1. Leave them alone.

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Pratt flew us past the statue of Joseph, with Hudson, Whitehorse, the Marshal and myself.
"There he is" Sheriff directed to the huge statue. "One big ugly motherfucker thats for sure" was another comment.

The Edens gate compound was in sight, the Marshal and the Sheriff arguing about whether to turn back home or not became a white noise as I swallowed and tightened my grip on the hems of my deputy shirt when I saw how many people were down there.

I mummbled to myself about why couldn't we have done this in the morning or afternoon instead of just after midnight, then the Marshal tapped my shoulder, directing my eyes away from the church and onto him.

"We got intell that he's here right now, this might be our only chance to get him in one place, stop complaining"
He turned his attention to the sheriff as he watched the man put a call with dispatch.

I looked down at my clean black boots, noticing how my pants bunched into them comfortably.
The helicopter shook as pratt landed.

Sheriff reminded everyone of what we had to do and to keep calm.

I was the one making the arrest on Joseph Seed.


As we walked through the compound, dogs barked and people (peggies) shouted and threatened.
We finally arrived outside the church doors. Amazing grace could be heard from dozens of people inside the church.
My Anxiety Jumped as Hudson put her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me "you'll be fine" she gave me a smile and faced her back to the enterance of the church. Sheriff opened the double doors and a warm wind blew through my hair.

My breath shortened when I saw him.
Up on the stage he looked like a true figure sent from god.

I walked with the marshal and whitehorse as we neared Joseph, I only kept my eyes on him.
My mind blacking out the dozens of peggies glaring at us.

His words flew across the room, intended to sink into everyone present, inside and outside of the church.


"Nah, fuck this! Joseph seed! We have a warrant for your arrest on the suspicion of kidnapping with the intent to harm"

Joseph directed his attention to the Marshal.
My heart raced as his brothers and sister gathered behind Joseph and his peggies separated us. One of the peggies glared at me with all his might, he slowly walked towards me with a threatening glare, never breaking it.

"Now go...go. God will not let them take me" Joseph called.

Everyone left besides Joseph and his family and us three authorities.


"Rook, cuff this son of a bitch!" The Marshal looked towards me.
All I thought was how wrong this was, my heart and mind was screaming at me to just leave.

The sheriff turned towards me during my silence, "Rookie, cuff him".

I took an unsteady step towards Joseph as he held his hands out for me. His eyes never leaving mine as I put one hand on my handcuffs located on my belt and then one hand on Joseph's wrist.

As soon as I put my hand on his skin, I knew this was not meant to be happening. I felt like I was pushing on the worlds bubble, about to pop.

My breath shook as I paused my actions, "I- I can't " I whispered.
"Rook!" Marshal Burke shouted at me.
My eyes closed from the sudden noise.
And I saw, the end.

Every time I blinked or closed my eyes, it was red, mushroom clouds blocked the sun and everything went black.

"I... just can't, this isn't meant to happen" I swallowed and looked towards the sheriff, he sighed understanding and nodded.

"What the fuck!" Burke grabbed my belt to pull me and snatch my handcuffs, in order to arrest Joseph himself.

Whitehorse stepped in and grabbed Burkes wrist "sometimes it's best to just leave well enough alone. Let's go" he motioned to leave but Burke still protested until sheriff practically dragged him out the door.

I went to follow but Joseph grabbed my arm lightly.
"You belong here" he gave a warm smile and pulled me into his embrace.

I was too nervous and shaken to do anything. But as he pulled me in, I noticed that I'd been crying nearly the entire time. Tears that were not mine streamed down my face constantly. They were tears from the world. The death and destruction.

Sheriff turned back when he realised I wasn't following and he gave me a look, one that said 'do you know what you're doing?' Joseph put his hand on my head and ran his hand through my hair.
"It's okay sheriff, take your guns and leave. She's safe now" his voice soothed me and I leaned into him.

That was enough to make Whitehorse understand and he and his officers left. 

(Please comment if you want me to continue the story)

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