Chapter 4 "Kind of an Emergency"

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Self harm is mentioned in this chapter.

*Lilah's POV*

I tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't knowing that someone didn't want me or that basically my whole life has been a lie.

I got up to go to the bathroom and just looked in the mirror. I decided to wash my face from my tears until I spotted something on the sink.

It was a razor. I know I shouldn't do this. I haven't done this since almost a year and a half ago due to some really horrible depression from sophomore year. I was always being bullied, made fun of for my music taste, and called emo because of my clothes and hair. At the time, my hair was about shoulder length and jet black with some blue streaks and all I ever wore was black. The bullies basically made my life a living hell and I just wanted to get my anger and frustration out someway. So I decided to use the razor.

Just like I want to do now. I just want to make one last official cut. But one turned into many and before I knew it, I was getting very dizzy and then everything went black.

*Hayley's POV* (Lilah's younger sister)

I woke up to a loud bang in the room next to mine. It was 7 in the morning but my family always sleeps late so I got up to see what it was. I noticed Lilah's door was opened so I went in and saw no one. I ran back to the bathroom and opened the door. Good thing she never locks the door.

I saw Lilah on the ground with blood running down her arms.

"MOM! DAD!" I screamed. "I NEED HELP!"

They came running out of their room and saw her. My mom began to cry while my dad started giving orders.

"Get one of my shirts to wrap this." he said to my mom. She nodded and ran into their room.

"Call 911 now." he told me and I immediately obeyed. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"I need help! My sister is on the ground laying in blood please send help!" I yelled and cried at the same time.

"Okay. What is the address?" she asked.

"767 Ironwood Road Nazareth, Pennsylvania."

"Okay. Help is on the way." she said as I hung up the phone.

I heard sirens and soon enough, they were outside my house. They took her to the nearest hospital and my parents and I all followed in our car.


(still Hayley's POV)

We've been in the hospital for 3 and a half hours and she still hasn't woken up yet. The doctors said she would wake up any minute or in a few hours. I was just so nervous. I offered to grab breakfast for my parents and I at the café.

When I came back with three bagels and orange juice, my parents were talking about calling Lilah's brother. All I kept thinking was that we don't have a brother. So I asked.

"Whose brother?"

"Lilah's. She's adopted. She found out last night so I think she got really depressed. We're sorry we never told you. But we will tell you the details when we get home." my mother answered.

"O-Okay." I quietly answered.

"Its 11 o'clock. I think we should call grace and see if Brendon can talk." said my dad. He dialed a number in his cell phone and started talking to someone.

"Okay...Sure...Yep...Okay we'll call that number...thanks... bye." he said.

He then hung up and dialed another number and waited until someone answered.

*Brendon's POV*

I woke up from the weirdest dream...I found a salamander who could play bass so we kicked Dallon out of that band because we wanted a salamander instead...weird.

Today was the day Spencer and Dallon were coming over to practice a little. So far, Spencer is the only one who knows about my sister and I plan on keeping it that way until I officially meet her.

The guys were coming over at 10am and then we would probably get some food and just hang out the rest of the day. I didn't bother cleaning my house because that is so much work and I doubt they would really care.

It was about 10 now, so they would be here soon. Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Dallon and Spencer were both there. I let them in and we just jammed out for about an hour until I got a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

A man was telling me what happened to a girl I didn't know.

"Who is this and why are you calling?" I asked.

"Oh...I'm sorry. This is Andy Smith. Your sister's dad. She's in the hospital and we thought you should know. Your mother told us to call this number at this time so..." he said

"What!? Why is she in the hospital?! What happened!?"

"Well, maybe we can tell you here. We are under a lot of stress right now and-"

I cut him off. "I'm coming now. What's the hospital's address?"

He gave me the address and I started packing as fast as I could.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked.

"Its kind of an emergency. My sister is in the hospital and I want to fly there to see her!" I answered

"Sister?" asked Dallon.

"Yeah sorry I didn't tell you dude. I'll text you later." I said as I ran out the door.


Mmmhmmmm. Chapter 4...just another filler...but next chapter, I promise it will be more exciting! Woohooo!

Let me know what you think so far!


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