Publish Date: 1/28/19
The next month was filled with a lot of wedding planning, to compensate for the time they had missed in January. And even the day right before Ron and Hermione's wedding was no exception. It seemed that the Weasleys were even busier than usual as they scrambled to finish last minute preparations.
Not that there was much scrambling to be done, of course. Everyone had already worked so hard on the planning the past few weeks, that it really shouldn't be a problem. But it was the first celebration the family has had in a while, and they wanted to make it perfect.
"I don't see why we have to do this, Mum," Ginny grumbled as she polished a silver spoon for the third time. "We've been doing this all day. People's eyes are going to be on Ron and Hermione, not the silverware."
"I know that. But this is important, Ginny. Oh, my youngest son's getting married!" Mrs. Weasley wiped a tear from her eye. "Oh..."
Harry walked over just as Mrs. Weasley left in search of another box of tissues. He picked up a fork and started to polish it absentmindedly.
"How's everything going over here, love?" he asked. Ginny sighed.
"I think you already know." Harry nodded in understanding.
"She can be a bit intense, can't she? But she does mean well, you know. Besides, it's almost over anyway," Harry assured her. "Why don't you come join Ron, 'Mione, and I over here? We're doing decorations."
"Sure, sounds good." Ginny followed Harry outside, where Ron, and Hermione were working on decorations. With flowers in vases in the centers of tables, and pretty green table clothes, the place looked beautiful. Even if it wasn't done yet, as Mrs. Weasley had been reminding them all day.
"It looks great, everyone," Ginny smiled. "How're feeling, Ron and Hermione?"
"Brilliant," Ron grinned. He and Hermione had been attached at the hip all day. "It's even hard to notice Mum being overly emotional."
"Wow. That good?" Harry laughed. Ron and Hermione just nodded.
"Well, it may have something to do with the fact that we're getting married tomorrow, but yeah, that good," Hermione beamed and pulled Ron close. Ron melted into her hug and it was clear to Harry and Ginny that this was their cue to leave.
The Potters joined Teddy and Victoire in the living room as they made name tags with the names of all the guests. They were a little sloppy and messy, but nothing's better than having a name tag made just for you, personally. Harry and Ginny grinned and sat down to help.
"Vic's really good at art," Teddy grinned as he drew another name tag. "See?" He held up a name tag that Victoire had decorated.
"Well, you're right, Teddy. That is beautiful. Brilliant job, Vic," Ginny smiled. It was nice to be around people who weren't constantly looking for tissues or rushing everyone's work for a few minutes.
"Are you guys excited about the wedding tomorrow?" Harry asked. They had decided that Teddy would be ring bearer and Victoire would be flower girl, just like Harry and Ginny's wedding.
"Yes! I get to wear a pretty dress again!" Victoire squealed, looking delighted. Ginny laughed.
"Yes, you do. What about you, Ted?" she asked, turning to Teddy, who looked up from his drawing.
"Yeah, I'm excited to see uncle Ron and Aunt 'Mione get married," Teddy puffed his chest to show how mature he was being. "And also to eat cake," he added hastily.
Harry ruffled Teddy's hair, and he and Ginny said goodbye and left the room.
"Where to next, Gin?"
Ginny paused thoughtfully. Finally, she said, "I want to show you the bridesmaids dresses!" Harry nodded, and Ginny grabbed his wrist and pulled him upstairs into a spare bedroom.
Inside, three beautiful emerald green dresses were hanging on the closet doors. The dresses were floor length, with lacy sleeves and a tie around the waist. A layer of sheer fabric covered the original silk of the dress.
"They're beautiful, Ginny," Harry breathed. "They'll look great with the decorations, too."
Ginny smiled enthusiastically. "I know, aren't they great? 'Mione picked them out herself."
Harry raised his eyebrows. "I didn't peg Hermione as the fashion type."
"Well, just because she doesn't use her fashion sense doesn't mean she doesn't have one," Ginny said simply. Harry laughed. The conversation drifted into different topics for a few minutes.
"Hey, have you spoken to Hermione's parents yet?" Ginny asked curiously. A few months after the war, Hermione had gone back to Australia and returned her parents' memories. They had recovered from the ordeal years ago, and were now in town for their daughter's wedding.
"I have, actually. When they first arrived," Harry replied. Ginny nodded silently. "They're nice people."
"They are. It's no surprise they raised a daughter like Hermione," Ginny smiled fondly. "We should get back downstairs and join the others, love. We've been up here a while."
Harry took Ginny's hand and led her back downstairs. They were soon spotted by Mrs. Weasley, and given something to do before the wedding tomorrow.
Ginny went off to arrange flowers, and Harry left to make sure all the outfits were clean and ready. Before long, the couple blended back in with the rest of their family.
Ron pulled Hermione in for yet another kiss as the two of them were sent home to prepare for tomorrow. Ron was sleeping over at Harry and Ginny's that night, so that the ladies could use the flat to get ready.
Ron unceremoniously flopped on the bed, wrinkling the covers and his clothes. Hermione raised her eyebrows but said nothing.
"I can't wait for tomorrow, 'Mione. It feels like time is moving so slowly," Ron groaned.
"Well, we're almost there, love. In twenty four hours, we'll be married!" Hermione beamed as she filled with sudden excitement and anticipation. "Now, come on, you've got to pack a bag for tonight."
Together, Ron and Hermione packed Ron's bag. Although there was another task at hand, neither of them could believe that this was the last time they'd see each other before the wedding.
"I can't believe—"
"What a weird—"
Apparently, both of them wanted to voice this thought at the same time. Instead of turning red and getting embarrassed like they usually would have, the two just erupted into peals of excited laughter. They laughed until their sides hurt and their cheeks ached from smiling to much.
"What were you gonna say, 'Mione?" Ron asked, once they had recovered and had stopped clutching their sides.
"I was going to say that I can't believe this is the last time we'll see each other before the wedding. Seems absurd, that's all," Hermione replied, an excited gleam in her eye.
"Yeah. I almost never thought this day would come, actually. I know what you mean." They drifted into a comfortable silence as they finished packing up Ron's bag.
Hermione held the packed bag out to Ron, who accepted it with gratitude. Before Hermione could even say goodbye, Ron pulled her in close for a slow kiss.
"I love you so much, 'Mione."
"I love you more."
"Doubt it, love. I'll see you tomorrow."
Hermione watched with knots in her stomach as Ron left and closed the door behind him. All she had left to do now was wait.
A/N: chapter, Ron and Hermione get married. This chapter is probably coming out relatively quickly compared to the other ones, so I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading! 💛
Words: 1,203

Forever Family
FanfictionIt's been a few years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry is finally happy again. Not only does he have his beautiful fiance, Ginny, but he now has what he's always longed for: a family. Follow Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the We...