Chapter 10 "I Hate School"

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*Lilah's POV*

"Wake up Lilah! Its Christmas!" Brendon yelled as he jumped on my bed to wake me up.

"What do you want!? Its not even Christmas and I was trying to sleep!" I yelled.

"Today we're going shopiiiiingggg!!! He sang high pitched.

"Oh right. Okay get out and let me get dressed." I said kicking him out of my room.

I decided to wear my black skinny jeans and my black converse with a grey T-shirt and my adventure time beanie. I went into the bathroom to finish getting ready, then I made my way downstairs. The two boys were waiting for me. We all got in Brendon's car and drove to the mall.

First stop, Hot Topic. You can't go to a mall and not stop at Hot Topic. I got basically every shirt in the store, Including some Panic! shirts. Dallon and Brendon just laughed at me when I picked those out. We were almost done, but we had to stop at the food court. After that we all piled into Brendon's car. I put all of the bags in the passenger seat so Dallon and I would have an excuse to sit in the back together. We held each other's hand but kept an eye on Brendon to see if he was looking. "This relationship is gonna be really hard..." I thought to myself as we watched Brendon's every move.

When we got home, we were bringing the bags upstairs into the guest room, which is now my room. Brendon would bring the bags in from the car, and Dallon and I were in my room unpacking them. We were "taking a break" on my bed. Not much had happened. We were both fully clothed. We were just making out. Dallon was on top of me when suddenly, he wasn't. He was on the floor. Everything had happened so fast, I finally processed it. Brendon was punching Dallon saying, "GET OFF MY SISTER YOU PERV! WERE YOU GONNA RAPE HER? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU AND WHY--" I cut him off by pushing him off of Dallon and using my body as a shield to protect him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HE WAS ON TOP OF YOU!" screamed Brendon.

"ITS OKAY! Its okay! Brendon calm down! Its fine." I said trying to stop the madness.

"Then I wanna here it from him!" He yelled, pointing at Dallon.

Dallon slowly got up using me and the bed for support to stand. "I wasn't going to rape her. Its not like that...We weren't just messing around. I love her." He managed to choke out...wait, what did he say?

"What?" I asked, "You love me?"

"Yes...ever since I saw you in that hospital bed, I knew love at first sight was real." He said as I hugged him.

"So...this has uh....been going on for a while then?" Brendon stuttered.

"Yes. Don't freak out. This isn't the way we wanted you to find out." I said hoping he would understand.

"And you love him too?" He asked me.

"Yes. I really do." I said causing Dallon to smile.

"Okay. But if you hurt my sister in anyway, cause her any pain emotionally or physically, I will find you and I will kill you." Brendon said to Dallon.

"Don't worry, nothing like that will happen, I don't want to ruin our friendship." Dallon said.

"Aw. Now come in for a group hug guys!" Brendon said. I'm actually very relieved he found out. It was getting too hard to keep a secret.

~~School Time~~

First day of my life ending. I hate highschool. Having no friends, not being smart, athletic, or pretty, means its gonna be hell for you. Hopefully this new school will be different. I really hope so.

"Alright everyone! Take a seat! And welcome our new student, Lilah!" The teacher said gesturing to me. I hated being recognized. I needed to sit somewhere. I saw an empty seat next to a black haired girl who was sitting by herself.

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