Chapter 13 "Cant Wait For Next Week!"

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8 months Later (sorry for the huge time skip)

*Lilah's POV*

School has gotten a lot better since the first couple days. Mikayla was expelled for beating me up. Yes, I did fight back a few times, but the most that happened was a suspension and a few detentions. I understand it was wrong to fight back and blah blah blah... I'm just happy she's gone. Her friends are still in school, but they seem scared of me mwahaha! Anyway, senior prom is next week! I never liked proms or homecomings, or school dances because I never had a date or any friends, but now I have Dallon and Talia and I couldn't be happier. And graduation is a week after prom and I'm getting so stressed about it. This has been one of my best school years. I've had a B+ average all year and all the teachers love me now. I'm thrilled I took Spencer's advice eight months ago, it really changed school for me. My parents know about Dallon and I and Talia is the only one at school who knows who Panic! is so the guys don't have to hide or anything like that at school events. Just to sum up, this is the best year ever!

*Dallon's POV*

Lilah is graduating in two weeks and I have something amazing planned. She's in school right now and I'm at the mall with Brendon and Spence.

"You sure this is the one you want?" Spencer asked, gesturing to the ring in my hand.

"Yes. Its perfect. Get that one pleeease Dall!" Brendon added.

"I will but I already told you, its only a promise ring. She's really young and probably not ready to get married straight out of high school. But we will get married whenever she's ready. That's why I want this promise ring." I said eyeing the entire ring over and over, making sure this is the perfect ring.

"Have you made your choice, sir?" the man behind the counter asked.

"Yes. This one please." I said handing him the ring.

"That is a beautiful ring. Nice choice. Your total is...$2050." he told me.

That's a lot but Spencer and Bren offered to pitch in a little.

"Here you go." I said as I handed him the money. "Have a nice day."

"You too, sir. And good luck with whoever your lucky lady is." He replied, which made me crack a smile.

We hopped in the car and rushed home so I could hide the ring and then go pick up Lilah.

Within 10 minutes, we were home. I rushed in and hid the ring in an old suitcase in the back of my closet. I ran downstairs and told Brendon and Spencer where the ring was so they don't send Lilah up there to look for anything or something like that.

"Alright. Well I'm gonna go pick up Lilah. Bye guys!" I said, opening the front door.

"Bye!" They both called back, while Brendon was putting in a movie.

A little while later, I got to the school and saw Lilah walk out smiling about 5 minutes later.

"Good day again?" I asked.

"Yep." She simply replied. "So Dall," she said, taking ahold of my hands.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Prom is next week and well, will you be my date?" she nervously asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course I will!" I said, hugging her.

We drove home in happiness. "The next two weeks are gonna be amazing!" I kept thinking to myself.

We arrived home and Lilah sprinted up the stairs.

"What you doin'?" I heard Brendon ask from the kitchen.

"Prom is next week and I need to call Talia to get dresses and do girl stuff like that."

"Oh okay."

*Lilah's POV*

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialled Talia's number.

"Hey! I was just gonna call you!" Talia yelled into the phone.

"Really why?"

"Prom Y'dingus! Did you forget it's next week?" She asked.

"No that's why I called. So what's the plan?" I asked, hoping she would have one.

"I say we go dress shopping tomorrow and because its Saturday, we can take as long as we want. We can get our hair done next week and our nails too if you want." She said. I loved her plan.

"That's great! So I'll see you tomorrow then! Bye Tal!" I said.

"Bye L!"

I walked back downstairs after our phone call and saw Dall and Spence watching TV and Bren cooking dinner.

"So what's going on?" Brendon asked me.

"Tomorrow we're going for dresses and we are probably gonna do our nails and stuff like that next week." I told him. "So what's for dinner?"

"TACOS!" He yelled excitedly.

"Thank god! I thought you were gonna say pancakes." I said joking.

"Nah...I wasn't feeling like having them today. Now leave. The master needs his room." he said, gesturing to the kitchen. I left the kitchen and joined Dallon and Spencer by the TV. I sat in between them. We talked until dinner was ready and soon after I went upstairs to do homework. I fell asleep distracted by the thought of prom being 100% perfect.


So next chapter will be Talia and Lilah shopping and stuff like that. Let me know what you think!


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