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The Father had shown me what it was like to be loved.

I walked into the church, just before his sermon would start.

I felt that if I attended them, I would come to understand the emotions I'm over whelmed with.

Whenever he speaks and his eyes scan the crowd with love, he would look at me and I felt noticed.

I wasn't just another member of his flock, I had meaning.

Joseph asked me to stay behind after the sermon today, it wasn't odd of him. I just felt like I was getting too much attention from him.

Maybe I felt undeserving?

I stood next to the front pew awkwardly.

Pulling at the end of my shirt while I waited for everyone to leave.

"(Y/N), come here my child" he held out his hands to me, as I walked towards him, his palms rested on my cheeks.

He looked at me with hope.

"You're different, you know that don't you?" I looked to the side as he spoke.

Feeling too anxious to let myself fall into his trap.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He loosened his grip around my face slightly.

I then looked at him, his eyes diving into mine "I just... don't understand" I whispered, frowning at my sudden weakness to this man.

"You will soon enough, we're your family"

"God has a plan for you, for all of us. Your faith in him is the most important, trust him, for he is your lord and I am your saviour" Joseph stroked his thumb against my cheek "And I will lead you to Eden's Gate"

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