Publish Date: 2/26/19
December 2004
Ginny woke up groggy. That was no surprise; she'd been feeling tired and fatigued ever since she had gotten pregnant. At 16 weeks, she still had a while to go. She climbed out of bed carefully, her movements slow and languid. Ginny made her way to the bathroom quickly, before the morning sickness set in.
As soon as she made it to the toilet, she threw up. Harry was quick behind her, pulling her messy hair out of the way and rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"You alright, love?" Harry asked gently, as they were both still sleepy. Ginny nodded slowly.
"Fine—" Another wave of sickness washed over her, leaving her heaving into the toilet. Ginny took a few deep breaths and looked up at her husband. "Okay, I'm good now. Thanks."
"'Course. Anything I can do to help?"
"Not right now," Ginny replied. "You should go downstairs with Teddy and start on breakfast. I'll brush my teeth and join you down there."
Harry nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.
A few minutes later, Ginny joined her family downstairs. She was feeling better; the sickness abating just as it did most mornings.
"Ginny, look! We made you a pancake!" Teddy grinned as he sprinkled some blueberries on a big pancake. Ginny laughed and sat down.
"It looks delicious, Ted. Thank you," she smiled.
"When's the Mungo's appointment, again, Gin?" Harry asked through a mouthful of breakfast. Ginny smiled. Harry already knew when the appointment was, he just liked to ask her because it got her excited. They were both ready to find out the baby's gender.
"Two weeks."
"When are Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione coming over?" Teddy asked a moment later. Ginny had invited Ron and Hermione over for a few hours on a day where they both had a day off. Recently, she had to give up Quidditch, and she was tired of having the house to herself all the time.
"They're coming after breakfast, Teddy." Ginny stood up to give Harry a quick hug and kiss before he left for work, and took her and Teddy's plates up to the counter to be washed.
A few minutes later, Teddy called Ginny from the front hallway. "They're here!"
Just as Teddy had said, Ron and Hermione walked in a moment later.
"Hey, Ginny. Hi Teddy," Hermione grinned as she entered, carrying a large plate of homemade cookies.
"You didn't make those, did you, 'Mione?" Ginny asked skeptically, eyeing the cookies.
"Oh, no!" Hermione laughed. It was common knowledge that she was a terrible cook, and everyone in the family had just accepted that even The Great Hermione Weasley couldn't do everything. "Ron made these last night."
As if on cue, Ron walked in the door. "Hi, Ginny. How're you feeling?"
"Not great, but better," Ginny shrugged. "Come on in, you two can sit down." Ginny pulled up some chairs at the table and they all sat down to talk.
"How's work been?" Ginny asked casually as she set the plate of cookies down on the table. "Anything interesting going on?"
"Not really," Hermione shrugged as she reached for a cookie. "A bit busy, but nothing really interesting." Ron nodded in agreement.
"Well, I'm missing Quidditch," Ginny sighed. She picked up a discarded Daily Prophet that was laying on the counter, and scanned through its pages. "Merlin, I can't believe my pregnancy is still in the paper. It's been months!"
"It's also a pretty big deal. Besides, nothing interesting is going on in the Wizarding World right now," Ron supplied with a mouth full of cookie.
"That's true, I suppose." Ginny skimmed through the paper a while longer, before taking a closer look at an ad in the back of the paper.
"What is it?" Hermione peered over Ginny's shoulder with curiosity.
"They need more writers for the sports section," Ginny smiled, an idea building in her head. "D'you think I could apply? Just for now, to have something to do before the baby's born."
Ron shrugged. "Sounds like a good idea to me. And you can always quit if you don't like it."
"I agree, Ginny. I think you should try it," Hermione nodded.
"It's settled, then."
As soon as there was a break in the conversation, Teddy came back into the kitchen. He looked grumpy and bored. "I thought when Uncle Ron and Aunt 'Mione came over, we'd get to play. Not talk about boring adult stuff," he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Well, let's go play, then!" Teddy giggled as Ron scooped him up and carried him to the living room, with Hermione and Ginny following close behind.
Writing an application for the Daily Prophet didn't take as long as Ginny thought it would. She finished the application in an hour, as was ready to head to the office the next day. The Prophet had a small office in Diagon Alley, and the ad in the paper said that all you had to do was show up with an application.
Ginny gathered her bag and application as she put on her shoes. Soon, she was ready to go.
"You'll be great, Gin." Harry gave her a hug goodbye before she left. A moment later, she Apparated to Diagon Alley.
As usual, Diagon Alley was bustling. Ginny glanced around for a moment in search of the office. Finally, a white building by Gringotts caught her eye. The sign read Daily Prophet. This must be the place.
Ginny made her way to the building. A little bell in the doorway jingled as she walked inside. The woman at the front desk looked up as she entered.
"Good morning, Mrs. Potter," she smiled pleasantly. "How can I help you?"
"I saw your ad in the paper about needing more writers for the sports section," Ginny began. "I brought in an application."
"Oh, of course!" The receptionist took the application from Ginny and skimmed it. "Thanks for sending this in, Mrs. Potter. We'll let you know in a few days. Have a nice day."
"Thank you."
Ginny walked out smiling to herself. It would be nice to have a job now that she wasn't playing Quidditch anymore. And it'd be even nicer if the job was Quidditch related. It would probably only end up being a temporary job, anyway. Either way, Ginny hoped she got it.
A/N: Thank you all so much for 1,000 reads! I wanted to get a chapter out yesterday but I was really sad about Beauty and the Beast closing so I decided to wait. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, although it's definitely not my best writing. Thanks for reading! 💛
Words: 1,010

Forever Family
FanfictionIt's been a few years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry is finally happy again. Not only does he have his beautiful fiance, Ginny, but he now has what he's always longed for: a family. Follow Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the We...