Publish Date: 9/25/18
"Teddy, come back here!" Bill shouted. Bill was currently chasing after a surprisingly fast Teddy Lupin, as he was assigned the task of watching the kids while the others were working. Teddy just giggled and kept running. "I promised Harry and Ginny I would keep you safe while they were at work!"
At the mention of Harry and Ginny, Teddy slowed down, allowing Bill to scoop him up in his arms.
"Don't you want to get back inside to Vic and Molly?" Bill asked Teddy. They were at Shell Cottage for the day, along with Victoire and Fleur, and Percy and Audrey's daughter, Molly.
"I wanna see Vic!" Teddy declared. Bill smiled knowingly, and took Teddy back inside.
Inside, Victoire, Fleur, and Molly were playing in the living room. At the sight of Teddy, Victoire got up from her mum's lap and ran over to her friend.
"Teddy!" Victoire threw her arms around Teddy's neck. Teddy hugged Vic back with equal enthusiasm.
"Alright, you two. 'Arry and Ginny are going to be back any minute now," Fleur pointed out. "We should clean up before zey get 'ere."
Before the group was done cleaning up, they heard a knock at the door. Fleur opened it, and Ginny stood in the doorway.
"Hey, Fleur. Has Harry come by here yet? I just got back from practice, but Harry said he wouldn't be at work this late," Ginny said worriedly.
"No, I 'ave not seen 'Arry," Fleur responded. "Would you like me to watch Teddy for a little longer while you try to contact 'im?"
"That's fine. I can take Teddy back home so we can eat," Ginny replied. She sighed tiredly, but brightened as Teddy ran into her arms. She collected Teddy, and any toys he had brought with him, and Apparated them all back to Grimmauld Place.
"Ted, why don't you go play in the living room while I go make dinner?" Ginny suggested. Because Kreacher had passed away about a year ago, Harry and Ginny had split the housework into even amounts for the both of them.
"Ginny, where's Harry?" Teddy asked. Ginny frowned.
"He'll be home soon Teddy. Go play in the living room, and I'll be there in a few minutes." Teddy nodded, and walked to the living room with his toy wolf, Moony.
As Ginny was getting dinner ready, her thoughts were racing. Why wasn't Harry home yet? Was it something with work? And, more importantly, why hadn't he told her? She didn't have much time to think, because she heard the front door being opened, and Harry walking in.
"Hey, Gin, sorry I'm late," Harry started. "I was held up at work."
"Is everything okay at work? You were supposed to be home an hour ago, love," Ginny pointed out. But once she saw Harry's apologetic face, she couldn't stay mad.
"I'm really sorry, Ginny. Auror Roberts just wanted us to stay a little longer. Everything's fine, I promise," Harry assured his fiance. Ginny smiled, and they both went to join Teddy in the living room with their dinner.
"Harry!" Teddy exclaimed, running over to his godfather, and threw his arms around him.
"Hey, Ted! How was your day with Bill and Fleur?" Harry asked eagerly. Teddy grinned.
"It was great! I got to play with Vic and Molly!" he said excitedly. Harry smiled and ruffled his godson's hair.
"That's great, bud. It's getting late, so why don't we eat, and then I can take you up to bed?" Harry asked. Teddy nodded, and at the mention of bed, yawned. Dinner passed quickly, and soon it was time for Teddy to go to bed.
Harry and Ginny walked upstairs with Teddy, into his bedroom. The two help their godson get ready for bed, and he was soon tucked in and half asleep. Harry kissed him on the forehead, and quietly shut the door.
As soon as they got downstairs, Ginny started to make some tea so they could talk.
"So, anything interesting happening at work, love?" she asked, eyebrows raised.
"We're actually working on an important case. It's nothing dangerous, but it can be time consuming," Harry responded.
"By 'we', I assume you mean you and Ron?" Ginny asked, thinking of when Hermione mentioned Ron coming home late.
"Me, Ron, and a few other Aurors, yeah." They both sipped their tea in silence for a moment. Harry and Ginny both finished up their tea and got ready for bed.
"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!!" These words made everyone stop in their tracks, frozen with fear and shock. The death and destruction was heavy in the air, but no one dared to move. Their hero had fallen, and things were not looking bright.
Ginny Weasley was in a state of utter shock. Harry couldn't be dead. Not after he'd survived for so long. She refused to believe it. But the looks on the Death Eaters' faces; the look on Voldemort's face; told her otherwise.
He was gone.
What was going to happen now? What would Voldemort do? What would the Order do? What would she do?
So many had fallen, on both sides. Voldemort was now making an example of Neville, both humiliating him and showing everyone else how things were going to be from now on. Ginny was to shocked to pay attention, and now the grief was setting in. But she had to be strong.
How could she be strong now, though? The Boy Who Lived was dead. Killed by Voldemort. The Death Eaters had won, and all of their fighting was in vain. What were they going to do?
Voldemort continued to make an example of his power, killing and torturing innocent people. Everyone was at loss for what to do.
Ginny knew she had to fight. For not only herself, but for her friends, and family. For anybody that had fallen, or lost a loved one. For Harry.
But how was she supposed to fight when the only light was the green one continuously coming from Voldemort's wand?
Ginny woke with a start. Her breathing was quick, and she looked around the room to get a sense of where she was.
It was a nightmare, she realized with a jolt.
But why was she still having nightmares about Voldemort? The war ended four years ago, so shouldn't she have recovered by now? What was causing the nightmares? And, most importantly, how did she stop them?
A/N: Hello, guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I don't know if people are actually reading this story, but if you are, I appreciate you! I've really enjoyed writing this story so far, so I hope it will continue. Anyway, thanks for reading! 💛
Words: 1058

Forever Family
FanfictionIt's been a few years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry is finally happy again. Not only does he have his beautiful fiance, Ginny, but he now has what he's always longed for: a family. Follow Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the We...