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The car ride with Jacob was silent, I looked over at him and he seemed fine with the quiet.

I signed, biting my lip and looked out the window, trees growing thicker and the scenery changing to more of a forest as we drove further away from Joseph's  compound.

I wipped my hands over my dress, aiming to get rid of the sweat gathering on my palms. Being in the car with Jacob was intimidating to say the least, his whole demeanor is frightening and I tried not to let that show.


The anxiety of having Jacob next to me, my my heart constantly ached. I had to count my breaths to calm down as I leaned my head against my arm, looking out the window.

Jacobs rough voice broke my mind from the little daydream I was having. The simple "we're nearly there" was enough to break my heart from the calm demeanor I created for myself.

Somehow he found amusement in the little things that would frighten people, such as a sudden disturbance in a tense environment.


Jacob turned down a single road. My eyes widened at the decorations of bodies and blood that were hanging on both sides of the road entrance.
My breathing become hitched in the throat and my voice let out a little wimper.

"W-where exactly are you taking me?" Once again uncomfortable silence fell over the car. Jacob seemed to not even care for my being, his attitude is different to when he greeted me in the church. "Jacob" I called again, suddenly desperate for an answer.

The man exhaled deeply and closed his eyes for a split second. Was he annoyed with me? Am I just another bother to him? Another order from Joseph.

"Joseph said.... Joseph said he'd look after me, that I'm apart of your family now. Was he lying? Are..-" a sharp gasp released from my throat in realisation "- are you going to kill me?-" Jacob brought one of his hands up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Calm down" his tone shut my voice down immediately.

"Joseph told me to watch over you for the time being and no, Joseph isn't a liar" he glared at me as he paused at a gate blocking the road. I shrunk down into the seat, turning my head forwards.

The veterans centre caught me by surprise, such an intimidating feeling surrounded me. My gut screaming not to enter but I couldn't stop the cultists from opening the gate and welcoming their boss into the grounds.

Jacob lowed his window to talk to a armed man. A sudden smell of blood and dirt filled my nose. Sweat and meat lingered in the air, I could hear distant screams and pleads from a wide range of people, I turned my head to look inside the gate as Jacob continued to quietly talk. A man walked across my view, he was chained by the hands and neck being pulled by a armed guard and a grey wolf walking desides him.

I almost couldn't believe my eyes, why would Joseph send me to stay at a place like this? Is he trying to teach me something? What kind of monsters are these people?

Jacob accelerated slowly through the open gate. He parked inside and I tried my hardest not to look out the windows, I could tell the sky had darkened and the air grew thick.

I unbuckled my seat belt as Jacob did his. Opening the cool door handle, I exited the vehicle. Stepping into the dirt below me.

I looked up and froze....
"What are you doing here rook?" A worried voice escaped the person infront of me.

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