Chapter 22 "The End of All Things"

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*Lilah's POV*

(3 Years Later)

I looked into the mirror. I could see my mother and my Maid of Honor, Talia, astounded by my dress. It was beautiful. Brendon walked through the door. I ran into his arms.

"I love you so much and I'm so glad I could be here on your special day." he said, his voice cracking. "And my best friend is gonna be my brother-in-law. That's amazing!"

I could help but laugh at his last comment. Within a few minutes, everone had left me alone in my room to get in place for ceremony. I looked into the mirror once again. I couldn't quite focus. I was too busy thinking about the future. I'm marrying my best friend. And we're gonna have the best lives together. Just then, Sarah, Brendon's wife, came in to get me.

"Lilah, honey. Its time." she said smiling and taking my hand in hers. She became such a good friend to me. I'm glad I can call her one of my bridesmaids along with my sister, Hayley.

Sarah let go of my hand and walked quickly to the door to meet her wedding partner and Talia's fiancé, Mark. Yes, it is the Mark from Prom. He became really close to Talia and soon they were dating.

I was lost in my thoughts. Too lost to notice my parents waiting to walk me down the aisle and hand me off to my soon-to-be new husband.

We began to walk down the aisle and my breathing quickened. Not too fast but I could tell I was nervous.

Then I saw him.


Dallon the love of my life. Dallon my fiancé...for the next few minutes...Perfect Dallon.

I made it to the end and reached to take his hand after I kissed my parents. I took a deep breath and the minister began to speak.

Friends, we have joined here today to share with Lilah Grace Smith and Dallon James Weekes in an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.

"Now Lilah, if you would please say your marriage vows to Dallon." The minister said. I became even more nervous and tense. Dallon took my hands and thank god he did because I relaxed before I had a panic attack.

"Dallon, I had known who you were for a long time. I guess its okay to say you were my band crush. Once I met you, I knew we had a spark. I needed you in my life. And I'm glad you are. Though we had some fights, I know I can trust you with my life, and that's why I am giving myself to you to be your wife today, forever, and always." I finished. Even though it was not very long, I truly meant every word I said.

"And now you, Dallon." The minister said. Dallon let go of one of my hands to wipe his nervous sweat on his pants and took ahold of my hand again. I could tell he was nervous by the way he was shaking. No, he wasn't slightly trembling. He was shaking like an earthquake was taking place in his tall body.

"O-ok. Lilah, I had heard about you only a little bit from Brendon. When he went to see you in the hospital, I went only because I was hurt that day. I needed some air and I thought maybe traveling somewhere would get my mind off what had happened. But I saw you in bed and instantly fell in love. When you came to Las Vegas with us, my heart skipped a beat because of excitement and when you said you were staying, I thought I was going to die. Our first kiss is one I'll never forget and I want you to know that I'm always yours because we're in love forever. I know this wasn't the best thing I've ever written and it sounds a bit cliché, but it was all for you and so is my heart." Dallon finished. It was beautiful. I heard so many "Aww"'s from the guests which caused me to fight back a giggle.

"Thank you. Now please take each others hands and Lilah repeat after me: I Lilah, take you Dallon to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love."

"I Lilah, take you Dallon to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love."

"I will trust you and respect you..."

"I-I will trust you and respect you..." I know I can trust you.

"Laugh with you, cry with you, love you faithfully through good and bad..."

"Laugh with you, cry with you, love you faithfully through good and bad..." We've gotten this far together.

"Regardless of the obstacles we may face together..."

"Regardless of the obstacles we may face together..." Always together.

"I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day on, for as long as we both shall live."

"I give you my hand..." I love you.

"My heart..." This is it...

"And my love, from this day on, for as long as we both shall live. Forever and always, Dallon. I promise.

"Very good. And now you Dallon. I Dallon, take you Lilah to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love." The minister began again.

"I Dallon, take you Lilah to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love."

"I will trust you and respect you..."

"Laugh with you, cry with you, love you faithfully through good and bad..."

"Regardless of the obstacles we may face together..."

"I give you my hand my heart, and my love, from this day on, for as long as we both shall live." Dallon finished. I can feel myself getting anxious again.

"Rings please?" The minister said. Talia gave me Dallon's ring and Brendon gave Dallon my ring.

"Now Lilah, do you take Dallon, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" said the minister.

"I do." I said as I slid the ring onto Dallon's finger.

"And Dallon, do you take Lilah, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Of course I do." Dallon said with a huge grin as he placed the ring on my finger. I could feel a peace set over me.

"Well, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations. You may now kiss the bride."

Dallon pulled me into him and our lips met. It was the perfect kiss. It was simple and yet full of passion and love.

And in that moment, I finally knew exactly who I was...

I'm not just a depressed girl from a small town.

I'm not just some girl who likes bands.

I'm Brendon Urie's sister...

And more I'm the new Mrs. Dallon Weekes.


Yayyyyy!!! Happy ending!

Love you guys! Thanks for reading my first story!


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