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I opened my eyes while stretching my legs, I was in my warm bed.

I snuggled my face into the pillow and sat up on my knees, a frown came upon my face when I noticed a folded piece of paper on the nightstand.

I rubbed my eyes, yawning I took the paper and read it.

'Meet me in the church after breakfast'

Was all it said.
A smile came to my face as I realised it must have been from Joseph.

I got ready for the day and stepped into a cream coloured dress, Joseph had previously said that he favoured this colour over the others.

I walked out of the room, slipping on some white flats and clapped my hands together while cracking my knuckles.

I stretched my arms as I walked towards breakfast, only to find out they were just finishing.

I signed and turned around, deciding to get something to eat after I met with Joseph.

He most likely wanted to pray with me, to prepare me for my atonement.

I took a deep breath in as I opened the old white doors to the church.
The room was dark aside from the dim light coming from the window at the top end wall.

I closed the doors behind me and called out for Joseph. Seeing a shadow sitting on one of the front pews, I moved towards him.

As I drew closer, my smile faded. Turning into a confused frown when Jacob seed made eye contact with me.

"(Y/N)..." he rose from his seat and stepped towards me as I backed towards the stage.

I didn't know Jacob and I'd never met him personally yet. The atmosphere around him feeling completely different from Josephs.

"Joseph isn't here this morning, he asked me to look after you" he grumbled, he tried not to sound intimidating but his stance and height gave me anxiety to just look at him.

I took a sharp breath and he looked deep into my eyes, as if he was examining me.

I gasped at the feeling of a step behind me and I fell backwards onto the stage.

He signed, looking disappointed.

"You're going to be staying with me, Joseph doesn't want to leave you alone here..." he slightly waved his hand around, motioning to the compound.

"Okay?" He looked toward me and held his hand out for me to take.

I didn't have much of a choice so I took his rough hand.

"...okay" I whispered as he walked me out of the church.

I had no idea how long Joseph was going to be and why didn't he tell me before hand? Did something happen?

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