Publish Date: 3/30/19
6 years later
The Burrow was, as always, filled with noise and excitement. And today, it was filled with even more life than usual. Harry cheered with the rest of his family and the other party guests as a now 14 year old Teddy Lupin blew out his candles on his birthday cake.
"Happy birthday, Teddy!" Mrs. Weasley beamed as she whisked the cake away for a moment, and returned it to the table with the candles out.
"Thanks, Grandma Molly," Teddy smiled.
"Let's cut the cake now!" James Potter exclaimed. He was six years old now, and was impatient, especially when it came to cake.
"Alright, alright, just give me a moment..." Mrs. Weasley smiled and cut the cake. As soon as she was done, the excited Weasley (and Potter) cousins all reached for a piece.
"Should we stop them from mauling the cake?" Ron asked Hermione, who was leaning against the wall. Hermione just shook her head.
"No, let them have this one." She then raised her voice so everyone could hear her. "Make sure Teddy gets a piece!"
"I've got one, Aunt 'Mione!" shouted Teddy's voice from the crowd of excited kids. Hermione smiled.
Once everyone had gotten cake, Mrs. Weasley called everyone to the living room for presents. Teddy, being 14 now, was not as enthralled with the presents as the younger kids were. Still, he followed the crowd into the living room to open them. Victoire sat beside him in the front.
"Vic, it's not even your birthday," Teddy laughed as she sat down. At Weasley parties, it was custom that the person opening the presents sat in the front.
"I know," Vic said simply, not moving. "But I'm still sitting here."
Teddy just shrugged and started to open presents.
As it turned out, opening presents took a lot longer than they thought it would. Teddy got a wide variety of presents, including a knit Hufflepuff scarf from Molly and Arthur, various sweets from Uncle Ron, a fancy quill set from Aunt Hermione, and a sentimental photo album from Harry and Ginny.
"Thank you everyone!" Teddy beamed as he thanked everyone again for the gifts.
"You're welcome, Ted!" Harry pulled his godson in for a hug as the family applauded again.
"Dinner's ready, everyone!" Mrs. Weasley called. The whole family made their way back to the kitchen, where they sat down for a delicious meal.
"Dinner was wonderful, Molly," Hermione smiled once it was over. The kids had all gone outside to play, except for Teddy, who was staying in for a little while to look at all his presents. The adults were sitting around the table.
"Thank you, dear."
"I can't believe he's fourteen," Ginny said casually. Harry nodded in agreement.
"I can't either. When did he get so old?" Harry laughed.
"Never mind that," Ron began. "When did we get so old?" Hermione laughed at her husband.
"Calm down, Ron, we're only 31."
"My point exactly!"
Everyone laughed as the conversation continued. George and Angelina joined them and they pulled chairs so more people could sit. "Oi, Ron, who're you calling old?"
Ron huffed jokingly and crossed his arms. "What is this, 'Team Up Against Ron Day'?"
Hermione gave Ron a quick side hug and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Of course not. That's tomorrow."

Forever Family
FanfictionIt's been a few years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry is finally happy again. Not only does he have his beautiful fiance, Ginny, but he now has what he's always longed for: a family. Follow Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the We...