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I woke up with a gasp, gathering my bearings I sat up on the bed, Jacobs bed. 

looking around the room, the sun was up so I assume its the morning, Jacob was no longer sitting at his desk, as he was most of the night. 

I wonder if he didn't sleep in the bed with me, did he even sleep? Pratt was given his own room, why wasn't I?

I moved to sit at this side of the bed, I looked down with a frown, my socks absorbed the cold hard floor. 

I clenched my fist in my dress, I didnt even have extra clothes to wear... this felt oddly familiar, just like when I ran away from home, to avoid being sent off, but it looks like I was too late this time. 

The Father sent me off to Jacob before I saw it coming, I wonder if he did it so I would be out of his hair? I left my life behind for what? an emotion I had when I saw him? Whitehorse said he was a manipulative man, am I just one of his pawns? did I fall into this false trap?

A heavy sigh escape my throat and I rested my head in my hands. "I wanna go home" I whispered to myself, I suddenly sat up straight when I heard the door being unlocked.

I stood up next to the bed, who knows whats about to happen, what if Joseph told Jacob to put me in one of those cages outside...

The door opened to reveal Jacob with a single cup of coffee. 

He glanced at me as I stared at him, he sniffed and cleared his throat as he set the coffee down, he half turned his body towards me, trying to speak to me by the looks of it.

"You, um" he turned back to the table, "you'll be sleeping in here while you're with me" he waved his hand towards the double bed, I felt like he didn't really like the idea of giving up his bed to me, couldn't he just put me with Pratt? 

"What, what about you?" I took a daring step forward, my need for answers on a lot of things has made me put on a brave front for the time being. 

His eyes met mine and I felt a stab in my gut, he looked to the side in confusion, "dont worry about me, I'll make arrangements" 

He turned to pick up his coffee and take a sip, sighing in slight relief afterwards, but I was persistent, "I cant just take your bed, why can''t I go to another room like Pratt?" at the mention of Pratts name, Jacob sighed. 


"Can I see him?" I held my hands against my stomach as I asked, I haven't eaten in two days and I regret denying Jacobs offer to dinner last night. 

"Who... Peaches?" 

Peaches? what?

"Pratt?" my face contorted into confusion as I picked at my finger nails, Jacob set his coffee down. 

He quickly moved towards the door and opened it, "come on then little bird" he walked out of sight.

My lips parted in surprise as I didn't expect him to actually let me see him, then I rushed after him. 

I turned to go out the door and saw Jacob fiddling with his keys, opening Pratts door, I caught up to him as he swung it open, Pratt had just woken up by the looks of it, maybe due to the noise of the door slamming open.

The man scuttled off an unmade bed, standing up straight. I've never seen him so, unhinged. 

"(Y/N)?" I poked out from behind Jacob, I smiled towards Pratt, trying my best not to stare at his bruises. Jacob entered the room and I followed in after him. 

"Got what you wanted, hope it was worth it" Jacob addressed me as he leaned against the back wall. I cleared my throat as I stepped towards Pratt. He just stood there, not moving but he finally turned his eyes onto me. 

He looked me up and down,  a frown came upon his features "what are you wearing by the way, The Father make you wear that?"

I looked down at my dress, true, its not something I'd normally wear or buy but The Father thought I'd feel more free and comfortable in a dress. 

I gave a nervous chuckle, "something like that..." looking back to Pratt, "um, I wanted to ask, what happened back at the church?" Pratt looked down and sat in a flimsy chair behind him, I took it as a motion to start a conversation, so I took a seat on the edge of the bed. 

Pratt looked towards Jacob, as if asking permission to talk about it, the bored man nodded and Pratt turned back to me, opening his lips but he paused, as if trying to remember, even though it was only a week or so ago. 

"When the others got back to the chopper, Burke and Whitehouse were arguing about something and Hudson was trying to tell me something but the fucking peggies-" he paused and lowered his voice "- they jumped us, nearly killed us all..." 

I covered my mouth with my hand, what did I do? if only I had arrested The Father, would we have gotten out safe? "oh god".

Pratt raised his head to look at me, his eyes were wide and his lip was twitching slightly "god had nothing to do with this... or maybe he did, it doesn't fucking matter!" Pratt raised his voice and I could tell he was getting jumpy.

"Rook, why didn't you leave the church with the others?" 

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. 

"Burke said you didn't arrest Joseph... I should ask you what happened"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I thought of how I messed everything up, ruined my friends lives, all for my selfish desires and dreams... 

"It's... Pratt it's complicated, I just want to say I'm sorry and I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I felt like I was going to cry as I took a deep breath.

"Why are you apologising, did you have something to do with this? just like Nancy back at the station" he got up from his seat and stood above me, threatening me. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see that Jacob had stopped leaning against the wall and was ready for a fight if Pratt got too unstable... which he was becoming.

"Nancy?-" scooting myself back from Pratt. 

Pratt connected the dots, I was a member of Eden's Gate and all of this suffering and torture he went through was my fault. 

He lunged his fist towards my face and got me straight in my eye, I suddenly cried out in pain from the sudden hit, he went for another one but Jacob was quick to grab him from behind and throw him to the ground across the room, he turned towards me as I held my face, curled up on the end of the bed, his messed hair and sleeves rolled up. 

"Get out, go back to the room" he said in a harsh and forward voice as he made his way over to Pratt who was getting himself up from the floor.

Jacob flipped Pratt over and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, shoving him against the nearest wall. 

I hurried off the bed, standing near the door, Jacob looked back to me as Pratt started to beg for forgiveness. 

"Now!" Jacob shouted and I jumped, jogging out of the room, I looked towards Jacobs room and made my way into the open door, closing it behind me. 

Running to the bed, I climbed ontop and hugged my knees, my heart racing as I couldn't focus on what was going on. 

I closed my eyes as soon as I could hear Pratts pleas through the walls, what just happened? was this really all my fault? did I lose all my friends from joining Joseph, but hes trying to help me, god I'm so confused... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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