that was close." I thought to myself. "This cannot happen again."


My first smutty chapter...sorry innocent people. (=^_^=)

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