Publish Date: 1/01/19
A few weeks had passed since Christmas. This time brought new challenges for the Potters, and work was one of them. Harry, who was still enjoying his job as Head Auror, wasn't enjoying the late nights and the limited time he got to spend with his family. He was, however, determined to make it work.
"I won't stay to late, Gin, I promise," Harry told his wife one early morning in January. Thankfully, Teddy was with Andromeda, taking some stress off the shoulders of Harry and Ginny.
"Good," Ginny replied with a small smile. "We all know how that worked out last time."
Harry nodded. The couple made coffee in silence for a few minutes, still tired from the early morning.
"I've got to go to Mungo's today, to get some more potion for nightmares," Ginny said. "I think the Healers said they want to take me off it soon."
"That's great, Gin. Do you have practice today?"
"Yeah." Ginny nodded. After drinking the rest of his coffee and giving Ginny a quick goodbye, Harry left for work.
A moment later, Ginny left for St. Mungo's, leaving the house silent and empty.
Harry quickly made it to the Auror Office, and was joined by Ron as he made it inside. Despite the fact that Voldemort had been killed years ago, people who still supported him would try to stand up and become the next Dark Lord. To the relief of the Wizarding Community, those people never lasted long. That was thanks to the Auror Department.
Within his first few months of becoming Head Auror, Harry had already started to change the department drastically. While Roberts had focused mostly on getting information rather than training the Aurors, Harry did the opposite. He wanted to make sure that everyone was prepared for combat if needed.
This particular morning was a training session. These were always Harry's favorite. He loved teaching the newer Aurors a variety of spells, and helping these people train was one of the things that he looked forward to most at work.
"Great job, everyone!" Harry smiled at their progress. "Take a quick break, and be ready to start again in a few minutes."
Ron walked over to where Harry was standing. "Hey."
"Hi, Ron. Been alright?"
"I've been good, yeah. Merlin, you're doing a better job in two months than Roberts did his whole time here!" Ron exclaimed, astounded.
"It's just like the DA, really," Harry shrugged. A moment later, he gathered everyone up again to resume training.
"Alright, everyone, listen up! We're going to be learning a new spell, one that is exclusive to the Aurors." The group cheered. These spells were always the favorites, Harry observed.
"Repeat after me," Harry began. He showed them the wand movement. "Et Furantur!"
The Aurors repeated him. Harry began talking again. "This spell will temporarily paralyze your opponent, and any weapons they're carrying will come to you."
Murmurs of anticipation echoed in the crowd. "Are you ready to try?"
With a nod of confirmation from the group, Harry demonstrated the spell. Soon, jets of blue light were flying as people successfully performed the spell. Harry smiled proudly as he watched the Aurors flourish.
"Brilliant job, everyone!"
The training carried on throughout the day, and everyone was making great progress. Ron, who also helped lead the DA, would help Harry in the training sessions as well. As good as Harry was, he couldn't do it without his best friend.
Soon enough, the work day was over, and it was just Harry and Ron left in the Auror Office.
"Hey, mate. You alright?" Ron walked over to where Harry was packing up his stuff.
"Fine, just tired," Harry replied. He could tell by the way Ron's eyebrows raised in question that he wasn't quite satisfied with this answer. "Really, Ron, I'm fine. I just want to get home to Ginny, that's all."
"Take care of my sister, Potter."
"You know I will."
With those words, the two friends packed up their stuff and made their way home.
By the time Harry got home, Ginny was already at the kitchen table looking over the Daily Prophet. He joined his wife at the table after taking off his shoes and setting his bag down.
"Hey, love," Ginny looked up from the paper. "How was work?"
Harry shrugged. "It was pretty good. We did some training today. How'd it go at Mungo's?"
"It went pretty well. The Healers gave me another vial of the potion, but hopefully this is the last one," Ginny replied.
"It's so quiet here without Teddy," Harry observed. And he was right, the house was significantly quieter without the little ball of energy that was Teddy Lupin.
"And thank Merlin for that," Ginny grinned. "I'm pretty tired from practice." She stood up from the table with the newspaper in hand.
"Anything interesting happening?" Harry asked, indicating to the paper.
Ginny shrugged. "Not really anything new. I'm pretty glad everyone's stopped freaking out about you being Head Auror, though." When Harry had first gotten the job, it had made the front page, and was on the paper for a few weeks after that. It seemed the excitement was finally dying down.
"Me too," Harry agreed. "What do you want to do for dinner, Gin?"
"Not sure. Maybe we should get Ron over here to cook for us," she smirked. Neither of them particularly liked cooking, so they worked together to make a dinner sufficient for them.
The couple ate in silence for a while, finally able to rest after the tiring day they both had.
"This isn't bad," Ginny smiled, scooping some more soup onto her spoon.
"I s'pose I've had some practice," Harry shrugged with uncertainty.
"Y'know, when I was younger, Mum would always try to get me to cook," Ginny started.
"Yeah? How'd that work out?"
"I never liked it. It's a good thing she let me stop once she realized how awful I was. Ron liked it though, and he was pretty good."
Harry smiled. He could listen to Ginny talk all day. They finished up their dinner soon after that, and cleaned up so they could head upstairs.
Harry drifted off to sleep quickly, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.
A/N: Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2019 now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for the sorta long wait, but I've been pretty busy with the holidays and everything. I hope you all had good holidays. Thanks for reading! 💛
Words: 1,013

Forever Family
FanfictionIt's been a few years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Harry is finally happy again. Not only does he have his beautiful fiance, Ginny, but he now has what he's always longed for: a family. Follow Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the We...