Chapter 14

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Publish Date: 10/25/18

"I just don't understand how you do it, 'Mione."

Hermione laughed as Ron shook his head in disbelief. In an effort to take a break from the Wizarding World, Hermione had suggested taking Ron, Harry, and Ginny to some Muggle shops.

"Well, it's not that hard, really," Hermione took the telephone from a struggling Ron's hands and showed him how to use it. "See? All you do is press these buttons to dial a number."

"What I don't understand is why you should do all this work when you could just write letters," Ginny shrugged. At this, Harry and Hermione burst out laughing.

"What? What is it?" Ginny looked appalled at her friend's sudden burst of laughter.

"It's just—" Hermione gasped with laughter. "Muggles see it the other way around!" After her and Harry had collected themselves, Hermione began to explain.

"Well, Muggles would think it's a waste of time to write a letter when you could just use your phone." Ron and Ginny just looked confused now. It had taken them ages just to turn that thing on!

"Well, really, it's the Muggles who are missing out," Harry said. "They haven't got magic."

The others nodded in agreement. Why would you use a microwave when you could just use a heating charm?

"Oh, you guys will love this." Hermione led them into a large clothing store. The blast of air conditioning was a sudden temperature difference from the muggy June afternoon.

"It feels like someone's cast a cooling charm in here," Ron said. Hermione shushed him.

"Careful, Ron." She lowered her voice, "We can't talk about magic to much in the Muggle world."

"Look at all these clothes," Harry pointed out. He didn't get a wide variety of clothes growing up, so he'd never seen so many clothes in one place before.

"I know," Ginny looked up and down the aisles of clothing in awe.

"We should take Teddy here sometime, love," Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny.

"We should. I think he'd love it," she smiled.

"Hey, Harry, Ginny!" Ron waved them over. "C'mon, we're deciding where to go next."

Ginny and Harry walked over to rejoin Hermione and Ron.

"Alright, well, I think we should get something to eat," Hermione suggested. Ron nodded.

"I agree."

The others nodded as well, so Hermione led them to a nearby coffee shop. They walked in the warm weather for a while, enjoying the heat, before Hermione stopped them.

"Here it is," she said, pulling the door open. Immediately, the quartet was greeted with the smell of baked goods and coffee. The Wizarding World didn't really have coffee shops, so this was new to both Ginny and Ron.

"What do you guys think?" Hermione asked, smiling at their expressions of wonder.

"It's brilliant. We really need something like this—erm—back home," Ron said, catching Hermione's expression of warning.

The group made their way around Muggle London, exploring different shops and different places. Harry and Hermione both enjoyed Ginny and Ron's constant awed expressions of the wonders of the Muggle world. Soon, it was time to go back home, after a long day of fun and adventure.


Harry and Ginny sat in the living room of Grimmauld Place, and they were telling Teddy all about their adventure in the Muggle world earlier that day. Teddy, who had never been to the Muggle world, was excited to hear all about it.

"We think it'll be fun to take you there," Ginny said. "And for you to get some information on how Muggles live."

"I wanna go!" Teddy clapped his hands in excitement. "What was that thing called again?" Harry laughed and kissed him on the forehead.

"It was called a 'phone', Ted." Harry laughed.

"Yes, a phone! I want a phone!" Teddy gleefully shrieked. Ginny ruffled his hair.

"Y'know, Teddy, most Muggles don't get phones until they're teenagers," Harry told him. At this news, Teddy pouted. "But we'll definitely take you to Muggle London so you can see some phones."

The couple laughed as Teddy's face lit up at the idea of going to Muggle London.

Harry, Ginny and Teddy talked for a while, with Harry and Ginny laughing at Teddy's childlike innocence.

"Harry, Ginny, does Aunt Angie have a baby in her tummy?" Teddy asked, his eyes shining with wonder.

"Yes, she does," Ginny smiled.

"Oh. When are you gonna have a baby?" Harry and Ginny both paused.

"Probably not for a long time, Ted," Harry said after a moment. "We want to wait a few years."

"Oh. Okay." Teddy let out a big yawn.

"Let's get you upstairs, Teddy, it's gotten late." Ginny scooped Teddy into her arms and started walking to the stairs, followed by Harry. The two helped Teddy get ready for bed, then they tucked him in.

"Goodnight, Teddy," Harry tucked his godson's stuffed wolf and his blanket in bed next to him.


Once Harry and Ginny knew Teddy was sleeping, they went back downstairs.

"How's everything going with work, love?" Ginny asked. Harry frowned.

"It's not going great, Gin."

"Oh, no. What's happened?" Ginny's brow was furrowed in concern.

"Nothing new, you're filled in on all of it. I just still don't like Auror Roberts' decision." Harry sighed.

"I know, love. But if anyone's gonna fight to do the right thing, it's you." Ginny kissed Harry on the cheek.

"Thanks, Ginny. I'll be sure to talk to some other Aurors when I go back to work tomorrow, to get their opinions on it," Harry said.

"Well, I think that's a good idea." Ginny assured Harry.

The couple sat at the kitchen table, drinking tea and talking. It was a few minutes later when Ginny spoke up again.

"Harry, about what Teddy said earlier—how do you feel about having kids?" Harry looked surprised at the question.

"I'd love to have kids with you, Gin," he started. "Just not for another few years."

"Good. Because I feel the exact same way," Ginny grinned. Harry smiled back and wrapped his arms around her. "Plus, I want to play Quidditch for another few years before I become a mum."

"'Course, that makes sense. I think you'll make a brilliant mum, love. I can already tell because of the way you helped raise Teddy," Harry smiled lovingly.

"Thank you, Harry."

Harry and Ginny started to get ready to go to bed, after a long, but great, day.

A/N: Hello everyone! I don't think this chapter is one of my best, but at least it's written. Anyway, I have a choir concert here in a few hours, so I hope that goes well. Anything interesting  happen to you recently? Thanks for reading! 💛
Words: 1,060

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