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This morning, the air was hot. An uncomfortable humidity hung in the air around the compound.

I looker over my shoulder to see the members all eating and laughing at a community table.

I turned back around and began walking towards the lake to the left of the church.

I opened the thin white gate and sat down near the waters edge.
My mind has been clouded lately from the thoughts of my past.

I thought about how if I didn't run away from home, then everything would be different and I would probably still be my parents prisoner.

I ran my hand through my hair as I stared out across the water, a single tear ran down my cheek and onto the white dress I was wearing. Afew more tears fell and I found myself sobbing in a dissociated state.

"(Y/N)?" A whisper beside me caused me to snap back from my thoughts.
Joseph sat down next to me, giving me a look of concern.

"What's the matter my dear? You haven't eaten..." he asked as he wiped a tear on my cheek. His gaze stayed on his thumb as he opened his mouth to say something, yet he closed it when I placed my hand over his.

The uncertainty in my eyes was clear as if I was asking if I was allowed to touch him.

He gave me a warm smile and with his other hand he brushed some hair out of my face.

I closed my eyes at his touch, savouring his warmth. "Why are you crying?" Flashes of my past flooded me.

How my family was constantly abusing me. How I would stay at tutoring everyday after school, just to be away from them a little but longer. My friends gave no support and all they did was take from me.

How I've never known love or acceptance, "I'm...a-" I tightened my closed eyes as afew stray tears fell "-waste..." The Fathers grip around my cheek tightened and he pulled me closer to him, we were now laying down on the dirt as he rested my head on his chest.

I listened to his breathing through his shirtless chest. "God has shown me that you're more than nothing- you are special, and kind-" his voice broke, his words were genuine. "-you are so much more than you think" he softly ran his hand through my hair.

"You are not a waste" he spoke his venom at the word, as if he was cursing it.
"You can still be saved" he promised in a whisper as I slowly fell asleep in his arms.


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