Chapter 20 "Graduation"

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*Lilah's POV*

Today is it! Graduation.

Talia's gonna be here any minute. My parents sadly could not afford to come, but they asked Brendon to take all the pictures that he could. I can finally finish school. Yeah I know I should go to college and blah blah blah. But I'm freakin' graduating highschool today! I never thought I could do it. Honestly, I didn't think I would live this long. I know it sounds sad, but I was going through a horrible time at home with all the bullying and everything going on. I didn't think I could make it... But then I found music and Brendon and Spencer. And even though I am so pissed off at Dallon and never want to see him ever again, he did change my life for the better but I'm not gonna try to think about him today. I'm not planning on getting upset today. Today is my day.

Talia came walking through my bedroom door with two dresses and some shoes. I didn't see her or hear her so she scared the life out of me. I guess I was thinking so much, I didn't hear the doorbell or Bren or Spence must have let her in.

"Hey! So I brought the black dress for you and mine is the red one. I brought make up and hair stuff and I even found you up a pair of heels to match your turquoise hair!" She said.

"Oh Talia, thank you so much! I can't believe I have you as a friend! You are too amazing!" I said hugging her.

A few hours went by. We finished our hair, makeup, and got dressed. We came downstairs and saw Spencer and Brendon. It looked like Brendon began tearing up before he said, "I just can't believe that a year ago, I didn't even know I had a sister, and now, I'm watching her graduate."

Sometimes Brendon confuses me. One minute he'll be cracking jokes and fooling around, then the next minute, he'll be so serious and sentimental. And that's a good reason of why I absolutely love him.

I walked up to him and hugged him. I didn't want to let go, but as I looked over his shoulder, I saw the stove clock. I read 4:45.

"We need to go guys. It starts at 6, but they want us there at 5:15."

"Alright, let's get going!" Spencer said.

We all piled into Spencer's car and were on our way. We arrived at the school at 5:15 exactly. Time seemed to fly by. Brendon and Spencer hung out together the whole time, and I went off to find some other friends before it was 6 and the principle called us all over.

We sat in our assigned seats and I heard some girls crying behind me. I never realized how sad this would actually be. I'm gonna be leaving people I love today. I never thought I would feel this way about graduating. For my 8th grade graduation, I didn't care about leaving. I had no friends. I thought highschool would be better, but it really wasn't, until I moved in with Brendon and met Talia.

During my thoughts, they called me up to say some words. Crap. I forgot I had to prepare a speech. I'm just gonna have to wing it then.

I walked up and stood at the podium. "Um, well...I forgot to prepare a speech but, I uh I just want to say thanks. Thanks to all the people who changed my life this year. I would still be in Pennsylvania, probably with no friends," I heard the audience laugh a little causing me to smile. "Anyway, if it wasn't for me moving here, I wouldn't be able to call many of you my friends. I just want to keep this short and say to my best friend, Talia, thanks for talking to me when no one else would. Brendon, thanks for being my brother, and thanks to all of you," I said gesturing to all my classmates. "Thank you for being able to push yourselves to graduate. I know I wasn't the only one struggling with friends, but thank you all for not breaking apart and for still being here today." I stepped off the podium smiling, receiving a huge applause from everyone, even the people who didn't like me or know me.

"Alright! Time for diplomas!" I heard my principle announce. They went in alphabetical order, so I was near the end because of my last name, Smith. (A/N: When I first wrote her last name, I didn't realize it was the same as Spencer's...)

"Lilah Smith." I heard announce and made my way up to the stage. I took it, shook everyone's hands and sat back down.

After everyone's names were announced, we were all called to stand up on the stage.

"Class, if you would move your tassels please. I now present to you the graduating class of 2014!" I stood there smiling. I looked out into the audience thinking I probably never smiled as much as I am now. People began to throw their caps in the air, when I saw someone. Someone I never thought I would see again...


He was in the audience all the way in the back with a huge smile planted on his face.

I ran.

I ran and kept going. I got off the stage and was being pelted by caps falling from the sky. I don't want to see him. Not now. Not ever. I can't deal with him right now. I need to go home.

Well, at least I graduated...


Guys! AYYYE! I honestly don't know how highschool graduations work, but I think I'm close. Well, today is the day of my uncle's wedding and I just got my hair done so I gotta go now! Byyyeee!!


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